Gender Discrimination and Peace

Gender discrimination is a socially constructed concept that has prevailed in contemporary society despite efforts to treat everyone equally. Discriminatory attitudes and gender stereotypes are examples of critical issues that need to be addressed to end gender discrimination, especially toward women. Media outlets publish and air stories every day about atrocities committed against women in various parts of the world.

Genital mutilation, rape, and sex trafficking are some of the most common atrocities committed against women. These acts are condemned because they are indications of society’s negative attitudes toward women. Many people in the United States condemn these discriminatory acts but ignore the oppression against women that takes place in their own country. America is under the illusion that women are treated equally. In the past few decades, the world has made significant strides toward promoting gender equality. However, women are attacked and discriminated against as they continue to fight gender injustice.

In the United States, women have been the target of people who hold discriminatory beliefs and attitudes. In 2009, George Soldini raided a gym in Pittsburgh and shot dead three women and injured nine (Kenschaft et al. 45). Investigations into the shooting revealed that Soldini targeted women only. In 2006, a lone gunman opened fire on a group of girls in an Amish school in Pennsylvania and killed five (Kenschaft et al. 46).

The surprising fact about the shooting was that he sent all the boys out before he started firing. In 2005, more than 1,000 women were murdered by their partners owing to domestic fights and relationship disagreements (Kenschaft et al. 50). These statistics are evidence that gender discrimination is a critical issue that needs to be addressed speedily. One of the solutions is changing men’s attitudes toward women, especially regarding gender roles.

Women receive little respect from men due to the erroneous belief that men are stronger and better than women because of the roles they play in their families and communities (Bohnet 22). It is important to teach people to change their definitions of gender roles. This can be done by teaching children that their potential and capabilities are not limited to specific areas or activities.

Stereotypes justify and promote gender discrimination because they perpetuate negative attitudes and perceptions against women (Bohnet 35). In addition, they hamper the development and impede democracy, which is at the foundations of peace, development, and civilization (Kenschaft et al. 45). One of the strategies that can be used to fight gender discrimination is waging war on gender stereotypes. Stereotypes promote gender discrimination because they are prejudiced and comprise assumptions regarding people’s capabilities. Negative stereotypes used to describe women limit their choices and opportunities, and as a result, limit their potential to achieve their goals (Bohnet 39).

Researchers have established that stereotypes are the foundation of recurrent gender discrimination in contemporary society, which compromises efforts to promote equality. They manifest in various ways, including occupational segregation, gender pay gap, forced marriages, female genital mutilation, trafficking, violence against women in families, and limited work opportunities (Bohnet 40).

There is increased alienation of female workers and placement of glass ceiling in various professions such that women cannot hold certain positions in organizations. The most effective strategy is to implement policies, laws, and organizational practices that create a level playing field for men and women. Laws, policies, and practices to honor and promote gender equality would empower women to enjoy the right, fundamental freedoms, and opportunities that are available to every citizen (Bohnet 72).

To fight gender stereotypes effectively, it is necessary to evaluate their effect in several areas including media and education, laws and practices, people’s mindsets, justice systems, and languages (Boerefijn 53). In many languages, men are considered superior and women inferior. Men are the leaders and providers and women are the followers and consumers. Men are considered strong and women weak. These attitudes are obstacles to gaining gender equality.

It is important to create quotas in various government agencies and institutions to give women equal opportunities and representation (Cohn 52). The participation of women in education, religion, and the justice system is critical. In schools, rigorous and corrective curriculum development that embraces gender diversity and equality should be conducted (Boerefijn 55). Equality should be taught at all levels of education beginning in early childhood to impart positive attitudes and beliefs. Women and girls should be encouraged to pursue careers and professions that are dominated by men. Governments should enact laws that offer adequate opportunities for women to join the armed forces and careers such as engineering and politics (Boerefijn 76). On the other hand, laws to change the beliefs and attitudes of men against women should be enacted.

For instance, laws against domestic violence and workplace gender-based violence would play a key role in changing the mindsets of many people by reiterating the importance of women in society (Cohn 63). Finally, governments should allocate adequate resources to women programs and initiatives that fight gender discrimination (Monroe 64). In addition, governments should consider offering incentives to promote women’s empowerment and participation in various economic sectors.

Organizations should raise awareness regarding the potential dangers of gender discrimination in the workplace (Cohn 69). This can be accomplished through train programs and implementing policies that promote gender equality in the workplace. Organizations should emulate Google, which has policies that reduce gender bias and promote diversity in the workplace (Monroe 44). The company implements programs and policies that aim to increase women’s representation in technology jobs.

It is important to have a diverse workforce because it helps to improve the quality of service delivered. Modern society strives to confer equal rights on all people regardless of their gender. Equality is a universal way of recognizing the dignity of human beings and bringing peace to the communities (Monroe 47). Activities that endanger peace and harmony in communities are the same activities that promote gender discrimination. For example, domestic violence and gender-related violence in public places endanger peace and undermines women’s rights and dignity.

In conclusion, women receive inferior treatment in many countries because of the restriction of their rights in many areas. Even in developed countries, gender discrimination is a critical issue. For example, in the US, women have lower remuneration and get limited access to top management positions than their male counterparts. Mitigating gender discrimination is a huge challenge. Solutions include implementation of policies and laws to promote equality, education and creating public awareness, and changes in people’s perspectives regarding gender roles. Ending gender discrimination is one of the most effective ways to bring peace to the communities.

Annotated Bibliography

Boerefijn, Ineke. Temporary Special Measures: Accelerating de Facto Equality of Women under Article 4(1) UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Intersentia NV, 2003.

The book provides a detailed analysis of various articles in the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). The author also addresses the issue of affirmative action as profiled by the United Nations and how various cultures across the world can adopt it. The book was very resourceful in terms of understanding the importance of bridging the inequality gap between men and women. In addition, the reader gets a clear understanding of the way various cultures view the roles of men and women, as well as the reasons behind the push for affirmative action.

Bohnet, Iris. What Works Gender Equality by Design. Harvard University Press, 2016.

This book addresses the numerous questions that have been asked about the viability of affirmative action. Over the years, the issue of gender equality has been the subject of numerous debates between countries, regions, and communities seeking to improve the quality of life. According to the author, one of the biggest challenges to the realization of gender equality is unconscious biasness that has left many people unwilling to accept change. However, the author explains the reasons why de-biasing organizations and communities instead of individuals can be an effective strategy for achieving this feat. I would recommend this book to anyone seeking to understand gender equality because it is quite resourceful.

Cohn, Samuel. Race and Gender Discrimination at Work. Westview Press, 2009.

This book focuses on the thorny issue of gender and racial discrimination in the workplace. The author engages the reader in various elements of the topic such as the causes, possible solutions, and several case studies in a bid to emphasize the reality of gender and racial barriers employees encounter in the workplace. The book is very resourceful in terms of helping the reader understand the viewpoint of both conservative people and feminists. The author appeals to both parties to understand the importance of having an equal society. In addition, the book has several chapters that provide a brief history of the issue and the way it has influenced various elements of society.

Kenschaft, Lori, Roger Clark, and Desiree Ciambrone. Gender Inequality in Our Changing World: A Comparative Approach. Routledge, 2015.

This book is quite resourceful about understanding the way the world has reacted to the issue of gender inequality over the years. The author argues that the view on affirmative action has been changing a lot as the world continues to deal with the effect of people being more learned and exposed to various cultures. The book provides the reader with an opportunity to learn and understand the various factors that compromise gender equality across various spheres of the contemporary world. Finally, the book helps the reader to understand the effects of living in a world that ignores the importance of gender equality.

Monroe, Kristen. Science, Ethics, and Politics: Conversations and Investigations. Routledge, 2015.

This book focuses on the highly debatable relationship between ethics and science. It has several chapters that identify the way scientific work helps in elucidating various ethical issues. According to the author, extensive research on the concept of ethics can play a huge role in coming up with more and improved insights on the topic. The book focuses a lot on the ethical obligations of certain people in society such as parents and soldiers. This resource is very good for anyone interested in understanding the concept of ethics and the way different members of the society have a huge role in promoting its numerous values.

Works Cited

Boerefijn, Ineke. Temporary Special Measures: Accelerating de Facto Equality of Women under Article 4(1) UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Intersentia nv, 2003.

Bohnet, Iris. What Works: Gender Equality by Design. Harvard University Press, 2016.

Cohn, Samuel. Race and Gender Discrimination at Work. Westview Press, 2009.

Kenschaft, Lori, Roger Clark, and Desiree Ciambrone. Gender Inequality in Our Changing World: A Comparative Approach. Routledge, 2015.

Monroe, Kristen. Science, Ethics, and Politics: Conversations and Investigations.Routl edge, 2015.

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Premium Papers. "Gender Discrimination and Peace." February 23, 2025.