Are Human Addicted to Technology?


Numerous technological advancements have been experienced in the world since the turn of the century. Globalization, high rate of innovation, and population growth have created high demand for technology. New technologies are emerging daily as people continue to integrate technology into their lives for improved performance and efficiency (Johnson 30). Research shows that people in the contemporary world are familiar with various forms of technology as well as their different applications.

Psychologists argue that people have become overly dependent on technology in the 21st Century (Sieberg 10). They predict that this trend will affect human development, especially during childhood years. Technology has made it easier for people to communicate, socialize, learn, as well as receive and offer services. People in all age brackets use digital devices to complete various tasks such as paying bills, shopping, sharing information, entertainment, and searching for direction among others (Johnson 37).

This shows that technology is gradually taking control of various elements of people’s lives. Studies have shown that technology has its own advantages and disadvantages. The debate about the effects of technology and its various components on human development continues to dominate research studies in different fields (Gunning and Szoke, 12).


Technology has become a critical component in people’s lives. The reason behind this development is that people have realized the role it plays in improving the quality of their lives. Research shows that technology influences human life through three main components. The three things are digital devices, the internet, and social media (Sieberg 19). Psychologists argue that technology has introduced efficiency and excitement into people’s lives.

However, technology also poses a huge threat to human development because of the people’s increased dependence on it. People are exposed to more harm in the modern society compared to the past because of the various applications of technology in their lives. The use of digital devices, the internet, and social media exposes people to dangers such as cyber terrorism, internet bullying, loss of personal space, and low productivity (Sieberg 23).

Experts have questioned the safety of people using digital devices such as cell phones to text and make calls when driving. Research shows that people who use devices such as cell phones when driving have a high probability of causing accidents (Johnson 49). People have developed an addiction to these devices and use them at the wrong time.

People in the contemporary society communicate through sending text messages using their cell phones, instant messaging services, and social media. Addiction to technology is so intense that many people cannot spend a day without using a digital device such as cell phones, computers, and mp3 players (Rappa 200).

The internet plays a major role in encouraging human addiction to technology. However, it plays other roles that benefit people by improving their ways of communicating and working. The internet has improved interaction by providing people with efficient and effective channels of communication. These channels include instant messaging, emails, cell phone applications, and social networking sites.

The development of the internet meant that people had to do away with the slow and ineffective means of communication such as letters and human messengers (Rappa 211). Studies have shown that the number of people using the internet grows every year. People access the internet using digital devices such as cell phones, computers, tabs, and other internet enabled devices. The internet has allowed people to interact on different levels, and do things in a more effective manner (Johnson 58).

It has played a major role in the technological revolution that has spread throughout the world. People are creating and finding numerous opportunities on the internet. These opportunities have influenced people’s lives in positive and negative ways. Research shows that people in the United States spend an average of one hour on the internet every day.

Technology has largely contributed to the development and growth of social media. The social media sites have completely changed the concept of human interaction. People enjoy life by using social media to make friends and interact with other users. Technology improves human interaction through texting, emailing, as well as instant messaging. This has changed how people interact and communicate with each other (Gunning and Szoke, 21).

People use digital devices such as laptop computers, tablets, cell phones, and other internet enabled devices to access social networking sites. People socialize and share information through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Skype, and Google Talks among others. Studies show that social networking has become a crucial element of human development, as the number of people using the internet keeps growing (Rappa 236).

Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are very popular in the world because of the high number of people that use. Through technology, people are able to communicate and connect instantly with those miles away from them. This has erased the fear of delayed and non-delivered messages. People do not need to wait for days in order to get replies because communication is instant. People use social media to interact with others, market their goods and services, as well as share information.

Digital devices, the internet, and the social media have helped to improve the efficiency of service provision, the speed of sharing information, and accountability by businesses (Gunning and Szoke, 29). Technology has also helped to improve learning through online education and e-learning tools. Examples of online tools used for learning purposes include Google Drive, Google Scholar, Google Search, Instapaper, Microsoft Office, and Wikipedia. Others include Gmail, Firefox, Blogger, Slide Share, and Skype among others (Sieberg 43).

Impact of addiction to technology on human behavior and quality of life

Research shows that the human desire to improve the quality of life has led to high numbers of addictions to technology. People in the contemporary society have become addicted to technology, as they continually seek to experience life in a better way (Weiss and Schneider 124). People have reached a point where they can no longer do certain things without using a digital device, searching the internet, or sharing on social media.

This addiction has had numerous effects on human behavior and the general quality of life. One effect of human addiction to technology is the development of a digital divide in homes. The rate of globalization has resulted in too much exposure to the internet and digital devices (Gunning and Szoke, 38). People use devices such as cell phones and gaming machines to keep children busy instead of baby-sitting them.

Children in modern families do not experience human interaction, as their parents and caregivers are always busy on the internet (Rappa 242). Psychologists argue that the technology craze is driving families apart because people do not have time to interact away from the internet.

They have observed that little interaction occurs when people are seated in a room because everyone seems to be overwhelmed with the technology craze. Human addiction to technology is breaking homes because there is little or no communication (Weiss and Schneider 133). In the near future, human interaction will change completely, as the young generation is having more contact over the internet that in the offline mode.

Human addiction to technology has influenced human development in a very big way. Social media platforms are very popular today, especially among teenagers and young adults. Studies have shown that people use these platforms for the wrong reasons, thus affecting them in a negative way. Psychologists argue that people do not use social media for its intended purposes, which are interaction and sharing of information.

Instead, most people use them to express their ability to make friends, attract the highest number of followers, and post pictures that make people believe that they are living their dream lives (Sieberg 60). People who cannot achieve these things suffer from lack of confidence and low self-esteem. This problem heightens when people start competing to have the coolest and the latest digital devices. Those who cannot match the purchasing power of their friends often feel like failures (Weiss and Schneider 139).

Addiction to technology has changed human behavior a lot. The fact that people can share information through social media and digital devices has made people more radical about the idea (Rappa 266). Studies have established that a big percentage of content shared online elicits both negative and positive reactions from people using the internet. People share content ranging from accidents, street fights, their personal lives, their social endeavors, and any other thing they consider worth sharing with their friends.

Psychologists argue that human addiction to technology has had a negative impact on the quality of life. People are becoming less productive because they spend too much time using their digital devices and interacting on social media. The addiction has also affected the human desire to help others in situations of need (Weiss and Schneider 178).

For example, research shows that people in the contemporary society can delay in helping someone involved in an accident because they consider taking a photo of the incident and sharing it as more important than helping. Technological addiction has changed people’s perception about things they considered morally and politically correct. Technology has changed how people view and understand various aspects of life. It has influenced people to derive fun and knowledge from their daily experiences (Rappa 274).


Research has proved that people in the contemporary society are addicted to technology. One of the causative factors is the high rate of globalization, which has created demand for increased innovation and human interaction. People are also addicted to technology because they have a desire to improve the quality of life. It has improved communication, information sharing, and learning through online education. Technology has both positive and negative impacts on people’s lives.

Digital devices, the internet, and social media have made life more interesting and given people an opportunity to experience the world from the comfort of their homes. Addiction to technology has also affected people in a negative way by reducing their productivity as well as exposing them to danger in both offline and online modes.

Works Cited

Gunning, Jennifer, and Helen, Szoke. The Regulation of Assisted Reproductive Technology. California: Ashgate, 2003. Print.

Johnson, Nicola. The Multiplicities of Internet Addiction: The Misrecognition of Leisure and Learning. California: Ashgate Publishing, 2012. Print.

Rappa, Antonio. Globalization: Power, Authority, and Legitimacy in Late Modernity. New York: Institute of Southeast Asian, 2011. Print.

Sieberg, Daniel. The 4-Step Plan to Break Your Tech Addiction and Regain Balance in Your Life. New York: Souvenir Press, 2011. Print.

Weiss, Robert, and Jennifer, Schneider. Closer Together, Further Apart: The Effect of Technology and the Internet on Parenting, Work, and Relationships. New York: Gentle Path Press, 2014. Print.

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Premium Papers. "Are Human Addicted to Technology?" February 26, 2025.