Entertainment & Media Examples for Free - Page 2

Video Games Impact on Society

Introduction New media technologies are growing every day with each one soliciting considerable research and debate on its effects. A revolution is developing as a result of new media platforms. The paper shall examine how video games as a new type of technology are altering society. Technology determinism Technology determinists...

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Should We Limit Our Use of Social Media?

Today, it is impossible to neglect significant technological progress and a number of opportunities people may use to change their lifestyles. The role of social media is impressive, and millions of people just cannot avoid or stop using such sources as the Internet, email, Facebook, or YouTube. Many debates have...

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Social Media for Social Change – the Case of Facebook

Introduction Social media platforms play a vital role in society and culture nowadays. Some scholars argue that they are the most effective means to promote freedom and justice. This social change essay focuses on Facebook as a platform for promoting social justice. It explains the importance of social media for...

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Social Media in Human Resource Management Aspect

Introduction The advent of the current technological revolution has instigated a plethora of changes across all spheres of life. The pace of technological advancement has gathered unprecedented momentum in the last decade than was witnessed in the preceding fifty years or so (Papacharissi et al. 2013). Today, it is easier...

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Social Media Use in a Business Environment

Introduction Over recent years, social media have become an essential marketing instrument. The efficient use of social media in a business environment is crucial to the productivity and viability of an enterprise. Hajli and Sims have demonstrated that social interaction influences purchasing behavior and overall commercial intention of buyers (355)....

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Sociality Through Social Network Sites

Introduction to the Research Topic Social media has become an integral part of many people’s lives. For generation Z, social media is of particular importance, since members of this group engage with social media more than other generations (Turner, 2015). They are also more proficient in the use of social...

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Social Media Networks and Human Individuality

In the twenty-first century, the use of technology has become an everyday occurrence. People are dependent on it in almost all aspects of life. Technology is mostly beneficial when looking at mass production and products and services that are made with the help of advanced technology. Digital media and its...

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Are Social Networking Media Bad for Business?

As stated by Boyd and Ellison, (2007), since their introduction, social networking sites such as facebook, twitter, Myspace, linkedIn, Yesubook, just to mention but a few have attracted the attention and use of millions of individuals globally. Now there are hundreds of social networking sites with diverse technological affordances, representing...

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Social Media Networks in Law, Society and Education

Social media allows the users to display their personality through a biographical profile. The users communicate and chat with friends, family, and strangers by using the social sites. One carries out research and shares ideas through the social sites. The sites also allow the users to share photos, links, and...

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Social Media Influence on the UAE Political Processes

Conclusion To conclude the study above, we started this study aiming to find out how the social media affects the communication strategy of political leaders in the UAE, and through our research we found out that during this current era where a huge number of people, especially the youth are...

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Social Media Usage and Impact on Society

Introduction Modern society is highly resourced with a variety of technological advances that facilitate interaction between people and ease the busy lifestyle. One of these achievements includes social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and many others that turned into time-consuming activities in everyday schedule. Furthermore, social media...

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Social Media and Identity Construction Essay

Introduction Identity is a vital constituent of any person’s life and development due to allowing individuals to see their roles in various groups, society, and culture. The process of identity construction doesn’t stop in adolescence, but rather continues during the whole life of an individual. The enactment of identity is...

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Digital Media and Its Impact on Communities

Abstract The emergence of digital media and its impacts on the community has attracted enormous research in contemporary society. While many people claim that digital media has disrupted communities by eliminating the face-to-face contact between members of a community, to others, it has come at the right moment in terms...

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Media and Criminal Violence

Introduction People’s love for violent shows seems to have grown several times over the last few decades. All one would need to verify this assertion is to compare the video games made in the 1990s to those that are being produced today. Indeed, violence is addictive. Not only does the...

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Exploring Game Industry Use of New Media

Introduction The gaming industry has been in existence for over 40 years. Over the years, the industry has gradually transformed both in terms of formalities and aesthetics (Newman, 2004). Video games have emerged as a distinct social, cultural, and economic force in the contemporary society, making the history of videogame...

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Social Media and Knowledge Management

Abstract This literature review focuses on social media and knowledge management. It explores the key studies on the topic, including the analysis of Starbucks knowledge management. Social media constitute a collection of different tools like wikis, blogs, and other information and social networking sites. The devices enable businesses and academic...

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Violent Media Influence on Aggression

Introduction In order to understand the aspects of the human behaviour, modern psychologists use the levels of analysis framework which is based on the idea that there are three specific levels according to which it is possible to explain the person’s behaviour. Biological, psychological, and environmental or social levels are...

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Social Media, Its Pros and Cons

Introduction The contemporary society has been ushered into an era where virtually all people have secured Internet-enabled gadgets that can facilitate their interaction or business operations through social media. Platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, and LinkedIn among others have enhanced the manner in which people socialize and...

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Social Media Usage Limitation

First of all, it is essential to notice that the informational technologies took an immense leap in progress over the past two decades. One could hardly doubt that the Internet became an integral part of the everyday routine of a vast number of people across the world. However, it should...

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Not Everything You See on Social Media Is True

Introduction Over the past decade, Internet has become a prominent part of many people’s lives. People use popular social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, to communicate with friends, receive information, and explore their interests. One of the results of this process is that people trust the content they...

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Students’ Motivation and Satisfaction of Music Festival

Abstract Music festivals work as powerful mediums for inspiring, motivating and stirring transformation for an improved world. These can be observed as a common platform for gathering, making relationships with other people and celebrating with others. Music festivals open people’s hearts, fuel joy and provide opportunities for actuality and being...

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WeChat Users’ Motivations, Satisfaction, Loyalty

Abstract Background and study purpose Numerous social media platforms are available for people to use nowadays. Such platforms have revolutionized the way people interact and subsequently led to an increase in social media users (Li 2012; Lu, Zhang & Fan 2015). The popularity and increase in the number of social...

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Does the Media Shape Our Life?

Does the Media Shape Our Life? Ladies and gentlemen, I will prove to you that although media has pervaded many aspects of modern society, it has done little to shape and change life for the better. I will first begin with an examination of what my opponent said about media...

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The Documentary “Immigration Battle”

Shari Robertson and Michael Camerini’s documentary Immigration Battle deals with the story of the Dream Act. The Act was supposed to ensure legal immigrant status or citizenship for the young undocumented immigrants brought to the US illegally by their parents. The Act was never passed. This paper explores the way...

Words: 660 Pages: 3

The Effects of Social Media on Egyptian Revolution of 2011

Executive Summary This research paper investigates the effects of social media on the Egyptian revolution in 2011. The paper starts with an introduction, which indicates the social, economic and political conditions in Egypt prior to the revolution. The paper identifies the problem statement as the contention that exists among analysts...

Words: 10176 Pages: 38

Information Safety in Social Networking Systems

This paper will carry out a critical review of three articles with different viewpoints on the privacy of individuals who are part of a social networking site, whether or not the kind of information shared on these sites makes them vulnerable or not, and what conclusions can be drawn from...

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Social Media and Its Side Effects on Teens

Today we live in the era of digital technologies and virtual communication. Technological progress has experience a very rapid development over the last couple of decades. As a result, computer technologies have grown to penetrate every sphere of people’s lives. The importance of digital devices is reflected in their heavy...

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Violent Video Games: Research and Debates

As a reading, I selected “From Halo To Hot Sauce: What 25 Years Of Violent Video Game Research Looks Like” posted by Jason Schreier on Kotaku, a famous blog about video games. This article is relevant to the course because it speaks about one of the most important problems in...

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The Role of Social Media in Globalization Essay

Introduction New media has always shaped everyday life. Social networks are one of the most importantmedia in the twenty first century. The emergence of new media like Facebook and Twitterhas enhanced the notion that the world is increasingly becoming a global village.What is therole of social media in globalization?The latter...

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Airbus Company Advertising Types

Introduction The purpose of this report was to analyze the airbus company, considering the 4ps of marketing and how advertisement has improved their business and the future expectations of the company’s reliance on advertisement. It is important to consider the customer and the company trends towards the company services. The...

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Chinese Spring Festival

Celebrations and festivals make an important aspect of the traditional Chinese culture. Throughout the traditional Chinese calendar, a number of festivals and celebrations are evident. However, the Spring Festival is the most important and longest celebration in the traditional Chinese calendar. Although the festival dates back to 4000 years ago,...

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Social and Political Issues in the Social Media

Introduction Social network sites is a web based service which allows individuals to develop public profiles, articulate other members using the same system and be able to view a list of comments made by others within that system. The main characteristics of the social media are openness, participation, conversations, community...

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Maybelline Company Advertising Strategy

Introduction Maybelline is a makeup brand that was first identified by Tom Lyle Williams in 1915. The product came about after Williams spotted his sister using Vaseline mixed with coal ash to make her eyelashes appear darker and he immediately thought of making a make-up product out of it (Phillips...

Words: 1985 Pages: 9

The Biggest Loser Australia – TV Show Review

Introduction The Biggest Loser is a TV show launched in the United States and adapted in many countries around the world, including Australia. The contestants are competing to lose the most weight and become healthier. They participate in challenges and weigh-ins, and the contestant with the lowest weight loss is...

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The Benefits of Social Media for Business Essay

What is the importance and benefits of social media for business? This essay aims to answer the question. It focuses on the advantages, disadvantages, and role of social media on business communication. Introduction Baker, Buoni, Fee, and Vitale (2014) define social networking as “an interconnected system through which alliances are...

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Politics and Power in the Social Media Era

Introduction Communication is the process that involves the exchange and transmission of information using words, sounds, and signs. It can also involve speaking, writing, or using other forms such as telephone or internet to express opinions and ideas to other people. In addition, communication involves the process of sending, receiving,...

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News Readership

Introduction The mass media play a critical role in disseminating information to the public. Forms of media such as radio, television, and print newspapers agencies have continued to enjoy massive goodwill as well as the support of progressive governments. The nature of support that the media systems receive from the...

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The Effects of Media on Child Obesity

Introduction Obesity is a health issue that affects many individuals in the US. In recent decades, there has been a steady increase in the number of children with obesity. A report by the Centers for Disease Control indicates that childhood obesity has increased by more than 100% in the past...

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Media Ethics Research

Introduction In the contemporary world, the media has taken a different approach in its role. Journalists ought to have an authoritative role in giving accurate information. However, the public influence, the desire to attract public attention, and the need to earn massive profits have corrupted the journalists’ roles. This research...

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Social Media Censorship in China

In current information era, the internet has established itself as one of the most dominant and powerful forces. It dictates virtually every feature of present existence. Millions of people depend on the internet for work, interaction, business, and health reasons. One wonders how people’s life would be without the internet....

Words: 1951 Pages: 8

Pinterest: Social Media Analysis

Executive Summary This report aims to provide information that will help the reader determine the utility of one of the most popular social media platforms, Pinterest. Social networking mediums have become prevalent in the recent past with a number of platforms achieving phenomenal popularity. The different media platforms offer opportunities...

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Social Media Influence on Communication

Abstract The following work is devoted to the investigation of the question of the influence of social media on intercultural communication and the possibilities digital technologies and social networks give to people. Great possibilities of studying a foreign language and visiting different places of interest with the help of digital...

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Social Media Usage for Advertising

Introduction Different people have mixed reactions about globalization. While there are those who view this as the best thing that has ever happened to humans, others see it as a path of progression for all bad things that can be associated with modern technology. However, no matter these contrasting views,...

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Coca-Cola Advertising: Advertisers Know What You Desire

Introduction Ads use certain principles in delivering their messages. They appeal to particular desires among different members of the audience (Egendorf 18). Hence, the analysis of ads is important to both the audience and companies because it helps the audience understand the ads, which enhances their efficiency. On the other...

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Social Media: Positive Aspects for Teenagers

The first thing that an individual becomes aware of when setting out to research on the impact of social media on teenagers is that the general attitude toward the subject is a negative one. On searching the words “teenager” and “social media” on the internet, most of the headings that...

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Portrayal of Women in Advertisements and Media

Introduction The representation of women in the media and advertisements is an example of the exploitation of women that is prevalent in contemporary society. The exploitative representation has been criticized by advocates of women rights. The mass media including television, newspapers, magazines, the internet, and movies portray women mainly as...

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The Representation of African Americans in Modern Media

Although the modern society is considered to be based on the principles of equality, some stereotypes have been implanted so deep into people’s minds that they still affect the way that certain members of the society are represented (Blum 41). Particularly, the issue of race deserves to be listed among...

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Google Company Social Media

Cover Note This assignment presented me with a great opportunity to research and to understand a number of issues about the operations the Google Company in the United States. In the process, I have come across interesting discoveries regarding the operations of the Google Company and why it stands out...

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Journalism: Everyday Use by Alice Walker

The short story Everyday Use written by Alice Walker is aimed at showing how different generations of African Americans perceive their cultural heritage and estimate its inherent value. In particular, the author focuses on several characters such as Mama, who is the first-person narrator, and her daughter Dee. Alice Walker...

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Media Violence Promotes Violent Behavior

Identify if the topic you chose—as presented by both articles—is a problem or an issue, and explain what makes it a problem or a question. If you believe, the essays show both problems and issues, identify, and explain what the issues are and what the problems are The articles chosen...

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Media and Advertising Relationships

Abstract The main focus of this study is to evaluate the relationship between media and advertising. This is based on the assessment of the qualitative impact of the media on the effectiveness of advertising. It is common knowledge that the quality and uniqueness of different forms of media enhances their...

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Alcohol Industry’s Advertising in North America

Introduction Advertising is the promotion of a certain product through a variety of media. Since the inception of internet and the subsequent generational change, there has been tremendous change in the manner in which companies place their advertisements. The use of mobile advertising is quite popular with studies showing that...

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