📝 Pollution Research Papers Examples
- Air Pollution: Causes, Effects and Solutions This paper reviews the causes, effects, and solutions to air pollution, and some of the alternatives that can be employed in order to prevent air pollution.
- Urban Problems: Environmental Pollution The paper investigates the impact of great cities on ecology and their environmental health as these factors influence the life of people in cities greatly.
- Atmospheric Pollution: Causes and Effects Pollution of air is one of the main environmental problems experienced by the contemporary world. Air is a resource without which the life on earth is impossible.
- Water Pollution and Treatment Methods The main emphasis are on developing better water treatment methods as well as educating the public on dangers of water pollution.
- Impacts of Air Pollution on Children's Health in USA Many illnesses that are widespread in the United States can be explained by human-induced environmental problems.
- Global Warming: Threats, Pollution and Activities to Stop The paper is intended for a common citizen from any county of the world interested in the problems of environmental change and pollutions, ozone depletion and possible ways outs.
- Water Pollution and its Mitigation Every living organism on the plant depends on water for its survival. An organism may consume water directly or it may live on another organism that directly consumes water.
- Air Pollution: Sources, Effects and Prevention In addition to adverse environmental impacts, air pollution is also a significant risk factor for several health conditions: respiratory diseases and cardiovascular disease.
- Air Pollution and How to Solve This Problem The article highlights the problem of air pollution and provides recommendations for reducing the level of air pollution.
- Transboundary Pollution Caused by Oil and Gas Production The Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution seeks to safeguard the human environment against air pollution while gradually decreasing and avoiding possible pollutants.
- Analysis of the Types, Causes of Water Pollution This paper is an in-depth analysis of the types of water pollution, causes of water pollution, effects of water pollution, and ways through which water pollution can be prevented.
- Vicious Circle of Poverty in Brazil Brazil is faced with major environmental degradation issues such as deforestation, water pollution, and floods.
- Indoor Air Pollution and the Health of Infants Indoor air pollution is one of the main environmental health risks worldwide. People with low socioeconomic status are more likely to be exposed to it
- The Plastic Pollution Issue in the Ocean Plastic pollution in the ocean is among the urgent issues due to the increasing plastic debris and these materials’ cost-effectiveness for manufacturers.
- Air Pollution as an Environmental Health Hazard This paper discusses the population at risk of health problems due to air pollution, the pathways of exposure, and the measures that can be taken by nurses.
- Recycled Plastic and Pollution Solutions In this paper, the solutions that are most feasible shortly to combat plastic pollution are considered. The main lever of pressure on production is the government.
- Environmental Pollution: Cause, Types, and Effects Understanding the cause, types, and effects of pollution is essential for formulating proper and measurable approaches to control the impacts on humans, plants, and aquatic life.
💡 Essay Ideas on Pollution
- Environmental Problem and Noise Pollution in Lagos, Nigeria
- Impacts of Air Pollution on Respiratory Health
- Radon, Mold, and Wood Burning Appliances and Air Pollution
- Acid Rain Caused by Air Pollution
- The Changing Profile of Water Pollution
- Impacts of Increasing Global Population and Water Pollution
- Effects of Microplastics on Ocean Pollution
- Nanotechnology to Solve the Problem of Water Pollution
- Water Pollution Regulations in the USA
- Hydraulic Fracturing or Fracking and Water Pollution
- Impacts of Ocean Pollution on Human Health
- Volatile Organic Compounds as Indoor Pollutants
- Groundwater Pollution Due to Landfills
- Radioactive Waste Dumping and Groundwater Pollution
- The Affect of Plastic Pollution in the Oceans on Marine Organisms
- River Dumping as a Source of Water Pollution
- Poor Waste Management and Water Pollution
- The Countries With the Highest Levels of Water Pollution
- Noise Pollution and Its Characteristics
- Eco-Consciousness and Its Impacts on Environmental Pollution
✍️ Pollution Essay Topics for College
- Impacts of Industrial Pollution and Oil Spills on Soil
- Anthropogenic Sources of Soil Pollution
- Community Awareness as a Soil Pollution Mitigation Strategy
- Use of Nanomaterial to Prevent Soil Pollution
- Oil Pollution in the Arabian Gulf
- Impacts of Farming Systems on Soil Pollution
- The Connection Between Soil Pollution and Natural Disasters
- Natural Processes Leading to Soil Pollution
- International Treaties on Air Pollution
- The Rise of Environmental Pollution Around the World
- Reducing Traffic Noise Pollution in Cairo
- International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships
- Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution
- Sound Pollution in the Industrial Era
- Comparison of Urban and Rural Effects of Pollution
- Pollution as a Global Economic Failure
- The Link Between Environmental Pollution and World Hunger
- Impacts of Air Pollution on College Students
- Renewable Sources of Energy as a Rescue to Ecological Pollution
- Impacts of Environmental Pollution on Wildlife
❓ Pollution Research Questions
- Why Does Air Pollution Affect the Environment So Seriously?
- Do Medical and Health Insurance Costs for the Elderly Change as a Result of Air Pollution?
- Does Self-Regulation in Industry Reduce Pollution?
- What Are the Root Causes and Consequences of Lake Huron Water Pollution?
- How Can the General Public Help Reduce Pollution?
- Will COVID-19 Controls and Treatment Measures Lead to Changes in the Pollution of Marine Litter?
- Does Inequality Affect the Relationship Between Air Pollution and Health?
- Will Pollution-Free Cars Eventually Become a Reality?
- Does Air Pollution Prevent the Inflow of Foreign Direct Investment?
- How Does Soil Pollution Affect the Economy?
- Does Off-Farm Employment Affect the Environmental Pollution Caused by Agriculture?
- Are Oil Spills Considered Point Source Pollution?
- Has Pakistan’s Environmental Pollution Risen as a Result of Financial Instability?
- Does Pollution Cause Habitat Loss?
- Which Companies Are More Aware of Pollution Control Public Disclosure Programs?
- How Does Soil Pollution Affect Climate Change?
- How Can Recycling Be Organized to Reduce Environmental Pollution?
- Do Consumption Patterns Affect Air Pollution?
- Does the Pollution From Animal Feeding Operations Harm Public Health?
- Who Covers the Cost of Industrial Pollution Reduction?
- Does Trade Encourage the Coordination of Environmental Pollution in Global Rivers?
- How Does Pollution Affect Endangered Species?
- What Are the Cost-Effective Control Approaches for Energy-Related International Environmental Air Pollution?
- How Are Vehicles Responsible for Water Pollution?
- Should the United States Attempt to Reduce Air and Water Pollution to Zero?