Information Systems Research Project: Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has become a critical practice that is currently transforming the performance and profitability of both small and large organizations. This technology makes it possible for companies to use remote servers and resources hosted by vendors over the Internet. Through the concept of cloud computing, firms can manage, store, process, and use data without incurring numerous expenses. Since the selected company is currently operating in the aviation industry, it can consider various cloud options available in the market.

With many retailers and firms providing such systems, this firm can consider the most appropriate solution that has the potential to deliver positive results (Jung & Lehrer, 2017). All vendors provide data centers that are available to different companies. The selected system should be able to support back-end processing abilities and user-based access.

A simple framework will be appropriate for this organization to benefit from the power of cloud computing. After identifying a suitable vendor for this information technology system, the company will purchase modern computers, routers, and cables that will link them to the dedicated cloud. Protocols will be required to ensure that the implemented systems and computers communicate seamlessly with each other. Every unit or department in this organization will require several computers to support the entire process. The company will only have to create a local computer system and link it with the selected cloud (Lindh & Nordman, 2017). The internal staff will also receive adequate training and guidance in order to use the cloud computing solution effectively.

This information technology model presents several strengths that can make the selected company profitable. The first one is that the organization will not require complex data storage systems. The second strength is that cloud-based systems are available remotely across the globe. The third one is that the nature of communication with other companies and business partners will improve.

Some of the major weaknesses include a potential crash or failure of the cloud service provider, sharing of confidential data with a third-party player, and the need to meet the retailer’s terms and requirements. Antero, Hedman, and Henningsson (2014) acknowledge that a medium-firm will require around 80,000 US dollars to install the required computers and join an effective cloud. The firm might incur extra costs to train different employees depending on the changing needs of the targeted passengers.

Despite the above costs and weaknesses, cloud computing is a superior technology that can provide a competitive edge to a given company. For this organization, users and workers will access different files remotely, thereby providing high-quality services to all customers. The level of collaboration among departments and units will increase significantly. Issues of security will reduce since many retailers have backups for files and customer information.

The company will also benefit from increased efficiency. These achievements will provide a competitive advantage and make the organization successful. Its strategy will also improve since the technology will transform its business model for the better (Lindh & Nordman, 2017). With an increased competitive edge and transformed strategy, the chances are high that the company will record a positive organizational performance. This means that it will make more profits, empower its customers, and become a leader in the industry. Consequently, the information technology solution will increase this company’s operational efficiency due to the increased levels of collaboration, decision-making, and service delivery.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Many companies are currently focusing on the power of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to improve their models and emerge successfully. This technology is founded on the concept of information systems and can make a significant difference for many organizations. There are different SEO versions or services many retailers offer. Basically, most of the vendors for this service use a wide range of offline and online measures to deliver top results (Baye, De Los Santos, & Wildebeest, 2015). The ultimate objective is to ensure that the website or online presence of a given organization remains visible.

The internal staff of this organization should consider various aspects before developing and implementing this type of information technology solution. The first move is for the company to develop an effective website. It can also use different social media platforms to improve its online presence (Antero et al., 2014). After achieving this goal, the company will have to identify different SEO service providers to record positive results. Some leaders and employees should also be involved and receive adequate training to deliver desirable SEO outcomes. Due to the nature of this technology, the selected company will not have to worry about complex computer systems in different departments or units.

Since SEO is a service provided by vendors, the targeted company will benefit from the major strengths associated with it. For instance, SEO increases a firm’s online presence, attracts more visitors, encourages people to become loyal customers, and eventually supports the outlined business model. However, some weaknesses emerge whenever organizations consider this system to achieve their goals. The first one is that SEO is not an effective strategy for supporting online marketing.

The second weakness is that the absence of a superior approach can disorient long-term performance. The third one is that SEO is an ongoing process that never ends, thereby resulting in increased maintenance expenses. The issue of cost is also critical whenever focusing on the role or importance of SEO technology. Experts indicate that many mid-sized companies will require around 70,000 USD to implement it and record positive results (Baye et al., 2015). The leaders at this organization should, therefore, consider these cost issues before making the best decision.

SEO is an evidence-based technology that can transform the business model of a given company. With an effective model, leaders and marketers will get a true picture of every customer’s profile. They will also increase traffic for their services and improve the company’s brand identity. This organization will become a popular player in the industry and attract more passengers if it considers the power of benefits of SEO (Baye et al., 2015). This means that it will improve its competitiveness in the sector and eventually record positive results. The company will also use SEO as a critical element of its business strategy. This means that more customers and visitors of its website will be informed about the available services, offerings, bonuses, and promotions. These attributes will revolutionize the organization’s business strategy.

With a superior business model and online presence, the selected company will improve various aspects of performance. The outcome is that the company will attract more passengers and meet their needs (Baye et al., 2015). This achievement will maximize organizational profitability. Various operations will be completed more efficiently than ever before. All employees and stakeholders will become part of the process, monitor and address emerging customers’ needs, and create a positive culture that can make the company successful.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Another important information systems technology that can benefit many companies in the aviation industry is Customer Relationship Management (CRM). This technology-based platform makes it possible for organizational leaders to monitor customer interactions and make superior decisions that will maximize their experiences. When applied efficiently, this system can transform many firms and eventually make them successful. Most of the retailers and vendors of CRM systems employ cloud-based or localized strategies depending on the unique needs of the companies (Demo, Watanabe, Chauvet, & Rozzett, 2017). Such technologies are installed and implemented in such a way that marketers, leaders, and decision-makers can study the collected data to revolutionize organizational processes.

The internal staff of this company will require computer systems that contain powerful software for engaging the targeted customers. Each unit and the department will require adequate computers, software systems, and applications. Such systems can also be liked to a cloud-based CRM in order to protect data, have backups, and improve decision-making processes (Antero et al., 2014). The development and implementation of this framework will make it possible for the company to achieve its objectives.

After installing such systems and software, the leaders at this company will have to consider the strengths associated with CRM. These include improved service delivery, the ability to monitor emerging trends in the industry, and transformed decision-making processes. The company will improve its business model after learning more about the future expectations of its key customers. These weaknesses are worth considering before implementing this technology: increased expenses, employee training costs, the transformation of the company’s strategy, and the need to acquire superior apps and software (Demo et al., 2017).

In terms of cost, this organization will require over 140,000 USD to install a functional CRM system (Demo et al., 2017). It will also have to incur extra expenses for training employees, upgrading existing computer systems, and hiring competent system administrators (SAs). Nonetheless, the introduction of a superior CRM is something that can make a significant difference for this company.

This solution presents various attributes and features that will provide a competitive advantage. For instance, the technology will ensure that the aviation company monitors the complaints, needs, and expectations of its existing and new customers. The acquired information will inform superior decisions, thereby supporting the implementation of superior action plans and processes. The CRM solution will also become a powerful framework that resonates with the existing business strategy. These achievements will improve the company’s competitiveness in its industry. As indicated earlier, the CRM system will support the implementation of a better strategy that combines all functions and considers new inputs from different customers (Demo et al., 2017).

This means that a new model will emerge that can make the organization successful. With such gains, the company will address the needs of its clients and transform its organizational performance. The final result is that the company will record increased profits. Additionally, the level of operational efficiency will increase since the company’s main objective will be to deliver high-quality services to all passengers and stakeholders. The ideas and insights acquired from the CRM system will result in better procedures and operations. The final result is that the company will become a leading competitor in the aviation industry.


The above research paper has revealed that companies in different sectors can consider various technological systems to drive organizational performance. The selected organization can record positive results and transform the experiences of all customers if it adopts these five solutions: Cloud Computing, Transaction Processing System (TPS), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Decision Support System (DSS), and Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

There is a need for the company’s managers to propose appropriate resolutions and hire competent professionals or retailers to develop the most appropriate frameworks. This achievement will ensure that the organization transforms its business model, monitors the needs of customers, solves emerging problems, and creates a superior strategy that resonates with the targeted objectives. In conclusion, companies in the aviation industry that want to gain competitive advantages should consider the benefits associated with the above information technology solutions.


Antero, M., Hedman, J., & Henningsson, S. (2014). Sourcing strategies to keep up with the competition: The case of SAP. International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management, 2(4), 61-74. Web.

Baye, M. R., De los Santos, B., & Wildenbeest, M. R. (2015). Search engine optimization: What drives organic traffic to retail sites? Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 25(1), 6-31.

Demo, G., Watanabe, E. A., Chauvet, D. C., & Rozzett, K. (2017). Customer relationship management scale for the b2c market: A cross-cultural comparison. Mackenzie Management Review, 18(3), 42-69. Web.

Jung, R., & Lehrer, C. (2017). Guidelines for education in business and information systems engineering at tertiary institutions. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 59(3), 189-203. Web.

Lindh, C., & Nordman, E. R. (2017). Information technology and performance in industrial business relationships: The mediating effect of business development. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 32 (7), 998-1008. Web.

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Premium Papers. (2025, February 22). Information Systems Research Project: Cloud Computing.

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"Information Systems Research Project: Cloud Computing." Premium Papers, 22 Feb. 2025,


Premium Papers. (2025) 'Information Systems Research Project: Cloud Computing'. 22 February.


Premium Papers. 2025. "Information Systems Research Project: Cloud Computing." February 22, 2025.

1. Premium Papers. "Information Systems Research Project: Cloud Computing." February 22, 2025.


Premium Papers. "Information Systems Research Project: Cloud Computing." February 22, 2025.