Interpersonal Communication, Self-Concept, and Perception

In the life of every person, social contacts with other people play a significant role. When communicating, people develop their line of behavior and have a particular impact on others. Communication is a multifaceted process of forming contacts between individuals, which are generated by the needs of joint activities. It is essential to know the principles that make the information exchange process more successful and productive.

The three principles that every person and employee should know are that communication is inevitable, irreversible, and complex. The inevitability of communication lies in the situation that people always communicate and do not have the opportunity to avoid it. That is, communication is everywhere, and people will always give and receive information. Since communication will definitely take place, people need to develop their communication skills in order to be able to present information more clearly, accurately, and correctly. With personal communication, communication is inevitable almost everywhere, even in a public place, in a store, or when meeting with relatives and friends. In the professional sphere, the inevitability lies in communication with the employer and colleagues.

The irreversibility of communication is an important principle and implies that what has been said cannot be returned. Words have their power, and it is necessary to think correctly and realize what exactly will be correct to say in a given situation. Undoubtedly, there are many cases in which it is essential to think carefully about what to say, but it may be worth keeping silent at all. Words can offend a loved one, which will negatively affect further communication, and may also be incorrect in relation to another employee. The complexity of communication is precisely that it is necessary to control words, emotions, and statements during the conversation.

People cannot answer or know verbatim what the other person will say, but they can control their communication line and adjust it as the conversation progresses. In personal life and in the work sphere, there is a large number of situations that further complicate communication, and in this case, it is necessary to have various skills to avoid critical mistakes.

The self-concept is a set of a person’s ideas about themselves, about what qualities and characteristics he or she possesses. In the process of social interaction and self-knowledge, it gradually fuses from a variety of private images of the self and gives a person a sense of identity. Palomino (2017) states that the self-concept plays an important role in shaping the character of people. Self-perception can have a significant impact on communication. For example, people perceive themselves as self-confident, intelligent individuals who can easily win people over. Communication is accessible for such people, and they achieve their goals through dialogue. Other people who are not confident in themselves and do not strive for communication achieve success much more slowly than friendly and open people.

Perception refers to the formation of a holistic image based on the assessment of the appearance and behavior of people, as well as the understanding of the communication partner. Perception shapes how people understand communication and how they communicate (Sambursky, 2020). It is much easier to communicate with well-dressed, intelligent, well-read, cultured people. A particular image of an opponent is formed in a person’s head, which gives an opportunity and awareness of how further dialogue will be built.

In conclusion, communication is a complex process in which it is essential to think through every word. Personal and professional communication undoubtedly has differences, but the probability of making mistakes in both types of communication is high. To communicate effectively, it is necessary to increase one’s level of knowledge, gain skills, and know the basic principles of communication. If these recommendations are followed, the conversation will be effective, and most importantly, accessible.


Palomino, M. (2017). An analysis of self-concept in students with compensatory education needs for developing a mindfulness-based psychoeducational program. Sage Open, 1(11), 1-11. Web.

Sambursky, V. (2020). Do you see what I mean? How perception affects communication in relationships. Endominance. Web.

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Premium Papers. (2023, September 16). Interpersonal Communication, Self-Concept, and Perception.

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"Interpersonal Communication, Self-Concept, and Perception." Premium Papers, 16 Sept. 2023,


Premium Papers. (2023) 'Interpersonal Communication, Self-Concept, and Perception'. 16 September.


Premium Papers. 2023. "Interpersonal Communication, Self-Concept, and Perception." September 16, 2023.

1. Premium Papers. "Interpersonal Communication, Self-Concept, and Perception." September 16, 2023.


Premium Papers. "Interpersonal Communication, Self-Concept, and Perception." September 16, 2023.