Sociology Examples for Free - Page 4

Animal Testing in Biomedical Research

Introduction In the past years, world scholars and researchers have highly debated the field of biomedical research. One of the main issues under concern has been the use of animals in facilitating biochemical research. The discussion concerning the use of animal testing in biomedical research has been very informative. The...

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Legalization of Marijuana and Drug Use Among Teenagers

Introduction Marijuana is a dangerous drug especially when it is misused. It is the most widely used illegal drug in the United States of America. Its source is the cannabis Sativa plant from which flowers, leaves, and stems are mixed to make up the drug. Just like any other drug,...

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Substance Abuse Problem Overview

Substance abuse is a social problem that permeates every aspect of human nature in the society. The issue has become a public health concern that calls for intervention measures from all entities in the society. This study looks at the issue of substance abuse and the problems of addiction. Socio-Cultural...

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Millennium Development Goals

Millennium Development Goals (MDG) refers to measures that are geared towards improving people’s lives either socially or economically in all developing countries (World Health Organisation, 2005). Millennium development goals aim to promote gender equality, reduce the rate at which children die, eliminate diseases like HIV/Aids and Malaria, ensure equal distribution...

Words: 216 Pages: 2

Domestic Violence. Cause. Types of Violence

This paper discusses the domestic abuse and its characteristics. Types of intimate partner violence are listed. The consequences of such behaviour and the way it affects society are also discussed. Peer-reviewed articles and literature were used during the research. This is a major problem of a modern society that is...

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Domestic Violence Against Women

Introduction In September 2015, the story of Tara Brown as reported in the ABC Press left readers astounded. Brown had been assaulted to death by her spouse, an ex-biker. According to Tapim (2015), Brown had recorded domestic violence issues to the police. Unfortunately, she met her death before the detectives...

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Freedom of Expression Should Be Guaranteed

Introduction Freedom of expression is a human right, which describes the right to commune an individual’s ideas and views via the body and/or property to a receptive audience. This right is synonymously termed as freedom of speech, although it goes beyond the definition of freedom of speech by including elements...

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The Work of Kübler-Ross’ Grieving Process

Three Models of Grieving Elisabeth Kubler-Ross Grief and mourning are critical experiences “that occur after the loss of a close relative” (Olasinde, 2012, p. 104). Mourning is something experienced by individuals from every background. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross presented five unique stages of grief. Many psychotherapists use such stages to support different...

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Addiction and Abuse of Various Drugs

Introduction There are various drugs that are commonly abused. They are considered to be abused because they are addictive and have consequences that are considered undesirable by the society. Among abused drugs is cocaine. Cocaine is a substance that is obtained from the coca plant. The users inhale cocaine after...

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Violent Behavior in Institutions

Nowadays, clinicians are at risk of becoming the victims of violent behavior, and the task of the additional education related to the issue is to teach the professionals how to deal with behavioral emergencies. To understand and analyze the aspects of the problem, it is important to refer to the...

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Internet Ethics and Information Security

Abstract The world has been experiencing developments in the field of information for many years and the trend is expected to continue in the future. Information services have developed technologically from paper to radio waves, TV and now to internet and computer. The world is currently experiencing rapid dynamics in...

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Concept of Social Inclusion

Introduction Inclusion of all people in the social system plays a fundamental role in uniting people. Discrimination or segregation on the hand disunite people and create social barriers among member of society. In some communities people with different forms of disabilities such as mental and physical disabilities are considered as...

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Overrepresentation of Aboriginal People in Crime

Introduction The aboriginal people are the native inhabitants of a given locale, and mostly the name is used to refer to the original occupants of Canada and Australia. During the sixteenth and seventeenth century when Europeans ventured into Canada, they happened to have had a cordial relationship with the Aboriginal...

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Utilitarianism Ethical Theory and Ethical Decisions

Introduction Utilitarianism is an ethical theory of morality advocating for actions which promote happiness and pleasure and oppose actions producing pain or harm. In essence, the theory seeks to probe into whether actions seem morally upright by assessing the outcomes or their effects. Therefore, utilitarianism theory defines a right and...

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Interpersonal Communication Skills

Introduction When considering essential qualities one needs to have to be successful in life, people typically outline the importance of intelligence, charisma, and the potential to be a leader. These aspects of one’s professional character are often cited on CVs along with language and computer proficiencies, the ability to think...

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Social Psychology Theories: The Most Important and Useful Theories

The Most Important and Useful Single Idea/Theory from Social Psychology The most important single idea/theory is Philip Zimbardo’s The Lucifer’s Effect. This theory focuses on personality traits and ways in which people may act in different ways. It holds that every human being always has the desire to help others...

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Discrimination Based on Race in the United States

While the end of slavery and the Jim Crow era, as well as the election of Barack Obama, led some optimists to believe that racism had ended in the United States, it is far from reality. Two books, Racism without Racists, by Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, and The New Jim Crow, by...

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Racism and Policies Behind It: Racial Inequality

Racism is one of the major factors resulting from stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination. Examples of social problems are domestic violence, human trafficking, rape, among others. There are many social problems in society because interaction among people is evident. Social problems affect an individual or society and can bring damage or...

Words: 2010 Pages: 8

Middle-Class Native American Adolescents: Immersion Project

Introduction Native Americans are regarded as another ethnic minority in the USA despite the fact that those people’s ancestors were born in this land. The life of these people has received significant attention, and much is known about the life on an Indian reservation. People living in such communities face...

Words: 1956 Pages: 8

Consumer Culture in China and the Middle Class

Introduction China’s unique consumer culture dates back to the late twentieth century when it was closely related to nationalism and acted as an aid to patriotism. According to Gerth, Chinese consumption trends in the 1920s were directed by the slogan ‘Chinese should consume China made products’ (4). The motive behind...

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Violence in Video Games and Movies

Many people criticize the depiction of violence in video games and movies. They claim that this can provoke children and adults to aggressive behavior and commit bad deeds. On the other hand, it is hard to imagine an action movie or any story-driven computer game without violence. Thus, I believe...

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Problems of Being Black in America

Introduction 2020 will go down as one of the most challenging and transformative periods of redefining the role of racism in modern and future society. Being a Black person in the United States is a complex experience that encompasses the realities and fears of living in a sizeable White-dominated community...

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Bhutanese Views on Happiness and Subjective Wellbeing

Physical Health and Subjective Wellbeing Subjective wellbeing (SWB) is how individuals assess their lives. It is a broad term that entails a wide range of factors, including health satisfaction, psychological health, physical health and overall satisfaction with life. Within the public, many researchers have demonstrated that engaging in physical activities...

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Illegal Immigration’s Impact on Agricultural History

Introduction Illegal immigration is the entering in other country without permission and a person becomes an illegal immigrant if: one enters a country without authority or inspection, staying beyond the authorized period after legal entry, or by violating the terms of legal entry. How Illegal Immigration Affects the Agricultural History...

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Restricting Children’s Access to Social Media

Introduction The spread of social media as the main channels of communication among people of different ages, races, and social statuses is a consequence of massive digitalization and the emergence of numerous online interaction platforms. Access to these services, as a rule, is open to any Internet user, which makes...

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Legalization of Marijuana in the US: Pros and Cons

Legalizing marijuana is a topic that has attracted many divergent views, making it to become controversial. In some jurisdictions in the United States and many other parts of the world, marijuana has been decriminalized, and people have been allowed to possess a specific maximum amount of the drug. The benefits...

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Feminism: Women and Gender Studies

Introduction to Women and Gender Studies Most communities discriminate persons on the grounds of gender and almost every recognized community has some aspects of male supremacy (Kimmel 4). These communities also have faith in biological determinism, which makes male persons to benefit from patriarchy. These are some of the issues...

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Same-Sex Marriage as a Problem in Society

Same-sex marriage or gay marriage has continually raised a raging debate between the proponents and opponents of this type of union. It is marriage between two people having same gender identity or biological sex. A large amount of controversy surrounds gay marriage with proponents arguing that love is the basis...

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Domestic Violence: Factors and Reasons

Factors that are associated with domestic violence Many factors can be associated with Domestic Violence. These factors are the reason why people get involved in domestic violence. One very common factor that is associated with domestic violence is the childhood of the person who inflicts the violence. This person is...

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Class as a Determinant of Health

Introduction Class as a determinant of health plays a critical role in indicating the level of inequality within the social settings. In class-divided societies, people are classified according to education level, occupation and even housing conditions (Marmot 2004). The indicators of socio-economic status and rates of mortality, morbidity, and disability...

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The Problem of the Homelessness

Abstract Statistics show that most of the cities in America are experiencing an influx of the number of homeless people. This shows that a step has to be taken to control the situation. On the other part, some cities have experienced a reduction in the number of homeless people. This...

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Children Aged From 5 to 18 and Their Caregivers

Bergman, AS., Axberg, U. & Hanson, E. (2017). When a parent dies – a systematic review of the effects of support programs for parentally bereaved children and their caregivers. BMC Palliat Care 16, 39. Web. The purpose of this research was to systematically review studies on the effects of support...

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How Social Determinants Impact the Quality of Life

Tweet text: Homelessness impairs the health of people in my community. Raising awareness, lobbying policies, and supporting local programs could help. Social determinants of health are the conditions in which people live that have a direct or indirect impact on their health and wellbeing. Homelessness is a significant problem in...

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Communication Opinion: Communication Cultural Differences

The process of transmitting information in form of ideas and feelings to an individual or group of people is what constitutes communication. The information received should be similar to the information transmitted for a communication process to be effective (Fielding, 2006). There is a difference between communicating clearly and talking....

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Gun Control: Does It Reduce or Increase Crime?

Security is an issue of great significance especially when it comes to human life. In fact, all individuals from all walks of life have security needs (though they may vary from one individual to the other). So, what happens in the event that one’s life is threatened and an individual...

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Sticks and Stones: The Effects of Teasing and Name Calling on Children

Abstract The paper discusses the effects of teasing and name calling on children. It begins by noting that this issue has recently gained significant attention due to the negative outcomes associated with childhood teasing and name-calling for most children. It proceeds to document how this behaviour is prevalent and has...

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Substance Abuse Among Adolescents

Introduction The introduction brings up the issue of substance abuse among adolescents. It highlights the prevalence of the problem in the society and the need for parents to take up an active role in fighting the vice since substance abuse leads to serious consequences. Literature Review This is the section...

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Concept of Conflict Management

Introduction In human relationships, conflict is almost inevitable. This is because individuals do have a wide range of potential differences and if there is no conflict, they would not interact meaningfully. Conflict can be defined as a situation where there is goal or value incompatibility between two parties or more...

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Fire Rescue Service Operations

Abstract Fire Rescue Service operations have been intensified worldwide as a result of the uncontrolled onset of disasters. They have endeavored to provide much-needed emergency responses in time and resourcefully. Fire Rescue Teams work towards providing fire protection to citizens at the local and international levels. They are either public...

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Domestic Violence: Historical Background and Effects

Introduction Domestic violence is a social crisis, which continues to haunt many people in society. It is often regarded as family violence, beating of wives, or even abuse. According to international law, domestic violence is commonly known as battering. This form of violence is not only limited to the beating...

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Euthanasia: Status and Medical Implications

Introduction One of the most controversial issues affecting mankind since time immemorial is the issue of euthanasia. Two camps do exist, one supports euthanasia either partly or in whole. The other camp rejects it either in part or as a whole. For the last several decades, scientists, theorists, theologians and...

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Impact of The Boston Police Strike

The Boston police strike is one of the major events in American history. It occurred on 9 September 1919. During this year, Massachusetts alone experienced 396 strikes since many workers thought that it was the most appropriate way to induce changes in their places of work especially concerning their wages...

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Fast Food’ Effects on Children

Introduction This is a research paper on the effects of fast food on society, but specifically, more emphasis is put on the younger generation, the children. Nevertheless, what is fast food? The term fast food generally refers to food that can be prepared and served impromptu. It can be accessed...

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Gender Health Inequalities – Gender and Health

Introduction Gender plays an important role in health inequality. Scientists have been wondering whether there is a relationship between mortality and morbidity rates, and gender. Besides, sexes have different biological features which may cause health inequality between males and females (Annandale & Hunt 2000). Gender is considered a learned identity...

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Same-Sex Marriage and Social Impact

Introduction Cultural beliefs and practices determine how individuals view societal issues. The issue of sexuality is influenced by both cultural and religious beliefs in society. Society determines the acceptable sexual orientation for individuals in the community. The following discussion analyzes the issue of same-sex marriage to find out the way...

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Domestic Violence – a Problem to be Solved

The issue of domestic violence has been constantly discussed in media nowadays. The fearing statistics brings up the thoughts of raising medieval barbarity within the modern society of prospering developed countries. The humiliating practice of domestic violence is applied to the most unprotected representatives of the society: young mothers, children;...

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Drug Prevention Among School-Aged Youth

Introduction Drug use and abuse are major issues that affect contemporary populations around the world. Problems that are associated with drug use are well known since they cause various problems to society. For instance, various drugs are linked with specific health complications that jeopardize the economic wellbeing of abusers as...

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Genetics of Sexual Orientation

Sexual orientation has become a major topic of interest in the current society. Normally, humans are considered to be normal if their sexual orientation is heterosexual. Those with bisexual, homosexual, or asexual orientation are considered to be abnormal and mostly taken as outcasts. Though it is clear that certain humans...

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Ethical Issues in Research

Researchers should be aware of the moral and ethical issues affecting their subjects. Health researchers should “respect the needs, expectations, and rights of the targeted groups and communities” (Reason & Bradbury, 2001, p. 26). Ethical codes of practice ensure researchers are accountable. That being the case, researchers should be aware...

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Ethical and Moral Issues in Social Learning Theory

Introduction Social learning theory was put forward by Albert Bandura in 1977. The theory states that a person’s behavior is gained by adopting it from somebody else. The behaviors are learned through observation, imitation, and also through modeling. According to Bandura, behavior social learning is very relevant to criminology. For...

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Illegal Drugs: Threat to the Society

Introduction According to the American College of Emergency Physicians [ACEP] (2011), one of the major threats that the American society is exposed to emanates from illegal drugs. This is given the various health complications that addiction to these drugs leads to. Other authorities such as the National Drugs Intelligence Centre...

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Research Methods for Social Epidemiology

Introduction In the contemporary world, different sectors as well as people are looking for ways of keeping up or improving their service delivery to their clients. In order to achieve this, they have to carry out research that will inform on what measures to be taken to improve on this....

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Individual Rights vs. the Community Order

Introduction Individual rights to some people should transcend the concerns of the community. However, to others, the community concerns triumph individual rights, and therefore, they have precedence in their implementation. These differing views have raised the question of which of the two concepts exists for the sake of the other....

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Illegal immigrants from Mexico to the Arizona

Introduction The issue of illegal immigrants from Mexico has been a controversial issue that highly heightened after the September 11, attacks. Many of these immigrants undergo impoverished conditions in their search for job opportunities and the cheap labor benefits offered by American businesses. Some conservatives and liberals have advocated for...

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Social Disorganization Theory in a Neighborhood

According to Clifford Shaw and McKay; formulators of the social disorganization theory at the institute for social research in Chicago, classical theory of social disorganization as applied to existing ideas in the social ecology explains crime and delinquent behavior in a place or neighborhood. On examining juvenile delinquency data on...

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Connection Between War and Poverty

Introduction Poverty and war have been known to coexist. The occurring of one element leads to the other. From ages, poverty has been noticed in some parts of the world where war is taking place and it has affected the population involved. In third world states, ethnic conflicts has never...

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Social Learning Theory: Child Support Services for Abused Children

Introduction The social learning theory tries to explain how people pick characteristics or behaviors they are exposed to over time. This is especially true when it comes to children picking the behaviors of their parents or guardians due to the closeness (Erikson 1994, pp.39-42). The logic is that if a...

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Social Security Reform Plan

Introduction The Social Security System (SSS) consists of OASI for the aged and DI which covers the disabled. Retired workers and their family are paid monthly benefits under OASI, while DI caters for disabled people who have not achieved retirement period and their families. The system is continuous through payroll...

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War on Drugs: Implication on the Criminal Justice System

Introduction According to Anonymous (What’s wrong with the drug war, 2010), each and every individual has a stake in bringing to an end the war on drugs. Whether it is a parent who is concerned with offering protection to the children from the harm associated with the drugs, whether it...

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McLuhan’s Theory and Communication

McLuhan’s theory of communication is based on a view of the nature of media and how it worked in the nineteen sixties. Although his theory is based on the state of the media in the nineteen sixties, it is still very applicable to the way we understand media and communication...

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The Issue of Human Trafficking

Abstract The issue of trafficking women and children for work in outside countries has been a problem for decades. Numerous cases have been reported of women missing only to be found in other countries working as sex workers. With the current development in information technology, methods of recruiting, shipping and...

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Profile of Koreans Present in the Los Angeles Area

Living Area A group of Korean people has settled in a populated place called Korea Town in Los Angeles. Korea Town is located in the mid-Wilshire district along Wilshire Boulevard between Western and Vermont Avenues where there are many Korean restaurants and business establishments run by Koreans. According to a...

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Diseases Associated With Alcoholism

Alcohol is a substance that has continually been abused over the years. Efforts to completely discourage its use have been challenged by among other reasons, several unfounded studies that reveal that it has some positive health benefits which research has proved as not true. The fact of its addictive nature...

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Gay or Lesbian Domestic Violence

Gay or lesbian domestic violence occurs frequently just like heterosexual violence according to statistics. Though this happens as mentioned, there is reluctance by the affected parties to seek redress from the law enforcement agencies. This can be attributed to a number of factors that surround such relationships. To be begin...

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Restrictions or Limitations on Free Speech

Introduction The significance and the value of freedom of speech are guaranteed internationally by Articles eighteen and nineteen of the “United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” (Duquenoy, Jones & Bllundell 84). Safeguarding of the privilege to liberty of speech is also assured in the legislation of individual nations. In...

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Should People Have a Right to Own a Gun?

The question of whether people should have a right to own a gun is a point of many discussions in the modern world. Considering the fact that more and more people are killed in terrorist attacks and even their homes and I would personally like to feel secured at all...

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Women’s Reproductive Rights and Accomplished Changes

Introduction This essay illustrates the discriminative nature of women’s reproductive rights and how it contributes to inequality. Women are constantly denied their sexual and reproductive rights which hinders their access to essential reproductive health care. The demographic that is most affected by such discrimination is teenagers, poor women, those who...

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Children and the Use of the Internet: Risks and Gains

Introduction The Internet is becoming popular by both adults and children as an accurate and reliable information source. A survey by the National Center for Educational Statistics revealed that approximately 94% of children aged between three and eighteen had Internet access within the comfort of their homes in 2018 (‘Children’s...

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Equal Play, Equal Pay: The Gender Pay Gap Issue

Working approaches of modern women became closer to men’s: today, many of them are career-dedicated, and the number of female employees and entrepreneurs increases globally. However, inequity among men and women at workplaces still exists and often is shown by the level of salaries: male workers receive higher amounts for...

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How I Met Social Work Standards

Social work standards and regulations are essential components that promote specialized service delivery and encourage the practice’s development. Caseworkers need to demonstrate proficiency in their engagements; established and authorized organizations promote their undertakings by evaluating and regulating the occupation. Social Work England is one of the leading bodies that develop...

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Drug Abuse in Adolescents: The Causes

Introduction As is known, the range of social problems faced by the individual is regularly actively expanding. One of such difficulties confronting society is teenage drug addiction. Scientists estimate that about one in two American teenagers has at least the initial experience of using narcotic illicit substances. However, it is...

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Racism: Black Lives Matter Movement

Introduction Social discrimination had existed since the colonial period when white Americans got lawfully and authorized privileges. However, other races and minorities were deprived of these rights. Although slavery and segregation in America have been abolished, African Americans continue to face humiliation and inequality even now. As Martin Luther King...

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“I’m a School Psychologist” Article Review

In the article “I’m A School Psychologist — And I Think Teachers Should Be Armed,” the author Michal Golberg (2018) argues that the policies guiding the protection of schools and their students from attacks should be changed. The main idea of the article is explored based on the author’s experience...

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Adolescent Drug Addiction Problem

Humanity is always satisfying its weaknesses, as reflected in the development of an industry of products and goods that cause irreparable harm to health, but bring fleeting pleasure. There are many examples of these vices: drugs, alcohol, tobacco, toxic substances, and addictions of all kinds. It is especially worth paying...

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Criminal Domestic Violence Problem Overview

Introduction Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior in a relationship that is used to create or maintain power over an intimate partner, this type of abuse could be emotional, physical, sexual, or psychological. In the United States, research from the CDC (Center for Disease Control) states that 1 out...

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Socioeconomic Status and Access to Therapy

Introduction The concept of socioeconomic status (SES) involves a range of categories such as, but not limited to, occupational position, income, and education. In terms of healthcare, the evidence shows that people with low SES are likely to encounter challenges in accessing the necessary services and improper treatment (Manstead, 2018)....

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Gender Equality in Finland and the US

Introduction With the emergence of movements such as #MeToo and the rise of unfit men in political offices, the US’s long history of discrimination and sexual abuse targeted at women has come into the light. The gender gap in leadership positions across the globe continues, regardless of women being about...

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Ways to Stop Bullying at School: Addressing Children’s Needs

School bullying is among some of the most problematic issues that are extraordinarily difficult to tackle in the school environment. Due to the lack of control over relationships between students, teachers tend to ignore or even remain unaware of the instances of school bullying, leaving younger students to deal with...

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Trends in Modern Child Labor Laws

Modern children in the United States have plenty of opportunities in the present-day world. They receive a good education, have time for their hobbies, and pursue their dreams. However, the situation is not the same for all the children in the country, and the government is trying to eliminate the...

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The Substance Use Group

Group counseling for substance use disorder is a challenging and yet effective way to help individuals with this problem through a system of activities and techniques. The group sessions prove to have a positive effect on the behavioral outcomes among substance abusers. For people who have a history of alcohol...

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Exchange Theory and the Micro-Foundations of Social Structures

Introduction Society has various ways of shaping its members to conform to the requirements that enable them to coexist with others. Some human actions occur involuntarily to make life bearable by shaping relations and ensuring that even though people do not get all that they want they are not denied...

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The Right to Communicate

Millions of People in the Poorest Countries are Still Excluded from the Right to Communicate, Increasingly Seen as a Fundamental Human Right. On May 17, 2003, UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan highlighted one of the most complicated issues in the modern world. His words can be seen in the title of this...

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Sociology of Consumption

In the sociology of culture, a new branch of studies has become very important during the last decades. This branch is the study of consumption. Such phenomenon is explained by the developments in a modern-day globalized society. People pursue material values as the most significant values in their life. This...

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The Significance of Human Rights

Introduction In modern society, the significance of human rights has a great importance. Even though a notion of human rights often appears to be abstract, still, there are basic concepts that define its essential meaning. The foundation of human rights conception is mostly based on the principles of democracy. Currently,...

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Sex and Gender Definition Differences

Sex and gender are two words that are sometimes used to mean one or the other. Sex is different from gender. There are different definitions that have been put forward by different organizations that deal with people from different genders. Sex can simply be defined in terms of the male...

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A Social Issue: Possession and Use of Firearms

Introduction Social issues are divisive concerns with some legal involvements. People tend to have varying opinions with regard to such issues. Private ownership and use of firearms is a social issue following the supports and condemnations it elicits within communities. Gun control bans private citizens from accessing, using, importing, ferrying,...

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“The Taming of the Shrew” by William Shakespeare

Introduction A comedy by William Shakespeare “The Taming of the Shrew” raised several essential and controversial topics that are still discussed by modern scholars and readers. Some academics argue that the play is misogynistic; others state that the work depicted the changes in gender politics of Shakespeare’s current time (Smith,...

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Racism in “A Different Mirror” by R.Takaki

Phenotype refers to an individual’s observable characteristics such as physical appearance, mode of communication, behavior, and how the behavior affects an individual’s performance. In regard to Takaki’s works, phenotype thus alludes to the racial identities that have existed in America for centuries albeit grudgingly due to racial stratification and segregation...

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Arguments for and Against Affirmative Action

Affirmative action: Pros and cons Simply defined, affirmative action refers to the act of giving preference to the marginalized groups when admitting students to colleges, and employment opportunities (Martindale, 2010). For many ages, some groups have been marginalized and discriminated against based on gender and race among other factors. This...

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Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking

Introduction Conflict resolution can be defined as the various methods or means that can be applied to ensure the total elimination of any form of conflict. This process usually involves a number of steps. These steps include the all important negotiation process. Additionally, mediation and finally the diplomacy part of...

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Student on Student Violence in the School System.

Introduction Student violence has been a major concern in the recent past. In earlier days this was not common and nowadays it has become rampant and raises teachers’ and parents’ concern. This violence may have its roots in early childhood, promoted by the school environment, and may extend in adulthood...

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Mukherjee’s “Two Ways to Belong in America” Response

Immigration and issues relating to the topic have remained the matters of debate in recent years. The article titled “To Ways to Belong in America”, written by Bharati Mukherjee, published in the New York Times on September 22, 1996, dwells on this issue. The author, a woman of Indian origin...

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Smoking in Public Places: Health & Economic Effects

Introduction “Smoking is the practice where the substance is burned and the vapors either tasted or inhaled” (Jacob 6). These “vapors and active substances present are absorbed through the alveoli in the lungs and this triggers chemical reactions in nerve endings producing effects on the heart rate, memory, alertness, and...

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Social Science Theory and Methodology

From sociological point of view, the term social interaction denotes an active and varying series of social actions between individuals or groups of people; who adjust their behaviors and conducts as a result of being influenced by others. On this basis, social interactions can be grouped into unintentional, recurring, habitual...

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Universal Declaration of Human Rights

“All human beings are equal irrespective of race, age, gender and nationality; this is according to Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) ´ (Morsink, 2000). Policies on human rights do not apply to many countries where there is sharia law. Women in these countries don’t have equal rights like any...

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Gay Marriage-Right to Be

Introduction Gay marriage refers to a marriage that takes place between people of the same sex. When two or more people of same biological sex or social gender are legally or socially pronounced as husband and wife, we say that gay marriage has taken place. Same sex marriage has been...

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Ethical Issues and Standards in Group Counseling

Introduction Group counseling as a tool in counseling is relatively new. Group counseling borrows ideas from support groups but in Group counseling, a professional is involved. Group counseling constitutes of a small group of individuals. The individuals meet frequently, may be once in a week, to share their problems and...

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Individual’s Strengths And Problem Solving Skills

Introduction Each and every individual have talents and capabilities that are unique in one way or the other. These talents help an individual or the group he/she is working with to achieve the set objectives and we refer to them as individual strengths. For instance, some individuals are creative, openmindedness,...

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Gender Identity in Orlando

Virginia Woolf’s Orlando is an impressive example of gender identification addressing the roles of men or women and what they should be. The author not only challenges the stereotypical understanding of masculinity behavior but also explores situations where gender characteristics are transfigured or evolved. Furthermore, Woolf implies that gender is...

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Ethical Perceptions: Virtues and Character, the Obligation, Outcomes, and Equity

Overview Ethics must be reflected in everyday behavioral traits. Ethics awareness is a primary constituent of a Defense Ethics Plan. The process of communication and the available technologies facilitate a healthy ethical environment for all those interacting in a given setting. This paper will focus on ethics and its application...

Words: 1848 Pages: 8

Stopping Binge Drinking Among College Students

Introduction Binge drinking can be defined as the consumption of alcohol with the basic objective of becoming drunk or intoxicated. This consumption is carried out within a very short period. Binge drinking is carried out in groups consisting of such people as students. There is associating this form of drinking...

Words: 1093 Pages: 4

Gender and Global Political Economy

Politics play a role in determining the economic perspectives of many countries across the globe. State policies and domestic cultures have a significant influence on the economy. The rise of market capitalism worldwide has resulted in the creation of numerous employment avenues for both men and women. Global capitalism has...

Words: 1020 Pages: 4