Environment Examples for Free - Page 2

Human Behavior in the Environment

Introduction In simple terms, environment means the surroundings. It comprises of living and non-living things. Human beings and nature depend on each other for them to survive. Physical scientists define the environment into three intertwined systems that comprise of hydrosphere, lithosphere and atmosphere. On the other hand, biologist environment consists...

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Greenhouse Gases. Harmful Impact on the External Environment

Greenhouse gases have become our common reality nowadays, and it often happens that people hear from the mass media about the sad effects they have on the environment, and how ruining they are for everything living on the Earth. In general, greenhouse gases seem to be the cause of the...

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Contribution of Different Renewable Energy Forms to the Global Energy Profile

The 21st century has witnessed the rise of awareness of global ecological problems. Organizations such as Greenpeace advocate for conservation of nature and non-damaging ecological behavior. For sustaining change on a global scale, people’s wish cannot be enough. Technological solutions have to be established in order to prevent adverse effects...

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Wind Power Is the Power of Our Future

Introduction Modern people depend on energy which is mostly produced by fossil fuels which resources are not limitless. The use of renewable energy is considered to be the solving of the problem of natural resources exhaustion. The use of wind power energy has become more popular nowadays when the environment...

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Global Warming: Speculating About Causes

Global warming is the burning issue nowadays Global warming is one of the current issues nowadays. This burning issue is discussed by politicians, environmentalists, and other people who are concerned with its effects. Although the causes of this catastrophe are in doubt its irreparable effects are real and measurable. There...

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Urban Sprawl and Technological Solutions

Introduction Rapid urbanization leads to the release of gases like carbon dioxide emitted by cars and industries, leads to global warming. It is because of this urban sprawl that a lot of energy is used in the transport sector at homes through cooling and heating of big homes in the...

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Water Crisis and Risk Management

Introduction Water is one of the basic needs of the life on earth. It is consumed by human beings, animals for their survival and plants and agricultural products for their growth. Supplying adequate and /or potable water to the global population is the biggest task in the wake of growing...

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Solar Energy Has a Promising Future

Introduction Environment protection has become the burning issue nowadays. The approaching threat of global warming has made many experts look for new sources of energy as far as traditional ones destruct our planet with huge amounts of harmful emissions. Alternative sources of energy are the best way to save our...

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Is Global Warming Real?

Introduction A topic of global warming has become more controversial over the last five years. It was a proven issue and a reason for international concern while today many people oppose its existence. It is reasonable to question any idea before believing in it; however, the status of global warming...

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Negative and Positive Impacts of Nuclear Power

Nuclear power is a type of energy that is generated from uranium, and through nuclear fission, heat and electricity are produced. The plants of nuclear power have for a long time now been providing energy and electricity to the world’s population, with the highest users of nuclear power being the...

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Radioctive Waste Management

Radioactive waste is generated by processes and activities that utilize or produce radio active materials. There are various activities that produce this kind of waste. These activities include mining, industrial processes, nuclear processes, medicine, warfare and science research (Young, 2006). Radioactive waste can appear in all forms of matter which...

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Global Warming and Climate Change Controversy

Global warming and climate change controversy is a disagreement on the nature, causes, and effects of anthropogenic activities on the global climate and the policies that should be adopted so as to mitigate the negative effects of climate change. There is however general consensus that there is a stable warming...

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Global Warming: Definition, Causes, Effects

Executive Summary The temperatures have steadily been increasing while rainfall is continuously becoming unpredictable. There are frequent concerns associated with droughts and water-related disasters that were not there a century ago. In his book Miller (2008) states that many health concerns are becoming evident such as the heat waves that...

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Urban Sprawl as an Environmental Issue

Rural-urban migration has increased the rate of industrialization, which has had the side effect of increased emission of greenhouse gases. These gases have the effect of accelerating global warming. But even more significant of the problems caused by urban migration is the concept of urban sprawl. As more and more...

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Nuclear Power Generation

Introduction The industrialized countries have been able to succeed in the construction of nuclear energy because of the high cost incurred in setting up the infrastructure required in establishing nuclear plants. Before “Fukushima”, nuclear disaster many nuclear plants were under construction as this mode of energy production, counter dangerous climate...

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Waste and Other Related Problems

Introduction Waste has become a major problem in the world today because of the many health hazards associated with it. Secondly, waste that is not properly managed may lead to pollution of the environment. Waste is a major cause of water and air pollution. This occurs when waste finds its...

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2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: China’s Response to the Disaster

China has always been prone to natural disasters – one of the perennially worst affected regions of the world. Of the top ten worst natural calamities, six took place in China. Of these the top ranking first three were in China. “The earthquake at Shaanxi in 1556 affected 0.83 million”...

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Changes in the Global Climate ModelGlobal Climate Model

Abstract This paper describes the global climatic model that helps shed light on weather patterns. The paper studies three models; the global atmospheric model, ocean climate model, and land surface model. The main focus is to describe the uncertainties surrounding global climatic models that affect their reliability. The methods of...

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Anthropogenic: Global Warming

Introduction Global warming can be defined as a rise in the mean global temperature particularly a sustained rise high enough to bring about adjustment in the earth’s climate. It is brought about by the enhancement of the greenhouse effect, basically by air pollution. Various hypotheses have come about to give...

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Eight Methods in the Process of Raw Water Purification

Introduction Water covers the major part of the earth surface in form of oceans, seas, rivers, and lakes. However, such water is raw and therefore not fit for direct human consumption. Raw water has to be purified through various techniques in order to remove chemicals and other impurities. In most...

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Water Pollution and its Mitigation

Introduction Water covers about seventy percent of the earth surface and about 80 percent of the human body mass. Of all the resources on the plane, water is the most important as without it no life can exist. Other than the terrestrial animals that must have constant supply of water...

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The Major Advantages of Shifting Power Supplies to Renewable Sources

To mitigate the negative effects of climate change and for preservation of energy, a shift to sustainable development is urgently required. Therefore, a major issue is to alter the generation of electricity from finite sources such as fossil fuels and uranium to renewable energies. This essay attempts to explore the...

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Why Are Hybrid Cars Friendly to the Environment?

In the current age of soaring oil prices and increasing global warming, it has become crucial to curtailing the use of fuels that pose a serious threat to the environment and consider other environment-friendly options. Hybrid vehicles, in contrast to traditionally run fuel-based vehicles, have the potential to “improve fuel...

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Argumentative Essay about Global Warming

Introduction Is climate change a real threat? This argumentative essay about global warming aims to answer the question. It focuses on the greenhouse effect caused by humans and its impact on ecology.   The general Western society has been presented with two rather conflicting viewpoints concerning the topic of global warming....

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Global Warming: Threats, Pollution and Activities to Stop

Introduction The problem of global is one of the most important for the world today as it affects the global population, the environment and future of the Earth. The possibility of global climate change, induced by an increase in pollutants in the atmosphere, is potentially the most important international issue...

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Environmental Horticulture. Greenhouse Effect

Introduction The greenhouse effect is a term that describes an increase of the average global temperature and is often associated with global warming which is the subject of great debate and concern worldwide. Although warnings about the human generated causes of an enhanced greenhouse effect and the subsequent catastrophic outcomes...

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Global Warming: A Review of the Evidence ‘Pro’ and ‘Con’

Global warming affects all areas of life: politics, economics and a social sphere. It involves many sciences which study the causes of global warming and try to find possible solutions to reduce the impact of our civilization on the planet. Some scientists (Lomborg 163; Bailey, 5) prove the idea that...

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The Global Warming Issue

Introduction The most vulnerable part of the earth’s ecological system is the atmosphere. The atmosphere has been contaminated by the dense greenhouse gases emitted daily from burning fossil fuels. The green housed gases have been identified as the major reason behind global changes in temperature. Yet the gases continue being...

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Definition of Weather and Climate

The major concern of many scholars mostly climatologists is the rapid climate change. Many argue that greenhouse gases are the primary cause of global warming. This is because they trap heat. This in turn regulates the earth’s temperature. My concern is are greenhouse gases the major Nonclimatic factors leaching to...

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Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant is the site of a nuclear electricity generating station which is among the four identical units of the Soviet-designed RBMK1000 type. All four units are designed to produce 1,000 megawatts of electricity. One of the nuclear reactors located in the town of Chernobyl in Ukraine exploded...

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Environment Agency Abu Dhabi and Emiratisation

Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi The Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) was created at the end of the previous century in 1996; it received the current title in 2005. It was established to improve the environmental sustainability of the Abu Dhabi Emirate. In particular, EAD aims to improve the...

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Renewable Energy Sources Benefits

Introduction In present days, international community becomes more concerned with environmental issues such as global climate change, the increase of polluting emissions, the increase in energy consumption and other, because all these problems lead to the imbalance of ecosystems. The urgency of these environmental issues requires the development of methods...

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Environmental Problems in China

Introduction In the era of globalization, the concept of environmental issues has never been as relevant. In its essence, an environmental issue is a harmful effect on the biophysical environment caused by human activities. Moreover, the global biophysical environment is constantly changing, and as it changes, there is a high...

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Disaster Perception and Media Influence on It

Comparison of Sensitivity and Resilience issues The tourism sector has suffered a blow on many occasions following the vulnerability of different regions to natural epidemics. Many cases of natural disasters and catastrophes have been witnessed in the recent past. Cases in point are the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 and...

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The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Implications

The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (the BP Oil Spill) is regarded as the largest oil spill in the History of the United States. The spill occurred in 2010 after the $340 million deepwater drilling rig operated by Transocean exploded and led to the uncontrolled release of oil and gas for...

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Gasoline Automobiles and Environmental Impact

Introduction For centuries, humans have endeavored to enhance their quality of life that brought them from the Stone Age to this contemporary era of information technology. The automobile industry is an indication of humans’ development, as the construction of a horseless vehicle was the foremost step in this series almost...

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Impacts of Air Pollution on Children’s Health in USA

Introduction Many illnesses that are widespread in the United States can be explained by human-induced environmental problems (Suwanwaiphatthana, Ruangdej, & Turner-Henson 2010, p. 26). Main body Air pollution problem in the United States Emissions There have been considerable reductions in the emission of such substances as sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide,...

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Climate Change & Global Warming Universal Strategy

Introduction All through the whole world, there has been a growing consensus towards a universal strategy for climate change and global warming. In the U.S., vested parties, for example, the Ecological Protection Fund and Friends of the Universe had backed administrative action. In response, the United Nations through the UN...

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Plastic Production Problem

Introduction Plastics are common in the world today, and they are extensively being used in the packaging of things. Plastics exist in many forms, which include, polythene papers, polythene bags, plastic containers, and even fabrics made of polythene materials. However, many people use plastics, but they may not be aware...

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Global Warming: Realities, Challenges and Solutions

Global warming is largely caused by humans. Each piece of coal and every liter of oil or gas we burn increase the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. As an ever-thicker blanket, these gases wrap around the earth and increases heat intensity that eventually leads to global warming. Carbon...

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Nuclear Energy and Its Effects on Environment

Introduction Energy is required for industrial and domestic uses; some countries have uranium and titanium deposits that are the major raw materials in the production of nuclear energy. Nuclear energy is produced after the chemical reaction of reactive products, which emit energy that can convert to electric energy; the process...

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Sustainability, Recycling, and Waste Management

What are the general principles for the management of Prescribed Industrial Waste? There are four general rules for the management of prescribed industrial waste. They are; Dumping of group A waste to landfill is prohibited. Individuals are allowed to dump risky group B or C waste to an approved site....

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Water Pollution and Treatment Methods

Description of the Article The article under review is water pollution and treatment technologies by Reddy Kumar and Lee Seung (Harikishore and Lee 1). The article discuses the causes, effects and methods of reducing water pollution. The first part of the article discusses the main causes of water pollution and...

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Global Warming: Future Summers

Global warming is a definition generally used to designate a hypothetically dramatic increase in the yearly average global surface temperature of the Earth (Drake 1). Rising temperatures mean that stationary human populations will be exposed to higher levels of transmission of such diseases like malaria or any other disease for...

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Plastic Consumption: Environmental Public Policy

The Notion of Public Policy in the Context of Environment Every world citizen is an individual who cannot fully exercise his or her will without considering the rights and freedoms of other people. For these reasons, various behavior patterns have been implemented in the world community within the past centuries....

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Global Warming and Climate Change: Economic Aspects

Abstract This paper analyzed the phenomenon of global warming, an issue that poses a serious threat to the global economy. It is a multifaceted issue that affects almost all critical sectors, including agriculture, health, and labor productivity. Global warming is the outcome of a high atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases...

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Atmospheric Pollution: Causes and Effects

Pollution of air is one of the main environmental problems experienced by the contemporary world. Air is a resource without which the life on earth is impossible. The quality of atmospheric air affects the well-being and health of people, animals, as well as the plant world. However, it is prone...

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Climate Change and Politics of Doubt Expert Opinion

The Role of an Expert Opinion in the Climate Change The problem of climate change has become extremely relevant in the 21st century and caused numerous debates. Mostly, scientists claim that the problem of global warming is progressing and the climate is changing for the worse. At first sight, it...

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Extreme Weather Patterns and Climate Change

The concepts of weather and climate are usually used interchangeably by many people and scientists (Romm 25). However, the two words are different in terms of development and implication. Romm indicates that “climate is the long-term average of weather patterns in a specific region or place” (65). On the other...

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Urban Problems: Environmental Pollution

Thesis There is no use denying the fact that nowadays the majority of people live in giant cities which cover great areas and shelter millions of their inhabitants. Blistering industrialization led to the development of cities as there was a great need in the workforce. People left rural areas in...

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Construction Waste Management Methods

Abstract The research in this paper is directed on recycling as the sustainability of environment has been considered as the purpose of the construction waste management methods or plans. The important of sources of construction waste in Hong Kong is from housing development as according to Sang, W. W. &...

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Tourism and Environment in Conflict

Introduction According to Bajwa and Kaur (2007), tourism and the environment are deemed to be in conflict with regard to pollution tendencies. In the modern world, the aspect of pollution stretches far and wide from air pollution from car exhausts, pollution of rivers from toxic wastes, traffic congestion, as well...

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Global Hotspots

What is an “endemic species”? Why is “endemism” used as a measure of habitat irreplaceability? Endemic species are those species that inhabit a particular ecosystem only (Conservation International Web). Endemism becomes a measure of irreplaceability since endemic species cannot inhabit any other locality (Conservation International Web). Why are vascular plants...

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Climate Change and Global Warming Debate

For the past one decade or so, the debate on global warming and climate change has been top on environmental agenda. Although most debates on environmental conservation often focus on specific or isolated regions, the concept of global warming as well as climate change is a worldwide concern. As a...

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Climate Change and Energy Efficiency in Architecture

The Science of Climate Change Climate change is the overall change in the usual patterns of weather. This is usually over a long period of time (Gille, 2002). When this occurs, there is the change in the statistical description of the weather conditions and the variations that come with it....

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Environmental Sustainability and Consumption Management

Environmental sustainability is utilizing the available resources for our current needs without affecting the needs of the future generation. Sustainability emphasizes that humans depend on the environment for their survival. The social and economic needs of all generations can be maintained when humans and the environment co-exist in synchronization. Humans...

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Nuclear Power and Its Effect on the Environment

Introduction Globalization and technological advancement has contributed immensely towards an increase in the number of industries in the world. In the process of production, fuel is required to run some machines; however, this fuel is a major source of pollution to the environment. Fossil fuels, for example, emit gases (when...

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Water and Energy Sectors in the UAE

Introduction Water resources and supply challenges have continuously become common because of climate change, rapid population growths, rising standards of living, industrialization, and expansion of the agricultural sector. Such challenges related to water have resulted in major impacts on emerging countries, specifically the least developed ones. Water resources and supplies...

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Climate Change Primary Causes and Consequences

Introduction Climate change is a major global concern and leaders all over the world have now come to appreciate the need to combat it as a way of saving the planet Earth. In the recent past, there was a belief that the real impact of climate change may come in...

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Fossil, Clean, and Nuclear Energy Sources

Introduction Over the course of history, humans found and developed many sources that can produce energy. Some energy sources are non-renewable, such as oil or coal, while others are renewable, for example, wind and solar power. There are many various types of energy sources. Many of them are popular and...

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Climate Change Crisis and Ocean Threats

The Climate Change Crisis – What Is It and How It Happens? Climate change is a problem that has been very actively discussed for several decades now. The issues related and contributing to climate change are some of the most common topics for arguments in the contemporary world; they include...

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Global Warming, Its Causes, Effects, Prevention

Introduction One of the earth’s greatest challenges is Global warming. It is described as a constant increment in the earth’s average temperature. It is believed that global warming would result in permanent climate change. In line with the research, as human beings burn fossil fuels and destroy forests, the temperature...

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Integrated Environmental Management Development

Introduction Environmental management is broad topic and area of discussion in the modern society. According to Harvey and Clarke (2012), environmental management is defined as the research and opinions that are applied in the use and conservation of natural resources, the control of hazards, and the protection of habitats among...

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UAE Nuclear Power and Environmental Obstacles

Abstract Nuclear power is becoming an ever more significant topic, especially in the Gulf region and in the United Arab Emirates to be exact. It has been a growing matter due to oil reserves running out in the next three to four decades, and the UAE is looking and working...

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Groundwater in the United Arab Emirates

Introduction Water is the most abundant natural resource on earth. However, numerous surveys have revealed that water is scarce in the UAE. For this reason, the essay focuses on groundwater as a threatened natural resource in the UAE since its supply does not meet its demand. This situation has posed...

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Transport Industry’s Input to Global Warming

Introduction The increasing emission of carbon from various sources has been cited as the main cause of average increased in the global temperatures. The little change in the temperature is perceived to have greater effect on the earth’s climate. According to the available scientific data, the earth’s temperature has increased...

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Oceans and Coasts Under Climate Change Impacts

Executive Summary As the average temperatures of the world have been rising, scholars project that climatic conditions will worsen if management strategies are not in place to mitigate the impacts of climate change. The increasing global temperatures owe their existence to pollution, particularly emissions of greenhouse gases. Thermal expansion and...

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Wind Energy in the United States

The wind energy can be discussed as one of the most growing and developing energy sectors in the United States. The country ranks the second among the largest producers of the wind energy in the world because the United States has the great potential in developing the wind farm market...

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Wind Energy: Current Status and Future

Introduction According to Chu and Majumdar, “energy cannot be stored or destroyed; however, it can be converted from one form to another through certain technological means” (300). Wind energy is one of the cleanest and renewable ways of producing electricity. In the past, human beings used wind energy to sail...

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Air Pollution: Causes, Effects and Solutions

Introduction Air pollution is the addition of foreign materials into the air. The foreign matter is usually of chemical and biological origin. In addition, it is not uncommon to find these materials being particulate in nature. The materials are usually considered to be harmful to human beings and the environment....

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Global Warming: Causes, Effects, Solutions

Introduction Climate change and global warming are some of the topical issues that are currently dominating in the global sphere. This is because the issue directly affects human beings in many ways. The problem of global warming is mainly cause by industrialization since factories and industries are the major pollutants...

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Waste Transformation into Energy

Introduction A rising need for energy caused by rapid depletion of oil reserves led to development of alternative sources of energy (Grover 46). Examples of alternative energy include wind power, nuclear energy, and waste energy. Technology used to generate waste energy resulted from widespread environmental pollution and inappropriate methods of...

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The Sustainable Energy Future Possibility

Sustainable sources of energy have received a lot of support from many people because they do not pollute the environment. High levels of toxic emissions and environmental degradation have encouraged many countries to look for alternative sources of energy to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels such as petroleum, coal...

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Waste Management Essay – the Case of Ontario

Abstract This waste management essay focuses on the case of waste diversion programs in Ontario, Canada. It provides a literature review on the topic and evaluates the waste diversion program in Ontario, Canada since the year 1996 to 2010. Waste diversion aims to reduce the volume of wastes for landfills....

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Renewable Energies’ Contribution to the Global Energy Budget

Introduction Renewable energy is derived from resources that have the element of replenishing continuously, such as wind, sunlight, rain, and geothermal heat. An estimation of 16% of the global final energy consumption is from renewable energies. Further, it is estimated that 10% of all energy comes from biomass. Hydroelectricity produces...

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The Natural Resource Curse

Introduction While having an abundance of natural resources is a desirable thing since it increases the likelihood of a nation becoming wealthy, these resources have been linked to negative outcomes such as poverty and conflict in some resource-rich countries. Some nations with abundant natural resources have failed to achieve the...

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Energy Resources: the Future of Fossil Fuels

Introduction Globally, energy consumption has increased tremendously despite the limited sources of energy reserves. Studies have shown that at primary level, energy consumption requirement to sustain life has increased. Initially it was estimated that there is a continual everyday demand of 100 watts of energy for each individual. Nevertheless, inclusion...

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Renewable Energy Development: Drivers and Barriers

The modern society is faced with several challenges, but the issue of climate change is of much concern to many policy makers. The emission of greenhouse gases is the biggest challenge that the planet has ever faced due to the potential effects of the carbon compounds, which are known to...

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Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development

Fossil fuel energy consumption in the past decades A 1995 report shows a significant increase in the consumption of fossil fuel between 1990 and 2014 (Kruger 2006). The consumption shows a notable increase in fossil fuel consumption, with coal registering the most significant increase compared with other sources of energy,...

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Yellowstone National Park

Introduction When Yellowstone was established as the first American national park, very little was known concerning the future of national parks in the United States. Arguably, the brains behind the national park idea had no clue that what they were doing would have long lasting implications for America and Americans....

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The Greenhouse Effect

The term “Greenhouse Effect” refers to an atmospheric phenomenon whereby certain gases in the atmosphere absorb and retain thermal radiation from the earth’s surface. These gases are collectively referred to as greenhouse gases. When the sun’s rays hit the earth’s surface, some of the radiation is reflected and then trapped...

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Global Warming Causes

Introduction Global warming is the alarming increase in temperature rates of the earth’s surface. The increase in temperature results from absorption of light and heat from the sun by the various greenhouse gases. The topic of global warming has been and still is an imperative issue in many countries especially...

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Global Warming: Cause and Mitigation

Compare and contrast natural versus anthropogenic climate changes Research studies indicate that various factors influence the global climate. These factors are categorized into either natural climate changes or anthropogenic climate changes. Both natural and anthropogenic climate changes contribute to global warming (Archer, 2012). Natural climate changes occur naturally without any...

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Clean Energy Era

Power is integral to the development of the human civilization. It is by using vast power resources that the significant industrial advances in the world have been made possible. Traditionally, non-renewable energy sources have provided for the vast majority of the global energy needs. However, there has been a current...

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Life Cycle Analysis – Environment

Any business organization has goals to achieve which are not limited to its business core value, which is financial stability. Other incidental goals are social, political and environmental responsibilities. The environmental responsibility that a business organization must fulfill is ensuring that its products, as well as the process of raw...

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Global Warming Causes and Effects

Global warming refers to alterations in the globe’s surface temperature, which have been indicated by a rising in warmth for the last one hundred years. The climatic changes are linked with a diverse spectrum of climatic changes like snow capacity and rainfall intensity. The increase in temperature is a result...

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Oil Refining’s and Gas Processing Effects

Introduction Saudi Arabia has three major large cities. Dhahran City is one of the large cities located in Eastern Province of the country. Administrative duties for Saudi oil are majorly carried out at Dhahran city. It has a population of approximately 99,540 people. King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals...

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Global Warming Threat

Introduction Global warming refers to the “increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere and oceans” (Maslin, 2007, p. 5). Scientists began to detect significant increases in global temperature from the beginning of the 19th century. The temperature of the earth’s surface increased by, approximately, 0.50 Celsius in the...

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San Francisco Garbage Sorting

There are several residents in San Francisco who dump all sorts of waste materials into one dumpsite. In other words, they hardly sort them out according to their characteristics. There are those who argue that they dumping waste in compost pits make them stink. Although the latter may be a...

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Sustainable Energy & Environmental Studies

Every sector of the economy requires energy for its daily activities. Manufacturing, transport, security and several other areas are heavily dependent on energy. It should also be noted that the use of energy has a great influence on the development of the world since most technology has been improved courtesy...

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Climate Change’s Impacts on the Arab World

In recent times, the Arab World has made considerable economic and social gains. However, the scourge of climate change remains a major threat to the poverty reduction and economic development efforts of the Arab world. The League of Arab States (LAS) recognizes the need to examine the extent and effects...

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Carbon Emissions and Law

Abstract Global warming is one of the prime environmental problems today. Research indicates that global warming has not spared any country regardless of the geographical location. As a result, the United Nations has set various measures aimed at mitigating the effects of global warming. Despite the threshold of greenhouse emissions...

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