Entertainment & Media Examples for Free

When we think of entertainment and media, it can be difficult to distinguish between these two concepts. Generally speaking, entertainment refers to activities or experiences that are pleasurable or stimulating in some way, while media typically indicates the tools or channels through which these forms of entertainment are delivered. Whether it’s watching a movie at the theater, listening to our favorite music on the radio, or reading a book online, all of these activities fall under the umbrella of entertainment.

However, when we talk about media more broadly, this encompasses more than just specific forms of content like movies and music. Media is also related to how that content is distributed and exposed to audiences. For example, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter allow us to connect with others around the world in new ways, while digital media allows for new techniques in advertising and marketing.

Thus, when writing an essay about Entertainment & Media, it is important to consider not just what kinds of content are being consumed but also how these different forms of media influence and shape our culture as a whole. In other words, when thinking about Media & Entertainment, we need to step back and examine their role in shaping everyday life for people around the world.

The Impact of Social Media on Children

Introduction Social media dramatically impacts children’s growing minds and fully mature and established people. Often the influence of social networks and other applications is devalued, not considering them a serious threat. Humankind is used to living and developing in an environment where every step of any person can be recorded,...

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Mental Health Issues Due to Impact of Social Media

Introduction Background At no point in history was the world as interconnected as it is now. The Internet allows people from far-flung corners of the world to communicate at an instantaneous speed. Social networks unite hundreds of millions of people on such platforms as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. People of...

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Social Media Effects on How Society Communicates

Introduction Social media have changed people’s perception of reality and behavior around the globe. It affected their attitudes and the way they think and interact with others. The article chosen to explore social media effects on interpersonal communication is Exploring the effects of social media on interpersonal communication among family...

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Social Media Effect on Communication Development

One of the distinctive features of modern society is the global digitalization of all living environments. The emergence of social media in this context has a significant role in transforming the communication agenda, as it transforms the very essence of everyday interactions between individuals and between individuals and the environment....

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Nintendo Entering China: Japanese Market Entry Strategy

Nintendo is a multinational video game company headquartered in Japan. It is involved in the business of developing video games as well as consoles. It immediately gained global recognition with the Donkey Kong release in 1981 and the Super Mario Bros (Dong and Mangiron, 2018, p. 150). Four years later....

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The COVID-19 Influence on Media

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant changes around the world and in all areas of human activity. The need for quarantine in most states has led to a decline in demand for entertainment and tourism, which has brought significant damage to businesses and job losses for millions of people....

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The Impact of Social Media on the Mental Health of Adolescents

Past research into social media and mental health connections focused primarily on screen-time as being the measure of exposure to such platforms. However, self-reports that were fundamental to research prior have been noted to be less reliable and accurate in presenting true social media exposure among adolescents. As such, the...

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Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland” Through the Developmental Models

Introduction Lewis Carroll’s Alice In Wonderland is one of the most beloved stories of all time – and one of the most provocative ones. It seems as if everyone who sets out to decode the author’s message happens to find some new implications and present new insights into Alice’s adventures...

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Social Media Impact on Children and Families

Introduction Social media is the most popular pastime for today’s kids and teens, so parents need to know more about it and realize that the Internet is not always a safe place for their children. Gwenn Schurgin O’Keeffe and Kathleen Clarke-Pearson in The Impact of Social Media on Children, Adolescents,...

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Social Networks and Digital Communication

Introduction The digital communication shaped the way how people interact with each other, form interest groups, and maintain their socialization. Social networks became an integral part of modern life that generated new communication needs and established a unique frame to fulfill them. More than 37% of the globe’s population was...

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Why Social Media Severely Impacts the Society?

The constant presence of digital platforms severely impacts individuals’ health conditions such as vision and sleep quality. People who develop diseases might become unable to serve society by working and might be forced to spend more money on healthcare, increasing their taxes. Medical studies conclude that “mobile screen time before...

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Social Media Addiction and Self-Esteem

In this era, many individuals, especially in their youth, are overly involved in their use of social media. Studies indicate that there is a connection between negative psychological wellness, social media as well as social media use. Whereas social media platforms have immense benefits, frequent use can bring about feelings...

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Why Social Media Severely Impacts Modern Society

Introduction The modern world is significantly different than a couple of decades ago, and the leading cause of the dramatic change in our reality is social media platforms. They enforced globalization, made communication quicker and more efficient, grew various businesses, and influenced people’s values worldwide. Such a rapid change in...

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Why Does Social Media Severely Impacts Society?

Social media became one of the fundamental parts of modern reality, and younger generations’ representatives cannot imagine a life without any digital presence. While the networks eased the global connection, became a place to implement novel technologies, and impacted cultures, their influence on people is rather severe. Platforms develop addictions,...

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The Social Construction of the Self in the Era of Social Media

A socially constructed phenomenon is dependent on contingent aspects of people’s social lives. Therefore, the item or event in question would not exist were it not for human input. For instance, money, newspapers, and citizenship would not be present in the absence of a functional society. Technology has revolutionized the...

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Video Gaming Impact on Middle Childhood Development

Introduction Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, video games have become one of the most important means of entertainment among children, adolescents, and young adults. According to Kracht et al. (2020), in the United States, the sales of that product increased by $10 billion just in five years and...

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Media Violence: Does It Cause Violent Behavior?

Abstract The various manifestations of violence in media, namely, movies, television, video games, books, and music, incur a substantial danger to the psychological health of children and adolescents as well as the well-being of society overall. Media violence implies all types of mass communication that portray the action of using...

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PepsiCo and Coca-Cola Companies’ Advertising Strategies

PepsiCo and Coca-Cola company are the top manufacturers in the universal beverage industry. The two companies have a similar business model in relation to the flagship products and consumers; Coca-Cola was founded in 1882, while Pepsi started in 1898 (Shahid & Ashfaq, 2021). Both companies have their headquarters in the...

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“Are You Man Enough to Be a Nurse?” Ad Analysis

Advertising in the modern world has a much greater role than just promoting a specific product. Increasingly, global brands and local organizations try to convey a certain important message to their audience through advertising. For example, it can be topics related to racial equality, LGBTQI+ rights, environmental issues. What important...

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Why Hollywood Still Has a Great Cultural Influence

Key Terms Soft Power – a persuasive approach to international relations, typically involving the use of economic or cultural influence. Exceptionalism – the belief that something is exceptional, especially the theory that the peaceful capitalism of the US constitutes an exception to the general economic laws governing national historical development....

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How Social Media Platforms Divide Society More Than Equalize It

Social media (SM) is undoubtedly one of the greatest innovations in human history. Its impact on human interaction, businesses, marketing, entertainment, information dissemination, and inclusive democracy is commendable. Social media has improved how people interact not only individually but also professionally. Its use has phenomenally grown over the last decade,...

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Social Media Dramatically Influences Social Identity

Introduction Social media has firmly integrated into humans’ everyday lives over the last decades. Products of technological progress replace individuals’ functions and fasten their life by providing them with calculations, planning, entertainment, creating schemes, graphs, and other visual content. Numerous smart functions simplify peoples’ activities, satisfy their needs, and speed...

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Discussion “Are Violent Video Games Bad?”

Due to the presence in the modern world of many responsibilities, tasks, difficulties, and activities, a person regularly needs timely rest and a moment of distraction from vital matters. One of the general ways for a person to escape from problems, restore emotional resources and mental strength, and have fun...

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The Influence of Social Media on Sociableness of Modern Youth

Introduction This century is characterized by the emergence of the greatest technologies that have become available to the average citizen. For example, nowadays, it is quite difficult to meet a person without a smartphone, in which their entire personal and professional life is documented. When something unusual or terrifying happens,...

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Impact of Video Game on People Behaviour

Al-Hileh, Mohamed, and Nedaa Ibrahim. “The Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Games Played by Children Aged (3–6) Years, from Mothers and Kindergarten Teachers’ Point of View.” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, vol. 13, no. 4, 2018, 1805-1812. According to the authors’ ideas, children’s play is an important activity that...

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What Effect Does Social Media Have on Real-Life Communication?

Digitalization is guiding the modern world, affecting various spheres of everyday life, from finances to art. Many studies and conversations related to the new technology have been focusing on social media, and for an evident reason. These platforms facilitate immediate opinion exchange and allow people to grow their contact networks...

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Internet and Interactive Media as New Advertising Tool

Introduction The Internet has replaced traditional methods of carrying out the business long ago. People started using it as a primary source of information, which is why it became an integral part of their marketing activities (Alonzo 2006). Internet and interactive media are now especially frequently used in e-commerce: “Consumers...

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Interview Experience With an Aging Person

Interview Experience Age-related problems are impacting a large number of aging people globally. However, aging is unavoidable; it is vital to comprehend the process. There are several theories concerning the mechanism of age-related dynamics. These theories are mutually exclusive in that there is no theory that best explains the process...

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Social Media Effect on Young People

Social media has become an integral part of everyday human life. Undoubtedly, social media contribute to alleviating communication and information searching. However, besides the positive aspects of the widespread social networking sites, dangerous psychological implications can cause severe mental problems. Children and teenagers are at the greatest danger of developing...

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Does Social Media Promote the Pursuit of the Thin Ideal Amongst Teens?

Rachel Rodgers in his article “The Role of the “Healthy Weight” Discourse in Body Image and Eating Concerns: An Extension of Sociocultural Theory,” aimed at presenting a concept for comprehending the behaviors and associated experiences of the body image that originates from the extensive emphasis on weight management. The study...

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Should Free Speech Be Regulated on Social Media?

Freedom of speech in a democratic world is a crucial feature of society. With the advancement in technology, the way information is generated and disseminated has drastically changed. This follows the powerful influence social media has gained on online presence. Social media refers to the use of web and mobile-based...

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Use of Social Media Profiles v. Ethical Recruitment

Introduction The question of utilizing social media profiles and information in recruitment and selection processes attracts a variety of opinions. There are situations where referencing the applicant’s social media could directly address and identify his professional skills, for example, if the person uses social media as a portfolio. However, in...

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Impact of Social Media on Tourism Sector

Abstract The proposed study is devoted to the investigation of social media and its impact on the tourism sector by using China as the framework for research. The paper is focused on the analysis of the current state of this technology, its growing importance, and the role of such applications...

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Discussion of Social Media Influence

The podcast conversation was informative and engaging, making the whole discussion very interesting. It brought out the perspectives and the different understanding on the influence and ability of social media. There is a flow in communication because both the interviewer and interviewee were not answering any specific questions. The view...

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Why Reality Shows Are So Popular

Introduction A reality show is a section of television programs, which comprise of situations of humor or drama. Usually, the host is an ordinary individual interviewing ordinary people who are presented with a present afterwards. Reality shows have almost become part of the popular culture due to its humorous nature....

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Dangers of Social Media in the Context of Media Ethics

Introduction The popularity of social media has grown exponentially in the past decade. Facebook alone increased its subscribers from 1 million in 2007 to 2.8 billion in 2021 (“Facebook Statistics and Facts,” 2021). Online communication platforms like WhatsApp, Snapchat, TikTok, Telegram, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and national platforms like Chinese Weibo...

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Social Media Streaming Against Viewer’s Rage

Introduction Modern streaming services allow you to watch absolutely everything — from news to movies and the latest TV series. You can do this from any device, whether it is a smartphone, tablet, computer, or game console, and at any time. You just need to buy a subscription to the...

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Effective Advertising and Its Influence on Consumer Buying Behavior

Introduction It is very important for a company to generate sales in other to meet the operating costs to remain in business and considering the importance of sales in a company and also the importance of the connection between customers and sales, advertising can be a very essential tool in...

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The iGen’ers and Social Media

The development of smartphones and digital platforms for socialization has influenced lifestyle, behavior, and communication worldwide. Nowadays, there is an easy access to the internet and gadgets with inbuilt cameras to everyone (Gonzalez 6). Moreover, technological innovations have given birth to applications for interaction through mobile phones. People have got...

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Video Games and Their Negative Impact on Children

Introduction Currently, there is a serious problem of excessive enthusiasm for gadgets such as computers, smartphones, tablets. This issue is relevant for children and parents of all ages. In adolescence, one of the most challenging crisis periods in a person’s life, there is a problem of going into virtual reality...

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Social Changes in America

There was significant controversy in the United Unites during the Vietnam war era from 1955 to 1977. Chalmers (2013) explains that the tensions of the Cold War ran high as America fought against the nations that embraced communism. The number of Americans who possessed televisions increased from 9% to 93%...

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Social Media: The Rise of Depression and Anxiety

It is no mystery that today’s society is technologically advanced and that globally everyone has a mobile phone or other handheld electronic gadgets. People can now have a wide range of options at their fingertips in a matter of seconds. Although the technology is beneficial, excess usage of social media,...

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Tendencies in Social Media and the Evolution of Social Media

Competencies The evolution of social media standards and practices is related to both the audience’s characteristics and the motivation for their use. Initially, users were attracted to the information and communication, recreational and integrative functions of social media. Based on social networks, now the audience gets acquainted with news content,...

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Social Networks, Self-Esteem, and Individual Responsibility

Background It is hard to disagree that most modern teenagers and young adults perceive social media networks as a major part of their everyday lives. This is already a special ritual to check our mobile phones right after waking up in the morning and scroll through Tik Tok or Instagram...

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How Does Advertising Affect Price Elasticity?

Abstract The topic of the project is how advertising affects price elasticity. Key research questions are what factors determine the effect of advertising, how advertising character influences price elasticity, how promotion impacts the customer mindset in the long-term perspectives and what companies should consider when adjusting their price and marketing...

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The Role of Music in the Films “The Hours and the Third Man”

Abstract Since the invention of motion pictures, music has been a vital tool as a communication medium in films. As a matter of fact, the use of music resonates on the facets of the plot and its significance in defining and modeling the synopsis via creation of desired effects. Often,...

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Privacy and Security of Online Networks

The rapid growth of technologies and evolution of digital devices conditioned the increased importance of social networks and resulted in the appearance of new ways and methods to share information. People use such platforms as Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc. to exchange photos, videos, and other personal and private information. However,...

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Social Networking Sites: Evolution of Internet Ads

The purpose of this work is to explore the history and increase in online advertising focusing on advertisements shown to consumers on social networking sites such as Facebook or MySpace. A benefit of the Internet with regards to advertising is the user’s ability to interact with advertisements in a way...

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Luxury Fashion Advertising in China

Introduction Luxuries goods can be used to refer to a good in which with demand increase then it mean that there will be proportionate increase in income. These goods have high income elasticity of demand meaning that as the people become wealthier they are able to buy more and more...

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Social Media Platforms Compared

Introduction Social media is increasingly becoming popular and very important in modern society. According to van Dijck, when Facebook was launched in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes many people in the corporate world considered it a platform meant for college students to...

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Impact of Videogames on Students

Video games in modern society are standard not only among the younger generation but also among, the older ones. In this source, games are considered as restrictions that prevent high learning outcomes among students. The study has two main goals: to investigate whether gaming students achieve a different GPA average...

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Adolescents Using Social Media, Social Networking

Social media is an integral part in the lives of many people, especially adolescents. By changing the way social interactions between peers are carried out, they have the potential to cause significant negative effects on one’s development and mental well-being. This paper identifies a number of factors related to social...

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Agenda Setting Theory and Practical Application

Agenda Setting Theory Agenda Setting Theory is a communication theory that describes how the media influences the public’s perception and acceptability of specific topics. The public deems an issue important if the media covers it more frequently (Floyd et al., 2017). The truth is that the mass media is highly...

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Influencer Marketing Impact on Consumer Behaviour

Outline of the Topic The emergence and the rapid development of information-communication technologies have been strongly associated with the rising need for marketers to develop new promotional strategies to maintain high levels of competitiveness. The Internet is one of the most influential media that exists on a global scale and...

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Gender Equality and Role of Media Industry

Media interferes with the fight for gender and equality in the society by misrepresenting women, displaying women as submissive beings, and by portraying women as sexual objects. Around the globe, the media industry plays an influential responsibility on how people perceive gender equality. The media industry portrays how different genders...

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Ethics, Social Media and Cell Phone Use in Schools

Introduction The development of new technologies seems to have a significant impact on the social living of individuals across the world. There are different forms of technology that individuals, institutions, and other business organizations use. For instance, Learning institutions are increasingly using mobile technology and social media to support learning...

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Fake News: False Information About Covid-19

The amount of data generated by humanity has grown significantly over the past half-century. It is challenging for a modern person who exists in the conditions of a real possibility of instantaneous transfer of colossal amounts of information to distinguish what corresponds to reality from fake news. The information age...

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Tobacco Under Fire: Advertising a Harmful Product

Significant Facts Raised Tobacco use and its harmful effects has been a subject of continuous debate for over half a decade now. The case presents facts about harmful effects of tobacco use and its current and future trends in advertising and promotion campaigns. The case has highlighted facts about the...

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Social Networking and Privacy

Introduction In the global world today, the internet is an important means of communication and a source of information to people in every part of the world. The post global financial crisis of 2009 saw the bust in the growth of the use of social media by organizations as they...

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Wasting Time With Strangers Online: For What Purpose and for Whose Benefit?

With regard to social networking sites (SNSs), there is already an emerging body of literature that seeks to understand the positive and negative effects of these sites to the individual. For example, some scholars have argued that social networking sites present individuals with an opportunity to articulate a better version...

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A Review of the Movie ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ by Guggenheim

An Inconvenient Truth is a fascinating documentary that highlights a concerted campaign against global warming. The former U.S vice president Al Gore sets out to give a traveling lecture show about global warming. Through the film, Al Gore expresses his long-term concern about global warming and urges the rest of...

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Media’s Influence on the Criminal – Justice System

Television shows play a significant role in influencing peoples’ perceptions regarding the criminal-justice system. An evaluation of criminal-justice-themed shows such as CSI, Criminal Minds, The Mentalist, and Prison Break demonstrate the justice system’s image that television shows have created. Although much of the content presented through these shows are fictional,...

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“Ordinary People” Analysis and Maslow Hierarchy of Needs

Introduction The way nurses carry out their day-to-day responsibility is very important in determining client satisfaction and subsequently reputation for any healthcare organization. There are various theories proposed to explain human satisfaction. Maslow hierarchy of needs theory describes how human beings achieve satisfaction. This paper examines how the film Ordinary...

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Media Impact on the Police Image Within the Community

Media has shown tremendous positive and negative effects on the public perception of police. The influence of television shows varies depending on the level of exposure. Knowledge of crime and understanding of law enforcement for most people come through media rather than from direct experience (Prosise and Johnson, 2004). Heavy...

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The Importance of Typography in Advertising

Introduction A definite relationship exists between typography and advertisement. A brief survey of any billboard, newspaper, poster or any other advertisement demonstrates that the use of typography to pass the advertisement’s information is possibly the most important aspect of advertisements of certain types. The main message that a business entity...

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“Superbad” by G. Mottola

Introduction Sexual education is very vital to young people, especially those in their adolescent stage. This is because they do experience queer physical and emotional changes as they approach maturity. These people can get sexual education formally in school as part of a particular curriculum or informally through friends, parents,...

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Development in Video Games Created More Problems Than Solutions

Introduction The 21st century has been characterized by many inventions and novel technological breakthroughs. The entertainment industry has been one of the sectors which have been positively impacted by these technological advances with video games, in particular, exhibiting exponential growth in the past few decades. These games have in a...

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Effect of Television Marketing on Children’s Choice of Food

Introduction Daily, children, as well as adults throughout the United States and other countries, are barraged with advertisements. Advertisements are normally done via billboards, magazines, newspapers, television, and cash machine screens among others. However, television remains the most extensively utilized channel of advertisement chiefly because it reaches a higher number...

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Social Media Impact on Youth: Benefits & Drawbacks

Abstract The rapid technological development of the 21st century has changed a variety of spheres of human activity. Social media is one of the recent phenomena, which have had a profound impact on society. It can be viewed from both a positive and a negative point of view, as it...

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Media, Learning, and Social Change

Introduction In addition to print-based literacy, modern children should have the necessary skills to be media literate. The educational system is now transforming to embrace media literacy as an important component. Various organizations are also involved in helping people to think critically and use the media properly. Media Literacy Now...

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Teenage and Issues Associated with Social Media Use

Introduction Adolescence is the time when most people experience a wide range of problems, from bullying and low self-esteem to poor academic results and depression. Nowadays, most of these problems are widely connected with extensive social media use. It is vitally important to discuss and analyze these issues to raise...

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Benefits of Social Media for Their Users

Social media have entered people’s lives straightforwardly and confidently, causing changes in everyone’s routine and bringing a variety of advantages for their users. Originally, social media were exploited as a means of sharing information and collecting feedback. However, in the course of time, more and more industries realized the benefits...

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Facebook Case Study: Online Violence

Introduction One of the evident outcomes related to technological progress is the development of mass communication. People find it interesting and easy to communicate online, exchange information, share their opinions, and spread news without thinking either it is good or bad. People believe that they become free from boundaries and...

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The Public Relations Insights

Introduction The sphere of public relations and media relations is primarily aimed at communicating the right messages to the public. Leveraging the well-established instruments and effects of media, such as framing, agenda-setting, agenda building, and cultivation, are invaluable for a PR practitioner. The constant interplay of news sources, decision-makers, and...

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Social Media and Equal Opportunity

Social media is the principal communication channel in the present-day world. It is extremely useful when it comes to increasing politicians’ activity, informing citizens on the latest news, or covering all population groups, thereby instilling a sense of belonging. However, this widespread instrument implies specific challenges, and most of them...

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The Film “Silver Linings Playbook” by Russell

Background The movie Silver Linings Playbook presents the main character Patrizio Solitano Jr. or Pat as an individual who got recently released from mental health facility due to his bipolar disorder. He is portrayed by actor Bradley Cooper, who performed an outstanding job of illustrating the severe case of the...

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Surveillance and Privacy in the Digital World

Introduction In the digital economy era, personal information about customer behaviour is seen as an important and expensive commodity for the business owners. For this reason, social networks along with their vast pieces of personal data about millions of users present a great interest for enterprises. For example, the valuation...

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Recording Industry and Radio Threats

Until the 18th century, the composition, recording, and distribution of music was mainly carried out with the support of organizations such as churches and aristocracies but by the mid-18th century, music artists such as Wolfgang Mozart began to reach out to the public to buy their music. It was not...

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Violence in Social Media and Its Impact on Society

Introduction The headlines in both print and electronic media from South Africa are becoming more and more brutal each day. As more individuals die, the growing loops of vengeance and guilt grow harder to disentangle. Violence is typically defined as an act of aggression against persons who resist the orders...

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Video Games Effects on Society

Introduction Video games have found use among the young and old alike, both of whom find them useful for various reasons. Some of these reasons include entertainment, learning, and commercial purposes. According to research done in 2005, the use of video games is quite diverse throughout the U.K (Winegarner, p....

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The Issue of the Homogenization of the “Ideal Woman”

Objectification of Women in the Media The media deeply affects the self-perception of women. Objectification is one of the main reasons the media creates idealized images. The issue of the homogenization of the “ideal woman” image is also affecting women. These issues lead to more women seeking plastic surgery. Overcoming...

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Social Networks Influence in Two Articles

Since its invention, social media has made a considerable impact in determining interactions and relationships among individuals. It is an important issue since communication controls the very existence of the human race in the world. A variety of many contrasting ideologies have been put forth to explain these dimensions as...

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Digital Divide in Today’s Media-Dependent Society

Introduction The digital divide is a term used to refer to the gap between people, households, businesses, demographic areas, and countries with reference to their effective access to information and communication technologies (ICTs) and other digital forms of technology (OECD, 2001, pg. 4). It encompasses the disparity both in physical...

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Social Media and Young People: Controversial Influence

Introduction It is impossible to imagine the modern world without technologies that make life easier. Nowadays, it is a common thing when people use an appropriate application to talk to each other on a real-time basis, even when they are on different continents. Such technologies are said to be an...

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Language and Culture: Influence and Role of the Media

Influence and role of the media Reflections In the social context, influence and role of the media may be looked upon as a medium or environment satisfying the dynamics of the human existence. The relation between influence and role of the media and culture is a complex and constantly evolving...

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Cultural Movement: Hip-Hop Related Films

Hip hop is a cultural movement which is evidenced in ‘break dancing, graffiti writing, Disk Joking and eMCeeing’. On the other hand, hip hop is a type of music that emerged as part of the hip hop culture; which is characterized by crucial stylistic elements including ‘emceeing, sampling, scratching, Disk...

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Marketing to Children Overview

As marketing to children becomes more pervasive and employs the latest advances in neuroscience and psychology, it is important to examine the potentially harmful influence of such selling strategies. Establishing a link between marketing that targets children and the growing number of children afflicted with obesity, diabetes, depression, and other...

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Nestlé: Use of Social Media

Nestlé is the world’s largest food and nutrition company, headquartered at Vevey, Switzerland. The company functions in over 80 countries of the world. Nestlé promotes nutrition, health, and wellness by creating shared values across the organization (Wikipedia, 2011). The use of social media has assumed significance in the world of...

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Agenda Setting Theory of the Media

The Thesis Statement This paper seeks to critically analyze theoretical perspectives of the mass media by first defining what a theory is, discussing briefly a few examples of mass communication theories, their significance in academic institutions and in the world we live in. However, forming a technical theme of discussion...

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Mapping Digital Media in the UAE

The United Arab Emirates is one of the countries in the Middle East that have experienced massive development in information technology over the recent past. According to Guzzetti and Mellinee, the country has had a massive infrastructural development in the communication sector.1 People living in this country have access to...

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Media Effects Toward Adolescent’s Body Images

Introduction In the current days, the effect the media have on body images is immense. This effect has been felt mostly among women. The effect is even greater among adolescent females. There has been a presentation by the media of female images in the media emphasizing thinness. The images have...

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Print Media Advertisement: Effects on Popular Culture

Introduction The print media was an innovation that served to replace ancient communication means such as the Morse and the telegraph. This new innovation has played a major role in spreading information to all parts of the world. However, with the trends in the economy that have come up in...

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The Role of the Media as the Fourth Estate

The media plays such a major role in watching over society that it is referred at the fourth estate. The media is the primary source of information for Americans (The media in united states para. 5)The media is guarded by the constitution in the first amendment which states the congress...

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Facebook: Virtual Community and Social Media

Most people are very proud when they can access and use any new technology that is introduced in the market. Scientists and technologists around the world are working tirelessly and conducting research that can put them in the forefront in the invention of new technologies. However, we all agree that...

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Mass Media and Propagation of Political Rhetoric

Introduction The inception of rhetorical incidents in communication can be traced back in the ancient Greece, from where the political oratory evolved to become the cornerstone of the very discipline of Political rhetoric (Frobish T, 2000).Authors like Bruce Herzberg and Patricia Bizzel have noted that “the physical setting of political...

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Violence and Video Games

Introduction Video games have become quite popular among children in most households over the past 30 years. Signorelli (19) points out that many children start playing video games right around the age of 6 and practically play into early adult life. She also notes that boys play video games more...

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Lifestyle in a Consumer Culture

Introduction Culture and the media today are of central importance to the maintenance and reproduction of contemporary societies. Societies like species need to reproduce to survive and the culture cultivates attitudes and behavior that predispose people to consent to the established ways of thought and conduct, thus integrating individuals into...

Words: 2437 Pages: 10

The Documentary “Why We Fight” and the American Foreign Policy

Introduction The American foreign policy is the framework that defines the manner in which the country relates with other states. Under normal circumstances, foreign policy entails diplomatic methodologies between different states. However, the foreign policy of the United States has been known for aggression and hegemony than diplomacy. As far...

Words: 3695 Pages: 14

Media Studies: Communication, Media and Culture

Introduction Media studies have been treated with a lot of contempt not only in Britain but the world over. This may be a problem inherent in the conduct of the media industry while carrying out their duties. Despite its important role in the society, people just don’t understand how one...

Words: 1939 Pages: 8

Technology and Media for Students and Children

Introduction There are great challenges defining what media and technology means. Media in some cases is defined as a form of communication as in print versus visuals like videos. Also it can be defined as an industry that provides news and entertainment as in the media. Here media is defined...

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