M-learning Technologies in Education

How can the idea of “just‐in‐time learning” benefit a learning implementation?

In a fast changing business environment where information can become outdated quickly, continuous education is crucial. The concept of just-in-time learning implies that a student is trained at the right time, at the right place, in the right skills and using the most appropriate learning materials (Ally 3). With regard to methods of learning, traditional methods of learning are replaced with modern methods of training (Ally 3).

It integrates web, intranet-based applications, CD-ROMs, satellite applications and videotapes. The concept is important in learning because organisations save travelling and education costs (Ally 4). This is for the reason that workers can learn from their homes using the internet. Employees like the approach because they learn at their own speeds and at their convenient time. In addition, they can modify their preparations to suit their requirements, and utilise online collaborative study communities (Ally 5).

The benefits enable them to exchange information and access new views from all over the world. Just-in-time learning increases competency and productivity on the grounds that less time is spent when learners are only provided with the right information that they need. Finally, the approach helps salespersons to achieve effective marketing due to the fact that the strategy is a step-by-step way of learning that makes it easy for them to market their products (Ally 7).

What is meant by the terms usability and accessibility and how can these be addressed to optimize teaching and learning?

The term usability means that a webpage can be easily viewed by a significant number of people, and it entails devising a learning product that is useful, competent and satisfying. It is part of human-computer interactions (Ally 78). The term accessibility means giving disabled learners equal experiences with the students. It implies that learners with impairments can notice, navigate and interact with websites.

Both usability and accessibility can be employed to boost teaching and learning outcomes. First, students with disabilities should be involved in design processes to improve their manner of viewing information. This would make products work well with more students and in more situations (Ally 78). Second, learners with disabilities should be engaged in evaluations to assist in identifying usability issues easily.

In fact, disabled students are responsive to usability difficulties. For instance, if connections would be disorganised on a website, they would be a challenge to students who would be cognitively and visually impaired (Ally 79). In addition, accessibility procedures should be incorporated in the design process to assist in modifying usability levels. Arguably, the needs of this category of learners would be incorporated into programmes.

When designing digital content, many factors should be considered in relation to usability and accessibility to optimise learning and teaching (Ally 79). Furthermore, usability would require abbreviations, such as HTML, while accessibility would require an acronym tag to help students with communication problems to pronounce words correctly (Ally 80). It is vital to note that the application of images, sound and animations would be more useful in improving usability than the utilisation of large texts.

What are some of the disadvantages of m‐Learning initiatives and how can these disadvantages be overcome?

Mobile or m-learning refers to any type of learning that takes place when a learner utilises learning opportunities that are provided through mobile technologies. It encompasses portable technologies. Its limitations include limited storage, power challenges, especially in areas where electricity is a problem, high start-up costs and small screen sizes (Ally 62). In addition, there are platform divergences, security issues of wireless networks as well as limited crossover speeds with existing applications (Ally 62).

Ally (63) states that the disadvantages can be overcome. First, institutions should offer support to learners. Development and delivery teams should be equipped with the relevant skills (Quinn 74). With regard to cost issues and platform divergences, network technologies that are evenly accessible should be used, and different companies should have different products to support the learning (Quinn 74). In fact, content should be tailored to be easily adopted in various m-learning environments.

How should the m‐Learning needs be best evaluated prior to the development of an m‐Learning initiative?

In the context of m-learning environment, leanring needs can be evaluated using different ways. First, one needs to evaluate his or her readiness and plan. This would determine a firm’s needs and training to decide how delivery through mobile technologies would improve effectiveness (Quinn 35). Second, choosing the right technology that would best suit students’ initiatives would be critical.

Third, designing, developing and repurposing content for mobile use by utilising the correct instructional models would improve results. Issues in relation to teaching methods, practicals and technicalities need to be examined. Moreover, assessing the mobile learning’s impacts on business establishments’ goals (Ally 26). Finally, learning environments should be evaluated for tudents using mobile devices as well as approaches (Quinn 26).

What impact does cloud technology have on m‐Learning?

Cloud computing in the context of learning implies that resurces are accessed by several users at any given time. The technology has been used in an academic settings to demonstrate the practicability of teaching methods. In fact, it is important to note that various cloud compouting platforms have also been used to modernise strategies and find solutions to e-learning problems (Ally 24).

Cloud computing improves learning speeds of students by giving them the required information at the right time. In addition, it promotes the delivery of educational information (Quinn 39). Evidently, it has helped to address ecological and infrastructural issues that are vital supporting education. It has led to relatively higher levels of usability of learning materials as well as increased participation of learners in leaning (Ally26).

How can social technology be best implemented in an m‐Learning design plan?

People who advocate for social technology learning argue that learners learn best in the context in which they communicate the meanings of various subjects to other learners in a classroom (Quinn 23). Mobile learning supports this view by offering technological tools for expanding conversations outside classrooms and offering ways for students to collaborate within their classrooms (Quinn 23).

Technologies should be considered during the innovation for imparting knowledge. Nonetheless, they should be applied to empower learners to achieve the best outcomes. Social technology tools should be utilised to enhance persuasive learning as well as enhance the exchange of experiences. It should use activity-based approaches where learners would be given activities to do, and a teacher would be a facilitator (Quinn 87).

What are the differences between e‐Learning and m‐Learning?

Electronic learning (e-learning) covers a larger area compared with m-learning, which is more focused on a limited number applications. This is evident in the time spent in each approach of teaching (Ally 66). An e-learning module would be completed within 20 minutes, while an m-learning module would be completed within 3 minutes.

Thus, e-learning modules would take longer than m-learning modules. Mobile learning (m-learning) does not have specific location due to the fact one studies from anywhere, while e-learning is accessed from a particular location. Navigation is better in e-learning environments than in m-learning environments.

Works Cited

Ally, Mohamed, ed. Mobile learning: Transforming the delivery of education and training. Alberta, Canada: Athabasca University Press 2009. Print.

Quinn, Clark. Designing mLearning: tapping into the mobile revolution for organizational performance. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2011. Print.

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Premium Papers. (2023, January 3). M-learning Technologies in Education. https://premium-papers.com/m-learning-technologies-in-education/

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"M-learning Technologies in Education." Premium Papers, 3 Jan. 2023, premium-papers.com/m-learning-technologies-in-education/.


Premium Papers. (2023) 'M-learning Technologies in Education'. 3 January.


Premium Papers. 2023. "M-learning Technologies in Education." January 3, 2023. https://premium-papers.com/m-learning-technologies-in-education/.

1. Premium Papers. "M-learning Technologies in Education." January 3, 2023. https://premium-papers.com/m-learning-technologies-in-education/.


Premium Papers. "M-learning Technologies in Education." January 3, 2023. https://premium-papers.com/m-learning-technologies-in-education/.