Destination Inventory
The market destination inventory provides a number of products and services for the tourist, based on competitive intelligence information. Typically, a number of tourist destinations exist all over the world. In the context of the current project, the target tourist destination is one of the East African countries, Kenya. Based on competitive intelligence reports in relation to the consultancy services to offer for the target market’s stakeholders, it is critical to create as inventory of the target destination to provide a comprehensive picture of the destination, which provides the capacity to evaluate analytically how the destination fits well into the larger tourist clusters (Middleton, Fyall, Morgan, Ranchhod, 2009).
In the context of the report, the target destination has a variety of ecotourism activities, which aims to promote the use communication as a basic tool to provide ecotourism services, serve as a source of information to enable the tourist access basic tourism services. In addition to that, the destination promotes community based resource conservations, ensures repeat customers, and provides development opportunities. In view of the aims of the tourist destination with the underlying marketing B2B principles, the destination market includes a number of items to offer to the prospecting tourist. Thus, the following inventory shows the forms of tourism for the target destination (Middleton, Fyall, Morgan, Ranchhod, 2009).
These include agricultural tourism, which constitutes the local population that practice traditional farming methods in addition to traditional cultural methods. In addition to that, the people’s lifestyle provides an additional item to consider besides the cultural practices such as initiations from one group to the other. Typically, these destination constitutes dancing and music activities, and buying of artifacts and other souvenirs. Typically, the underlying concept based on the target tourist destination is sustainability. Sustainability is a strong element that underlies ecotourism.
On the other hand, inventory information based on competitive intelligence report provides rural tourism as another element the consultancy services considers in building the tourist destination. Typically, the destination provides rural tourism as it has not been under the influence of urbanization and its effects. In addition to that, the destination has low population densities and provides the basic environment for tourists to experience a stay and participation in rural lifestyle where visitors stay in inns and other places that provide the feel of rural life. On the other hand, activities provided in these areas include farmhouse, which the tourist is bound to enjoy. Typically, examples of these areas in Kenya include Gusii highlands, and major parts of western Kenya. On the other hand, the destination also provides nature tourism.
Nature tourism is supported by natural attractions, which feature the fauna and flora of the area, wildlife, and beautiful geographic features such as landscapes that people enjoy to view.
Destination Development
Typically, it is important as a competitive intelligence consultant to offer consultancy services based on the basic rules and principles of competitive intelligence and mature clustering of the tourist destination. Typically, in the context of the current project report, the consultancy services’ underlying model is Porter’s diamond model. Concerning the model, it is critical to consider the fact that it is descriptive and draws on mechanisms that support economic development through a network of organizations that are related strongly to the tourist destination in question.
Typically, that includes stakeholders in the tourist destination, who in this case are many. Typically, these stakeholders are classified into primary and secondary stakeholders. It is important to note that secondary stakeholders do not hold direct interactions with the destination business while primary stakeholders hold a direct influence on the destination (Middleton, Fyall, Morgan, Ranchhod, 2009). Typically, that includes identifying the strategies of the target destination stakeholders, the conditions of the target destination, demand conditions for the target destination, and related and supporting industries for the tourist destination concerning building the target destination.
Analytically, the target destination comprises rival firms within the industry that includes different firms that offer tourism products and services typical of the above destination. That includes the Gusii soapstone’s which are bought and sold by the Akamba people, thus creating a network of buyers and sellers in the local industry. Thus, there is local rivalry, based on Porter’s diamond concept with the people closely related thus creating a strong business-to-business relationships. In addition to that, the people operate as groups, thus, creating business-to-business transactions of organizational nature.
Typically, the organization and the members have developed strong business relationships with cost effective access to business activities. Thus, development in the context of the tourist destination results in professional growth of the human resources that work in the target destination, development of the natural resources with regard to the ecotourism principles. On the other hand, there is observed economic development in the context of scientific and knowledge developments (Middleton, Fyall, Morgan, Ranchhod, 2009).
However, it is important to address the developments mentioned above by conducting an analysis of the situation on the ground based on Porter’s forces and competitive intelligence to provide the rationale for the observations, thus, providing concrete evidence of the applicability of the above assumptions in the current market under consideration.
Based on competitive intelligence reports, the clusters constituting different tourist destination characterized by organizations that offer tourism services are distributed by country and by organization in each country. That Implies that different destination countries that offer tourism services have different players in the industry offering services on a business-to-business basis, distributed by country and by organization, as alluded to above. Thus, the need to conduct competitive intelligence and analysis based on Porter’s diamond framework for the destinations by country and by tourist organization (Middleton, Fyall, Morgan, Ranchhod, 2009).
In the context of the above argument, it is important o take case examples that constitute Kenya and Uganda as tourist destinations. In addition to that, the context of the study factors organizations in a similar discipline in Kenya.
Comparatively, both countries have formulated policies that offer support for the tourism sector, and more particularly Kenya has taken a lead over Uganda. Typically, that is because the Kenyan sector has far much developed human resources compared with Uganda in the tourism sector, has more natural resources dedicated to tourism compared with Uganda, and incorporates the forces required to make a destination more competitive compared with Uganda.
However, it is important to remain within the context of the rivalry within the tourism sector in Kenya due to the number of players in the same field that provide business-to-business services. Typically, that is influenced by the dynamism in any business sector, challenges that are experienced in the sector. Typically, the rivalry that exists between sectors in the tourism sector in Kenya has proved a significant benefit to the industry, without which the sector could face the potential disaster of declining to the detriment of the entire industry and the country at large. Thus, the Kenyan market has developed a strong brand that associates the country with a tourist destination that holidaymakers could desire to visit. It is also important to note the fact that the tourism sector contributes a significant source of foreign income to the country.
Competitive intelligence reported findings show that among the incentives offered by the Kenyan government to tourism sector includes massive investments in the roads infrastructure, tax exemptions for industry players devoted in the development of the sector, making available credit facilities, and tax abatements. On the other hand, the government in conjunction with security apparatus has imposed security measures to ensure the country is secure from Al Shabab terror groups. Thus, the land has improved roads infrastructure, enhanced security systems, a well-trained and disciplined workforce, and offers consultancy services to any industry payers. On the other hand, specialized and trained experts in tourism marketing conduct marketing campaign for Kenya as a tourism destination.
Thus, the current tourism destination project fits well into the Kenyan economic model in diverse ways. Among the benefits, include employment creation of employment opportunities for the local community in the firm of sales of the local arts and other items to the visitors, employment for people who act as tour guides, income from people who work in the tourist resorts, and benefits from the ripple effects. Typically, other pillar industries that benefit firms the tourism sector include travel agencies, the tea industry that is also the backbone of the country’s income, the agricultural industry since there are indirect benefits such as the consumption of foods, and other smaller industries. Thus, the tourism destination, besides direct benefits to the country and individuals, has also ripple effects in the industry. One of the key features of the truism sector is its significant contribute to that economy, making 63% income from the GDP of the country. In addition to that, the tourism sector has always been on the growth path, making the sector the greatest contributor to the economy of the country.
SWOT Analysis
A SWOT analysis of the current destination with other destinations shows a number of competitive advantages, despite a raft of other weaknesses that might characterizes the destination. Typically, the strength for the tourism destination includes the climate that is favorable due to the country’s position on the equator. That is a naturally available advantage compared with other destinations. In addition to that, the cost of travelling through the country is kept as low as possible compared with other destinations, including a good roads network for the target market. On the other hand, the cost of the work force is low compared with many of the tourism destinations, making the target market more advantaged compared with other destinations. In addition to that, the current destination
Target Feeder Market
A significant number of destinations all over the world exist with the potential of forming the destination feeder market for the current project. However, based on competitive intelligence reports, a number of factors considered in selecting the target market provide the rationale for the destination feeder market and description information about the target market. Thus, market characteristics, segmentation by factors such as age, travel groups, and information about competitors. Thus, the following study focuses on market segmentation information, market research, and competitive intelligence information that forms the baseline of the current project.
Target market
The target feeder market for the tourist project includes the United States, the European Union countries such as Germany, Italy, Britain, France, among others. In addition to that, Japan also serves as a feeder market. Thus, there is a need to comprehend, based on competitive intelligence, the profiles of the feeder markets that form the backbone of the Kenyan market. On the other hand, based on competitive intelligence and market segmentation principles, it is important to focus the current project on the American feeder market segment. Typically, that current feeder market option is based on competitive intelligence information that shows that the destination Kenyan market enjoys a significant number of tourists from America.
According to competitive intelligence reports, the profile provides information about the feeder markets and enables competitive decision-making in the context of the current project. In addition to that, profiling provides intelligence information about what the tourists like, what to buy, and services these tourists like to enjoy and encourage repeat customers. Typically, each of the feeder markets has different characteristics or similar characteristics based on the products and services offered in the tourism sector in the target market. These includes a wide variety of services already mentioned in section one of the current project. Typically, the current tourism project targets people across the entire demographic divide. The demographics divide information is provided based on the focus groups, and survey information research methods (Middleton, Fyall, Morgan, Ranchhod, 2009).
According to competitive intelligence reports, the American tourist is attracted in the ecotourism market by nature and aesthetical revelations nature provides. In addition to that, ecotourism, according to the competitive intelligence report, like making adventures such as climbing high mountains like MT Kenya. On the other hand, the American tourist is attracted to cultural experiences of the local communities such as the Akamba and the Maasai. A survey research method shows that a significant number of companies in Kenya endeavor to offer tourism services in the cultural domain.
These ecotourism services target different age groups according to the profile provided based on competitive intelligence reports. On the other hand, other countries listed above serving as feeder markets provide tourists who enjoy similar attractions listed above. However, these reports show that tourists from Italy enjoy spending their time along the coast with a strong tendency from the Japanese who like the interior of the country.
In terms of demographic distributions, the report shows that the entire tourist populations from the countries are attracted to ecotourism and the attractions that come with ecotourism. Thus, a study of one of the feeder markets, specifically the US market serves as a case for other feeder markets.
According to studies based on competitive intelligence reports, the composition of tourists by those who like travelling and usually express their desire to travel in companies, but dislike travelling alone is a significant number, thus compelling the project to consider travelling means that provide a large capacity of vehicles. That information is provided based on focus group studies in the number of tourists who like making trips while on their visits in Kenya. However, compared with other feeder markets, Japanese tourist like travelling in smaller groups compared with American tourists, making the tourism project to consider the provision of smaller vehicles to serve the needs of tourists who like travelling in smaller groups.
However, based on the current research, findings show that American tourists like travelling in larger groups due to experiences and additional features associated with the nature of the travels. On the other hand, the type of activities each of the participants is interested in also influences the groups that ravel together. In addition to that, studies show that tourists American tourists like travelling with their families thus requiring services that address their concerns.
Further competitive intelligence reports show another profile associated with the ecotourism. These include tourists who travel as coupes based on products they consumed have been identified to come from different households. Thus, some of the tourists come from different households while some come from the same household. Thus, it is possible to find singles signing up as couples.
On the other hand, competitive intelligence reports show that experienced tourists like travelling alone. Thus, products and services should be tailored to meet their travelling and accommodation needs. However, a significantly small number of experienced tourists travel with their families and especially children. Typical examples include tourist in the education sector, tourists who target adventures, and tourists interested in micro walks.
On the other hand, the length of trips varies with each of the tourist feeder market. In the context of the current study, focus is on the American Market. The American tourists like making tours that last for 3 to 8 days, while some of the tourist from Northern part of the US like spending much of their time in the wildlife viewing wild animals.
Competitive intelligence reports show that the current feeder market is characterized by travelling groups with the gender bias of males as the majority travellers. The report is based on information from experienced travellers from North America. However, the report shows that the number of travellers is evenly distributed by gender. However, a significant number of tourists influenced by activities shows that male tourists are more interested and focused on activities. Thus, males are influenced more by activities than female tourists are. However, a disparity appears in the consumption style and by activities. Typically, in terms of activities, males liked viewing wild animals compared with women.
In addition to that, males show more interest in cycling than female counterparts. On the other hand, females show significant interest in walking than their male counterparts. However, activities such as visiting national parks show similar trends in male and females alike. On the overall, therefore, it is important to note that interests were the same across the gender divide. Typically, a focus group research shows that gender differences have some influence in the type of products consumed and how gender influences the consumption of a particular product or service.
Travel and Trade
Additional issues to consider include travel and trade practices. Typically, a number of tourists show significant interest in conducting trading activities while in the tour and travel activity. A number of tourist business firms support the trade and travel activity. A significant number of tourists characterized by both male and female support the travel and trade activities.
The buyers are characterized by unique characteristics. Thus, tourists, the buyer of a specific item among the range of items to offer cover a range of behavioral purchasing by the tourist, based on past and current experience. A survey is the most appropriate method of identifying the number of people who participate in travel and tourism business. Typically, these people buy different items that suit different needs according to buyer behavior. Thus, the project identifies travel and tourism as an important component to consider in building the market tourist destination.
On the other hand, it is important to consider competitors in the target market while building the feeder destination to establish the best strategy to position the destination market acquire a significant share of the market against competitors. Thus, competitive intelligence reports provide a list of countries that act as competitor against the current market. These include Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, South Africa, and some other Southern African countries. However, each of the destinations has other own profiles, provides specific advantages, and disadvantages as tourist destinations, thus providing competition to the current project destination, Kenya.
A number of advantages make Kenyan destination of choice due to market characteristics such as excellent road networks, secure environment, culturally rich market, and flexible pricing mechanisms. In addition to that, the Kenyan market is a safe destination, a case proven for the entire period people have been visiting the destination from the feeder markets. On the other hand, South Africa offers string competition to the Kenyan destination due some of the features that might not be found in Kenya. However, the southern part of Africa is far much colder and at times climate changes serve as a disadvantage for tourists who would like to make visits and enjoy the warm and sunny baths found in the Kenyan coasts. Thus, nature places Kenya at a strategic position compared with South Africa. On the other hand, Uganda and other East African community member countries sufferer form insecurity problems, infrastructure, and roads network that is relatively young, and fewer natural features compared with the Kenyan market.
On the other hand, Kenya is strategically positioned financially as a tourist destination and the strongest economy among the East African community member countries, thus has the financial strength to offer competition compared with the rival countries. On the other hand, a series of knowledge resources are available including human resources and expertise in tourism management. Typically, that follows the number of specialized colleges offering courses in tourism in Kenya today. Thus, the competitive advantage of the tourism destination includes good roads infrastructure, annual financial allocations in the government budget for the tourism sector, good roads infrastructure, and financial incentives to the sector.
It is also important to consider other issues related to the destination market for the current project that includes trade shows, which are conducted targeting high tourist seasons. Typically, the range of attendees include tourists from different feeder market destinations, local human resources for the tourism sector, and technical data that provide the tourist with detailed information about the current destination. In addition to that, different photos from different destinations are made available for the tourist to view with the potential of influencing the customer to visit the target destination. It is also important to point out that some of the information available such as pricelists vary and do not remain fixed due to a range of economic factors.
Inputs Into the Target’s Purchasing Decision
In the following section, considers the target purchasing decision made by the tourist for the current destination. Thus, the section considers the purchasing decision-making, based on the model that factors the rationality of the consumer and the likely benefits the consumer project to benefit from the purchasing decision. Typically, the advent to decision making follows cognition and problem identification. Thus, the tourist makes the decision to visit specific destination based on problem identification in the cognitive process. A number of problems might contribute to prompt a person into making the decision to tour a specific destination. However, the decision making process might be based on a number of models that include Psychological and economic models. These models fit well into the destination tourism market.
Typically, the economic model is based on the assumption of near or complete knowledge on the current destination market. Thus, to make the destination market well known to potential customers, a marketing strategy that borrows on the concepts on competitive intelligence provides the ground upon which successful market positioning against rival tourist destinations. Thus, the Kenyan market and government as a whole have endeavored to incorporate every aspect of a friendly environment to position the destination at a competitive edge against other destinations. Thus, customers are made to feel the worth of their money as being commensurate with what is offered in the market.
However, it is important, at the cognitive phase to identify a number of issues that the marketers consider when creating a market destination to attract the customer toward the designate market. That includes identifying the behavioral characteristics of the customer who conduct selective searches for evidence about the tourist destination. However, the current project provides methods for searching for evidence of the proposed destination by searching on their several websites that provide information about the Kenyan destination (Middleton, Fyall, Morgan, Ranchhod, 2009).
On the other hand, booklets and brochures are made available about the tourist destinations, thus providing ample evidence of the category of services the tourist could like to enjoy when in Kenya. On the other hand, the model considers selective perceptions where the tourist could like to know, through screened information, about the destination that provides the potential for enjoying the required services. However, the problem associated with the search is premature termination of the search once the customer has searched and found the first solution to the problem. Thus, the tourist destination provides solutions in the form of different websites, brochures, and marketing strategies.
On the other hand, customers might be characterized by conservation and inertial where resistance to change plays a critical role in customers accepting current changes in the market and current market trends. It is important to make the source credible for the information to ensure customers have confidence in the marketing strategy being used and more importantly the tourist destination. Another problem that the destination endeavors to discourage is the adverse effect of groupthink. Groupthink allows member to make decisions without considering individual issues and attitude toward a specific issue. However, the destination attempts to factors role fulfillment to ensure satisfaction for the customer, thus making a repeat, which is critical in the survival of a business. Thus, there have to be other destinations from which the tourist makes decisions.
Thus, the need cognition and problem-solving question requires product characteristics that dress the current problem to provide a sufficient answer for the problem. That includes products and services offered at the destination market compared with competitor markets. Typically, the destination market offers a range of products and services that compete with other destination markets as discussed elsewhere in the paper. Typically, that includes characteristics such as long term benefits likely to be gained from the purchase of products such as artifacts and other culturally rich items offered at the destination market. In addition to that, the frequency with which the destination market changes with time is another factor to consider in the buyer decision-making model. Typically, there little or insignificant changes in some of the cultural sites that offer tourism services, thus preserving the cultural heritage associated with the destination site. On the other hand, volume discounts such as when taking travels in large groups, tourist are offered travel services at discounted prices, a basic advantage characterizing the destination market.
The next issue in the model to consider includes the alternative destinations that offer similar services. That includes situational factors such impressions and satisfaction derived from first time visits and purchases. That includes satisfaction derived from product and service offerings. Additional issues include product and service categories provided by the destination market. In addition to that, the acceptability of the destination included destination characteristics. Typically, the context of the current project is that, it is a socially acceptable ecotourism project. Other factors such as value related considerations include purchases and destinations driven by discretion rather than necessity contribute significantly to the current position of the current destination market.
Thus, a number of rules constitute the decision making process to decide in the target market to visit. One of the rules includes compensatory rules that the customer considers customer needs and benefits. In addition to that, a conjunctive rule allows the customer to make decisions in identifying a good destination market for their tour activities. On the other hand, identifiable features, as mentioned elsewhere in the current paper characterizing the project tourist destination provide the customer with the benefits desired and used to woo the customer to visit the destination.
Thus, in decision-making, the first issue to consider includes compensatory strategies. Typically, the customer makes decision based on the value of visiting the project tourist destination compared with other destinations. Thus, the customers consider the issue of attributes or characteristic and their appropriateness on how well they fit into satisfying the current needs of the tourist. It is important to consider the fact that come of the destinations might have similar characteristics to the current project destination, thus, offering competition against the destination market. However, the current project has the potential to factor other needs and characteristic to offer competition against the current market destination. On the other hand, it is also important to cinder the issue of alternative features such as visiting a high altitude mountain that might be in other destinations and the cost of visiting such a destination.
On the hand, tourists consider the strategy of elimination by aspects. These aspects include considering eliminating the destination market options based on cutting value. The customer moves products and services that meet specific criteria into the next level of consideration. Thus, while creating the tourist destination, the consultant considers Lexigraphics. Thus, Lexigraphics provide some of the best options to consider.
Another issue to consider is the partially compensatory strategy. That includes values and attributes of the target market and salient features. In addition to that, the frequency of the number of visits made for the destination market.
A Range of Activities
Typical examples of the range of activities conducted at the destination site includes, according to competitive intelligence reports and based on the design of the current project, visiting Mramba wildlife sanctuary, Lualenyi camp, Lumo Community Wildlife Sanctuary, Il’ngwesi, and Namunyak Wildlife Conservation Trust. In addition to that, different destinations offer different activities specific to the feature in that specific destination. Each of the destination sites are developed based on the six rules that the consultant uses. Typically, one of the strategies is to identify and incorporate the Diamond forces Porter identifies as indispensable for a competitive environment in the current industry in context of the current project.
Among the destinations, include national parks that provide satisfying viewing of game animals and other enjoyments. The national parks form a group of a range of network game ranges that offer competitive tourism services. On the other hand each of the activities identified and discussed below are characterized by B2B competitive intelligence marketing principles. The principles are the basis upon which the current project identifies these sites as being geographically close, but are less bonded. In addition to that, clusters used in the project identify different sites with similar services or varied services, but available at the site.
On the other hand, economic snapshots of the Kenyan destination market includes agricultural products, the manufacturing sector, Government services, Trade, hotels and restaurants, Transport, storage and communications, and the Tourism sector which contributes significantly to the foreign income for the country. However, the country has a standing army, navy, and an air force. In addition to that, the country has national police force for enforcing law and order within the country ad offer additional security services when need arises and when called upon. Other sources of revenue for the country include sale of coffee, tea, donations, and sale of additional services. Thus, a number of areas identified for the ecotourism services have been identified in the project and are discussed in the following sections.
That includes areas such as national and game reserves within the country. Typically, all these are covered under the ecotourism project. Typically, these activities include bush drives, baths, fishing, moonlit star baths, and river trips. Other activities include conducting walks specifically constrained to nature, watching birds, and boating activities However, competitive intelligence reports provide a longer list of additional activities include farm activities, watching of birds and trips to mountains such as Mount Elgon, mountain biking, and biodiversity conservation. Typically, the activities and services offered provide the appetite for the customer to make new visits and repeat visits targeting the project destination. However, there are magic activities that thrill customers such as the Kipepeo Project, which provides tourists can view butterflies of different types and colors.
Game viewing is provided by the Kormoto tourist resort in Narok that provides viewers with a variety of wildlife. Typically, the activities include night and day game viewing around the Rokero area. In addition to that, cultural visits are provided at the site that includes the Maasai with their rich cultural provisions. On the other hand, The Dorobo communities provide rich cultural entertainments at the designate tourist site.
Other views are provided at the siana springs intrepids situated on the eastern side of the Maasai Mara reserve, at the base of the range of Ngama hills. In addition to that, the hills are situated at a position that is occupied by an indigenous forest, adding more pleasure to the eye and value in pleasing the visitor. Typically, the company of Heritage hotels provides accommodation facilities, and other services that the visitor might require.
On the other hand, the local people provide further cultural entertainment by providing an environment where traditional pastoralism is practiced. Typically, the Maasai Lords provide close working relations with the tourist resort. The pastoralism life is one of the cultural attractions provided at the site as a tourist attraction. On the other hand, one enjoys sharing with the inner characteristics such as foods prepared by the Maasai and other local community people, thus giving a feel and touch of the traditional life of the community.
Another important feature significantly regarded as tourist attraction is the game drive provided in the Basecamp. Typically, the camp is tented entirely and provides one of the typical examples of ecotourism where the preservation and good management of resources is practiced. In addition to that, the tourist destination provides ample space, opportunities, and services to environmental conservation groups and specialists to practice their conservation programs while providing support for the Maasai environmental conservation efforts. On the other hand, the camp provides learning environment where organizations and individuals learn the traditional African way of conserving the environment. Thus, the site has been awarded one of the prestigious environmental conservation prizes, the ESOK recognized for excellence in environmental conservations. In addition to that, the prize covers responsibilities in economic and social performance ratings.
The Kipepeo project, as mentioned above, is found along the Arabuko Sokoke, which lies in the Northern coast of Kenya. Typically, it is referred to as the wataamu project that covers a 400 square kilometer area. On the other hand, a wide variety of birds and butterflies characterize the location. Thus, activities chains the butterflies, birds, enjoying music from the birds, and holding birds. In addition to that, tourists enjoy views of breeding butterflies and birds, and the process of buyig and selling of larvae by the local community members, forms another critical tourist activity.
Another activity includes fishing. According to competitive intelligence reports and in the context of the current project, fishing is provided as an eco-system preservation approach, where the number of fish from water is estimated to the similar to the number of fish hatched in the water. On the other hand, the area provides a potential source of knowledge and teaching experience on how sites can be regenerated from a destroyed environment to more conserved environment. Previously, the site had degenerated and almost become an eco-disaster. However, in conjunction with the local community, trust business firms came together and decided to implement conservation policies and procedures on the land, thus changing it into a conserved environment. Thanks to ecotourism. The area is a potential example of tourism conservation and a typical example of ecotourism.
Another area with numerous ecotourism activities includes the Bamburi quarry activities for the reclamation of Bamburi quarry wastelands. Here visitors get to experience methods and approaches used to reclaim wastelands from which mining of different kinds has been done for some time. In addition to that, tourists interact with the environment and conduct comparative studies on different methods specifically targeting different areas that require eco-restoration. Thus, people interact and gain firsthand experience on quarrying, new, and beautiful views of the resulting fauna and flora. On the other hand, additional benefits include tourist relaxation areas created from quarried wastelands. On the other hand, additional benefits include fishing activities started due to water reservoirs developed from the quarried sites. On the other hand, crocodiles are available in plenty and tourists can have a firsthand experience with crocodiles. Typically, all the eco-projects are developed using ecofriendly principles.
It is critically important to consider the fact that Kenya invests a significant amount of money in the tourism sector, making the sector one of the largest and well-known destinations in the world. On the other hand, the country has taken steps to waiver taxes for procuring services and products associated with developing the ecotourism services. In the context of the current project, it is projected that a number of jobs will be created catering the job needs of the local community members and generation of revenue from the current market. On the other hand, pillars for the current project are in the industries identified in section one of the current project.
A SWOT analysis of the current destination in comparison with other competitors is worth considering, in relation to the wide variety of activities available for the tourist destination and other available alternative destinations. Among the strengths of the current destination, include natural attractions, a wide variety of cultural attractions, an excellent roads network, networking activities, cheaply available human resources, camping resources, and travel expenses. On the other hand, the sector receives significant government budgetary support and allocations of the national budget, good fishing services, and highly attractive land.
On the other hand, many of the competitors are characterized by weaknesses such as insolated land and a long history of violent against the local population, thus, making the destination insecure as a tourist destination. However, the current market needs to lean from befits that are gained due to strong trade unions, which is a strong weakness specific to the current market. On the other hand, other weaknesses include failure to identify dynamic changes of the competitor in an attempt to woo more tourists by offering improved services, thus making their destinations more competitive attraction destinations.
On the other hand, in the process of developing the above ecotourism activities identified in section three of the current project, additional issues considered include aesthetically well designed and developed artifacts, enhanced processes, and core values that are competitive with the feeder market for the tourist destination in the context of the current project. Typically, when viewing artifacts, one is compelled with the impression these items fit well into the local cultural orientations and core values while protagonist identifies the above destination. In addition to that, tourists enjoy services through passive and active participation depending on the type of activity.
While there are ranges of activities that require active participation like climbing mountains, other activities require passive participation like acrobatic shows. Thus, the desire of each visitor is well accommodated and catered for. In addition to that, the activities identified in the current section are distributed demographically fitting into each of the age groups. Thus, each of the groups including age, income level, and activity level fit such as individual participation, type of control for the activities particularly due to the benefits accruing from the use of a specific resource for a particular activity, and risk takers are incorporated into the range of activities covered above.
All the services and items provided as tourist attractions target low-income groups, middle-level income tourists, and high-income level tourists. Typically, mental pictures that create the impression of an ecotourism destination characterize all the destination points. On the other hand, all the sale of the artifacts and the services provided at the destination points are characterized by authentic and original sources that give further impetus to the name of the current destination.
Selling Stories
According to the current paper, a number of selling stories abound about the Kenyan destination market. A typical example is illustrated in the following picture.

The Kenyan story revolves around cultural artifacts and ornaments pictured above. In addition to that, in the context of the current project, the destination is characterized by buying processes that each visitor could not avoid to be a participant. Thus, when one enters Kenya and a tourist destination, even tourists who do not like shopping find themselves compelled to participate in the souvenirs. Typically, the purchases evoke a wonderful memory in the visitor to the extent one considers it a lasting memory to take home. On the other hand, the variety of products available for sale adds value to the range of items available from the Kenyan tourist market. On the other hand, when the tourist lands in the country at the airport, one is greeted with a number of shops that offer agricultural products that ne considers to take back home. That is because these products evoke the kind of desire and memory that one could like to keep at home. It is worth noting that the product prices might be relatively high but not as high as one could find when buying a similar product in the US.
On the other hand, it is important to exchange dollars with the local currency in small destinations. The rationale is due to the worthlessness of the currency in other parts of the world, though the Kenyan currency is a hard currency. Thus, one can visit a bank or any exchange bureau to change the currency into the local currency for use. It is also important to remember that a number of banks are converted in urban areas, thus the possibility of missing banking services in the remote parts of the country. However, due to economic growth and other economic factors, many of the banks have located their services to the remote areas, reducing the chances of missing currency exchange services.
It is critically important as a tourist to bear in mind that different regions within the country offer different features depending on geographic distributions. Thus, it is important to plan well when making the visit to ensure one enjoys the services.
As identified above, a significant number of artifacts sold to the target visitor include stone carvings, wooden carvings, and other sculptures. A significant number of destinations offer different items that are characterized by the geographic features of the destination region.
One considers the rift valley region that boasts of a great variety of wild life and cultural domestic animals that visitors can enjoy viewing due to the cultural attachments of the local community to the domestic animals such as goats and cows. On the other hand, the coastal region provides a significant variety of physical features and historical features that visitors would like to enjoy. That is the area one finds machines used by the Portuguese to defend the coastal region from external aggressions from the sea. The canons used to fight off enemies during the time are also found at this point. In addition to that, different products offered by different market destination points make the current project all too attractive. One of the attractions that form the selling story include beautifully woven fabrics found in the coastal region that are produced based on eco conservation principles.
One can buy skirts made from hand woven materials and a variety of other items that are handmade. In addition to that, one completes the journey by considering the famous game and national reserves for wild life. On the other hand, the country enjoys a number of eco conservation sites mentioned elsewhere in the paper. Typically, that covers ecotourism activities such as natural tourism supported by natural attractions and benefits accruing from the items. On the other hand, agricultural tourism plays a significant part in the current story in addition to cultural tourism that provides the tourists with artifacts and other items that are produced based on eco-conservation principles. Different regions within the current destination offer the services and products that the visitor finds revealing and satisfying to enjoy. A range of artifacts is found on the websites used for marketing communication.
A Wide Selection of Artifacts
It is important to consider a wide selection of artifacts to be sold in the destination tourist market. The artifacts come in different prices depending on quality, size, type and a number of additional features. One of the artifacts is a three legged stand that is sourced from the Akamba people who are very good at designing and developing such artifacts. These artifacts sometimes are sold in large quantities and people are able to get quantity discounts. However, a single item costs 4 $ that is approximately equivalent to 3600 Ksh, the Kenyan local currency. Another artifact sold in the local tourist market destination includes the bird artifact. The artifact can be viewed below.

Other artifacts include Maasai craftworks. The pricing is also based on quantity discounts. However, the pricing is based on single items. Competitive intelligence shows that the product costs 3.5 $ US currency, but at quantity discounts costs a dollar less than the marked prices. The Maasai carvings are shown in the following picture.

Promoting Your Product to Your Target Segment
Once the products have been identified for the current market destination, it becomes important to promote the products in the current market for the visitors. After identifying prices for products to offer in the current market, it is critically important to consider the marketing strategies to promote the products in the current market to position the project destination at a competitive edge with other rival destinations. Typically, the policies formulated include factoring marketing principles such as pricing strategies, product offerings that constitute features that the offerings covering different market segments provide, and promotional activities that endeavor to position the products at a competitive edge against the rivals. On the other hand, the place where each of the products are sold, the human resources identified elsewhere in the paper, physical evidence of the products to attract the tourist, and procedures used to position the products in the market are other factors to consider. In addition to that, the marketing strategies and goals, according to the consultant, are designed to position the marketing destination at a competitive edge with the rival destinations, increasing an inflow of tourists and revenue for the country.
Marketing Strategies
The marketing strategy is to make the current destination a leading destination for tourists from different parts of the world, by providing the visitors with what they need and best for them. Thus, the destination choice is what is best for the visitor, making the destination the only and top choice to tour. Typically, the destination endeavors to build a seamless service provisions at all levels leading to customer satisfaction.
The current strategy factors the competitiveness in the tourism sector from other industry players such as South Africa, Uganda, and Rwanda. In the other hand, the strategy factors the excellent roads infrastructure in Kenya, challenges that dynamically face the industry at different levels of service and product provisions, the strength, and weaknesses current in the destination project. In addition to that, government policies and procedures related to the industry, current destination strengths that provide a competitive edge against rivals, and competitive intelligence reports about the current destination and different other competing destinations are considered.
The mission for the current destination is to increase economic benefits accruing from tourism activities to the local economy.
The Kenyan destination provides ample space active and passive activities for visitors from different parts of the world including ecotourism activities, cultural activities attractions, and experiences that are nature based that provide the pleasure and fulfillment for the visitor. Typically, the destination provides a secure environment and its position on the equator is indisputably a natural advantage for any visitor to have a feel of it.
Strategic Objectives
- To formulate methods of improving visitor experience and increase repeat visits.
- To market effectively and efficiently the current destination as a strategic destination, thus increase customer inflow.
- Attract investors into the tourism industry, increasing the number of investors, thus economic development as a ripple effect.
- Over deliver what has been under-promised.
- Improve participation in the tourism industry through marketing and promotional activities.
- Increase tourist time of stay and repeat visits.
Thus, the current strategies and marketing objectives fulfillment is based on marketing communication strategies by a third party company to be offered the consultancy services to present the target audience with the products and services on offer. Thus, it is critically important to evaluate the communication strategies the consultancy company will use to communicate and present the items to the target feeder market for the destination market.
Typically, the marketing and promotional strategies are tailored to maintain the kind of visibility for the destination to ensure the number of tourists is maintained and an upward trend is experienced. Thus, these issues are critical when establishing the communication network.
Communication Strategies
Communication strategies used by the consultancy firm is based on the marketing and communication concepts that include advertising, sales promotions, personal selling activities, direct marketing techniques, and public relations approaches. Advertising will constitute one critical element in the communication strategies. Typically, different communication methods will form the platform for passing on information about the current destination. To stay abreast with the changes in technologies, the current strategy is to use the internet as one basic component to access and reach a wide audience.
In addition to that, social networking sites will form the backbone of the information superhighway to reach a wide selection of audience. Examples of information superhighways include social networking sites such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, among others. On the other hand, the destination provides different websites that visitors can access information that are linked to social networking sites. Typically, the online communication strategies include diffusion mechanisms that require that the channels provide innovative approaches of reaching the customer.
Advertising strategies include communicating to the customer available packages, and the accessibility of the packages. Typically, to access the services and products, then, one is compelled to travel to the tourist destination point. In addition to that, the destination point is made attractive through the communication strategies that enable the target destination provides amenities, ancillary services, and activities identified in the above strategy.
Another strategic approach to conducting the campaigns includes organizing tradeshows in different feeder market destinations supported by the government and related policies. In addition to that, provision of online travel manuals serves a typical communication channel through which information is communicated to the feeder market. On the other hand, destination quality schemes are as a communication strategy enabling direct access by the customer to the consumers and enable bookings of the destinations.
Typically, the communication strategies are imp0lemented based on underlying principles such as a through comprehension of consumer markets, communicating information targeting the market segment identified as critical to the success of the development of the market, and reformulating the marketing mix t dynamically factor changing trends in the market.
Thus, the communication strategy enables the creation of the development of the destination image that sinks deeper and impresses the customer to make the visit to Kenya. In addition to that, the destination image communicated to the target customer constitutes elements identified in another section that communicate information to the customer about expectations ate the destination market. Another communication strategy includes destination branding and benchmarking. That is attained through personal selling strategies specifically tailored to meet the customer expectations using human resources trained and employed in Kenya and targeting different training institutions.
Other strategies include sales promotions over communication media such as the internet, brochures, and every tool the management identifies worth using to reach the target customer. Other communication strategies include publications, and direct marketing techniques such as are used in marketing artifacts. It is important to use images such as animals, wild life, views provided by nature, and other ecotourism activity images. On the other hand, the media vehicles already mentioned above, to use to reach the customer based on different market communication concepts. On the other hand, the target market segment includes all customers across the entire age groups.
Middleton, V.T., Fyall, A., Morgan, M., Ranchhod, A. (2009). Marketing Travel and Tourism (4th edition), Butterworth-Heinemann Publishers, ISBN 978-0-7506-8693-8