Researching of Leadership Communication

Self-Development through Johari Window Concept and Transactional Analysis

Individuals’ mental health is a significant part of well-being and worth paying considerable attention to. People have to communicate and interact with others daily, and personal and business relationships substantially contribute to their psychological state. Specific methodologies of analysis and highly specialized exercises have been successfully applied to make self-knowledge less complicated and outline effective communication techniques. The Johari Window model is commonly utilized to increase self-awareness, improve communications between single individuals, and enhance inter-group relationships. According to the mentioned model, graphical projection consists of 4 quadrants symbolizing information that is known to self, known to others, not known to self, and not known to others. Feedbacks serve to fill all quadrants and create a relevant insight into a person’s identity and approaches to others. The second method is Transactional Analysis, which is used to describe and review an individual’s behavior. It considers the three ego states of a person: parent-like, childlike, or adult-like. This essay will examine how the Johari Window model and Transactional Analysis concepts apply to my previous working relationship with my supervisor.

The Presence of Blind Spots

According to the Johari Window model, blind spots are the descriptions that other analysis process participants provide a person since they are unknown to the communicator. The mentioned model also states that each individual has blind spots, as personal characterizations are intrinsically subjective. A supervisor is a leader by definition and Prasad and Junni (2016) state that “functioning is a dynamic environment demanding agility and flexibility from the leadership” (p. 1544). From my perspective, the former supervisors blind spot is the rigidity of his approach to teaching. Despite the complexity of determining my potential blind spots, I have qualities that are usually invisible to me but evident to others. I am an inconsiderate person and often harm other people’s feelings when I forget important dates, names, and recently spoken words. Inattention is a negative characteristic for any person but especially for a leader. To develop my leadership skills, I should become more observant, although it is challenging to notice the moments when I fail to pay attention to others. Every person should ask others for critics as some behavior deviations are impossible to detect without external support.

Detection of Hidden Spots

Hidden spots are also a part of the Johari Window model, and they imply relative descriptions about the communicator that is well-known to him or her but unknown to others. The self-disclosure process may reveal characteristics in the hidden area. Between my former supervisor, others, and me, I keep one significant obscure point that adds essential information to my image. Despite not having substantial experience in management, I notice myself being a good decision-maker. According to Buhler (2001), “decision-making has been a critical component of management” (p. 13). In difficult, urgent situations, I can quickly make the right decisions, which characterizes me as a potential leader. Individuals should not be afraid of showing strengths to enhance relationships with others.

It is hard to imagine my former supervisor’s hidden spots because he tries to detach himself from human feelings, which may interfere with teaching and managing. I noticed that he is more prudent than he wants to expose; therefore, I assume that his hidden spot is caring to a greater extent than he should. He may believe that it is better to be a professional than a human. Hidden spots do not necessarily mean the weaknesses that have to be concealed, and sometimes it is better to allow others to know about them.

Ways to Relationship Improvements through Johari Window Analysis

The Johari Window Model leads to specific results after being filled by participants. Descriptions in the blind area are vital information that communicators should ask to elaborate on to enhance self-awareness and become a better person with improved communication and leadership skills. According to the Johari Window Model, I should ask people around me for help with inattention, and my former supervisor should consult with his students regarding obsolete approaches to teaching. Prasad and Junni (2016) claim that “organizations can reduce change resistance by encouraging open communication” (p. 1545). The mentioned quote emphasizes that open communication can positively affect an organization. Therefore, it is recommended to ‘unlock’ hidden areas and share personal feelings and beliefs. To improve the relationship with the former supervisor, I should tell him about my abilities and wishes to be perceived accordingly. Similarly, I would suggest my supervisor acknowledge his concerns regarding students as this feeling is entirely understandable and may facilitate the communication process.

Characteristics of Behaviour with Transactional Analysis Concepts

The Transactional Analysis methodology helps recognize the ego state a person shows in relationships with other people. Most of the time, my former supervisor predictably acted like a “parent” or an “adult”. He is the kind of person who can be compared to the mayor of Oakland, Joe Tuman, as “he’s somebody who can listen and sort things out, and come to a conclusion and make a decision” (O’Brien, 2014, p. 2). Despite being such a person, I remember in what manner he acted like a “child” when I had heard him receiving a challenging assignment from his wife. Then he started to grumble, as any child would do. I got used to a “child” or an “adult” ego state due to my young age. I remember myself behaving like a “parent” once when I initiated buying a book by my former supervisor’s favorite author to show him some care. Transactional Analysis helps define a person’s ego state and correct it to achieve the most sustainable communication and relationship of trust.

Ways to Relationship Improvements through Transactional Analysis

According to the mentioned analysis, ego states must suit each other to conceive a clear interaction. When a subordinate behaves as an “adult,” a supervisor is expected to be an “adult” as well. Good decision-makers also know when to make the decision themselves and when to delegate that decision to others (Buhler, 2001). As a leader and a decision-maker, my former supervisor should have acted as an “adult” with me, as I show an “adult” ego state. If according to Transactional Analysis concepts, my former supervisor had behaved with me like an “adult” and provided more opportunities to make decisions, our relationships would have improved. Choosing a correct ego state may facilitate both participants in the interaction process.


Examining my relationship with my former supervisor using Transactional Analysis concepts and the Johari Window model showed certain points that should be considered. Both of us have blind spots that can be revealed and corrected through other persons help. Moreover, we have hidden qualities that we should discuss with others to create an accurate insight about us. Transactional Analysis showed that to maintain an appropriate tone of communication, my former supervisor should have spoken to me as an “adult” when I behaved accordingly. Both examined investigation methods of an individual’s behavior and relationships between people showed reliable results and clarified certain aspects of my previous working relationship with the former supervisor.


Buhler, P. M. (2001). Decision-making: A key to successful management. Supervision, 62(2), 13-15.

OBrien, M. (2014). Oakland mayoral candidate Joe Tuman touts communication skills over lack of local government experience. Bay Area News Group, 1-3.

Prasad, B., & Junni, P. (2016). CEO transformational and transactional leadership and organizational innovation: The moderating role of environmental dynamism. Management Decision, 54(7), 1542-1568. Web.

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Premium Papers. (2022, December 23). Researching of Leadership Communication.

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Premium Papers. "Researching of Leadership Communication." December 23, 2022.