Sociology Examples for Free - Page 5

Drugs Problem in Urban America

Abstract This paper examines how a structure of a standard research paper looks by providing a real-time research paper as a case example. The research paper draws its function by reviewing the case of drugs in urban America. Research papers encompass detail that is relevant and drawn from credible resources....

Words: 3471 Pages: 13

Observational Research on Gender Difference in Nonverbal Communication

Abstract In day-to-day communication, males and females use different nonverbal cues in communicating. The difference in interpretation of these cues leads to the genders not understanding one another. Women are found to use cues such as facial expressions and gestures more than men. In addition, they are found to maintain...

Words: 1455 Pages: 6

Same-Sex Marriage in Modern Society

Introduction The attitude towards same-sex marriages has never been well-defined in society. Some people are completely against them, while there are also a great number of those who support same-sex marriages. Owing to this difference in attitudes, several states in America have allowed same-sex marriages, whereas others have completely banned...

Words: 1438 Pages: 6

Affirmative Action Programs in the American Society

Introduction Affirmative action programs are meant to present employment opportunities for persons such as women, minority and the disabled. This action is meant to ensure that they get equal chances as other people. This action is different than others that are catered to discourage discrimination among staff and workers. Most...

Words: 1097 Pages: 5

Issues of Cross-Cultural Communication

Studies are increasingly done on communications between people, people with agents, and agents with agents. This has not been the case in cross-cultural communication, more effort has been put into integrating human interface into agents for faster communication. Some software can adopt many languages, but what remains evident is the...

Words: 1101 Pages: 5

Influence of Smoking on the Organism

Introduction Smoking can be dated as early as 5000 BC (Terry 5). It is an act where substances such as tobacco, cannabis and opium are burned and the smoke is inhaled. Burning helps to release the substance in the drug, making it easily inhaled into the lungs. After the gas...

Words: 933 Pages: 4

Human Rights Violation: When Is the International Intervention Necessary?

Introduction In the recent past, the world has witnessed several successive wars between nations. The most prominent ones being World War II, War in Korea, Vietnam War, and Wars in Iraq. As expected, the wars have generated divergent opinions as to what motivates a nation to go to war. Several...

Words: 4143 Pages: 16

Reasons Why Abortion Should Be Illegal

Introduction Abortion is one of the main issues being debated on by many people in various places and countries. There are many people who would want abortion to be legalized just because of the reasons that the baby and mother could be at risk. This is very wrong as it’s...

Words: 1467 Pages: 6

Women and Double Duty

Introduction From time immemorial there have been different roles for men and women in the society. There has been what is regarded as the feminine and the masculine jobs. The social set up for ages has seen women taking care of the home, conducting household duties like taking care of...

Words: 2238 Pages: 9

Women and the Glass Ceiling in Australia: Myth or Reality?

Introduction The purpose of the report was to establish an understanding of the way glass ceiling concepts impacts women in Australia. Many organisations are beginning to improve on this idea with some good number of women getting to managerial posts. Companies has realised that if they do not implement retention...

Words: 3191 Pages: 13

Discrimination in the 21st Century for African Americans and Minorities

Introduction Many images have been, and are, associated with the USA. People inside and outside the country have varied, and often conflicting, views about it.1 Some of the perspectives are based on observable and quantifiable facts, while others may be conditioned by ideology and rhetoric. American self-images sometimes betray an...

Words: 1989 Pages: 10

What It Means to Be Male, Female Today

Abstract Defining what it means to be male and female at the present century is not easy. Modern society has witnessed drastic changes in social roles of males and females, as well as in their psychological and moral development. Earlier, women used to be only caregivers, while men, who were...

Words: 1244 Pages: 5

Should Abortion Be Legal or Illegal Essay

Should abortion be legal or illegal? This essay aims to answer the question. It considers the reasons why abortions legalization is beneficial and harmful. Get inspired to prepare your argumentative essay or persuasive speech on abortion with this sample. Introduction Some people have always attested to the fact that conception...

Words: 1874 Pages: 8

Poverty in America

Introduction Poverty denotes the state of affairs where there are no ways of managing to pay for crucial human requirements which include food, clean water, schooling, clothes, physical condition’s care, and shelter. ‘Relative poverty’ dissimilar from the general definition of poverty; is the being in possession of a short supply...

Words: 1073 Pages: 4

Depression in the Elderly

Introduction Basically, depression is an ordinary psychological disorder which is characterized by high tempers, interest failure and loss of happiness. In addition, it is characterized by thoughts of shame, low self-esteem, troubled slumber, low vigor and reduced attentiveness. The mentioned troubles may continue or recur and may make the depressed...

Words: 1154 Pages: 5

Human and Animal Language

A language is a form of symbols used for instructing and decoding data or information. Recently, there are several artificial languages that have been designed which need differentiation between their intentionally natural language and innovated type. Natural languages are types of communication that are regarded as unique by human beings....

Words: 570 Pages: 3

Differences Between Team and Group

The terms team and group are sometimes used synonymously but there are significant differences between a group and a team. There has been an emphasis on team building in many organizations, implying that a team is more than just a collection of individuals. Team and group differ in many ways...

Words: 883 Pages: 4

Is Animal Testing Really Needed?

Abstract This paper aims at discussing animals testing by giving the arguments from the proposers as well as the critiques of the procedure. It demonstrates major arguments like every medical discovery relying on animal testing and counter-arguments like its cruel to animals and yet it cannot be relied upon to...

Words: 1129 Pages: 5

Public Opinion About Gay Rights and Gay Marriage

Introduction There is great paradigm shift in quite a number of things in modern world. Towards this, there is no consensus on specific thing which might be the root cause of change of mind in crucial aspects of life such as marriage, religion and so on. In this regard, the...

Words: 2165 Pages: 9

The Theory of Gender Intelligence

The theory of gender intelligence was developed by Howard Gardner in 1993 after his extensive research work in the 1980s. In this theory, Gardner argues against socially engraved views that presuppose that peoples’ intelligence can only be measured about excellence in certain skills such as logic/mathematic, linguistic, music, and interpersonal...

Words: 1097 Pages: 5

The Issue of Having a Gun

Statement of the Issue The world has been characterized by conflicts for many years. Sometimes the conflicts have escalated into a war that has forced the use of guns as weapons to fight the opponents. Moreover, nations, kingdoms, regions, groups, and even individuals all have to resort to acquiring guns...

Words: 861 Pages: 4

The Issue of Teenage Pregnancies in the United States

Teenage pregnancy is a term that refers to a teenaged girl or underage girl becoming pregnant especially at the age of 12-19 years. Under contemporary conditions, teenage pregnancy is considered to be a curse since it has severe consequences associated with it. Teenage pregnancies are always regarded as a curse...

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Hostility and Discrimination Between Arabs and American

Arab immigrants and Americans The movement of people from their native nations to the United States can be referred to as American immigration. This movement results in rapid population growth and the presence of diverse cultures in this country. Throughout American history, immigration has great effects both positive and negative...

Words: 3401 Pages: 13

Functionalism, Conflict and Interactionism Theories

The family is the basic unit of a society. Many behaviors are learnt in the families which are later translated in the society as people interact during their day to day activities. Children learn different behaviors at first from their family members where they are taught norms and good behavior....

Words: 2002 Pages: 8

What Is Moral Integrity in Ethics?

Introduction Morality and ethics are two interconnected principles guiding human actions. Morality occurs on an individual level whereas ethics are the mechanics that control morality in a society. When these ethics are implemented with reliability and consistency, they become dependable, giving rise to ethical integrity. For there to be consistency...

Words: 2210 Pages: 8

Feminist Theory and Sociological Theory

What is HR planning and why is it necessary for any corporate organization? Well, we could define it as a process that will help map out and anticipate the business strategies that will help make the best use of the organization’s human resources, taken at the total headcount of employees...

Words: 1472 Pages: 6

Censorship, Freedom of Speech, and Human Rights

Introduction Censorship and freedom of speech go hand in hand. Censorship defines the process that the information and ideas circulating within a society are withheld for disclosure or publication. The basic idea is to suppress ideas or information that is found to be offensive or objectionable. Different forms of communication...

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The Different Ways Women and Men Communicate

Introduction It’s very common to observe men and women at the workplace getting tied up in confrontation or communication knots particularly over issues that involve advocacy, authority and management of teams. The reason for this is speculated to be due to the fact that each sex has distinct ways of...

Words: 602 Pages: 3

Cross-Cultural Communication

Culture has a major role that it plays in the life of human beings. One of the aspects of life that is affected by culture is communication. Communication among different people of varying cultures is of fundamental importance and people should take time to evaluate themselves to ensure that cultural...

Words: 888 Pages: 4

Dealing with Conflict: Strategies for Response

Introduction Life is comprised of ups and downs whereby sometimes people will always disagree or have misconceptions or miscommunications on certain issues and matters; thus creating conflicts between the disagreeing individuals. Conflicts occur in all areas of life, either in the workplace, at home, in the streets, at joints, and...

Words: 2309 Pages: 9

How Men Viewed Women in Ancient Greek Society

Women in ancient Greek were perceived to be less significant than men. Wives were supposed to be always under the stewardship of their husbands. The wives were at all costs supposed to strive to do things that solely please their husbands. The women were also viewed to be cold meaning...

Words: 787 Pages: 3

What Are the Major Issues in Interracial Adoption?

Adoption of a child had different parameters some fifty to sixty years ago. Children were then selected based on skin color and religion of the adoptive family which usually had no children. Later, children from the Asian American or African American or Native American heritage came to be adopted. The...

Words: 2862 Pages: 11

Values of Illegal Immigration

Illegal immigration is the instance of movement of individuals from one nation to another through a process or modes; that infringe the immigration laws of the country to which these individuals are moving. Another name given to Illegal immigrants is illegal aliens as a move and effort attempting to differentiate...

Words: 1575 Pages: 6

Child Sexual Abuse Issue in Society

Child sexual abuse is very complicated. The theory is discussed from different perspectives that range from functionalist, conflict, social constructionist perspectives. In general, the main objective of the theory is to discuss the outcomes of deviance. The objective is rather difficult to be met. In general, the theory is being...

Words: 921 Pages: 4

Family Violence in Canada. Physical and Emotional Abuses

What must be done to break the cycles of inter-generational violence in Canada? Though a simple question, it points towards many relevant issues related to violence at homes in Canada. A detailed discussion of the homicides, and physical and emotional abuses is enough to horrify anyone. My purpose in writing...

Words: 2713 Pages: 11

Cold War – Importance of Communication Ethics During the Conflict

Introduction The following discussion aims to illustrate the importance of communication ethics with reference to Cold War that is an important historical event. In this regard, the paper presents an overview of origin of cold war and its major impacts upon the society and world politics and analyze the event...

Words: 1915 Pages: 8

The Law of Human Nature

Introduction The law of human nature is considered to reflect the significant concepts of “right” and “wrong” in the society faced in everyday situations. It is necessary to state that the law combines such things as heredity or gravitations; some thinkers refer this phenomenon to the law of nature but...

Words: 665 Pages: 3

How Slavery Has Shaped the Lives of African Americans

Outline Slavery can be referred to as the condition in which one is forced to submit to others while working for them under conditions that are very harsh and receiving peanuts or not paid at all in return. This is the condition in which Africans found themselves in the US...

Words: 1765 Pages: 7

The Debate on Proposition 8

Introduction Proposition 8 regulates marriage relations between same-sex couples and prohibits same-sex marriages. In other states, obtaining gratitude for same-sex marriages is only one of a series of powerfully contested issues that have arisen since the U.S. Same-sex marriages movement rose in the intense political climate of the 1990s. Today,...

Words: 2474 Pages: 10

Criticisms of Utilitarianism

Utilitarianism – John Stuart Mill Research has contributed to a lot in the fields of ethical principles, of business and human, as well as other forms of human behavior that tend to identify the relationship between individual behavior and how it is perceived by the environment surrounding them. These ethical...

Words: 716 Pages: 3

Differences in Women Based on Race

Up to the end of the twentieth century the role of women in any society was insignificant and women’s rights were often violated. A number of studies have been dedicated to oppression and humiliation of women which in most of the countries could be traced in the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth,...

Words: 831 Pages: 4

Interracial Adoption Definition

Introduction Adoption of people from one culture or race to a group of different culture or race is known as interracial or intercultural adoption. This is a subject which undergoes different kinds of debates in different parts of the world. This essay covers different aspects of interracial adoption. It includes...

Words: 3009 Pages: 12

Human Rights Liberty and Freedom

Human rights are the basic human rights and freedoms which are entitled to the human beings. They are the entitlements on to a person from the actual fact of being a human being and are accorded to them regardless of their affiliations, background, race, occupation, religion, age and any other...

Words: 1444 Pages: 6

Organized Crime in Japan, China, Russia, and Mexico

Introduction The countries that experience the strongest organized crime groups include the United States of America, Mexico, Canada, China, Japan, Turkey, Italy and Russia. In the United States together with Canada, up to the recent times, the American Mafia dominated organized crime. The Mafia worked out a structure of negotiation...

Words: 1326 Pages: 6

Legalizing Marijuana: Discussion

Introduction The warfare on substance use and abuse is a costly engagement regardless of place and time. Authorities direct numerous resources towards catching buyers and sellers of illicit drugs. The process does not stop at catching them; it goes to prosecution and jailing those found guilty. The war becomes even...

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Sexual Harassment at the Workplace

Purpose of the study The purpose of this study was to investigate the role played by individual factors (gender, age, previous sexual harassment experiences, age) and organizational factors (for example, policies of sexual harassment, gender ration, employer’s role) in influencing the attitudes that workers have towards sexual harassment perceptions. The...

Words: 1151 Pages: 5

Gender Communication Issues: Bra as Gender

When we think of artifact impact on gender, we need to understand first what is defined by ‘gender’. What is gender? Gender is basically the term that is most commonly used for ‘women’. It is mostly used as a social term than a biological one. Gender as a term is...

Words: 1721 Pages: 7

Immigration Debate: The Immigration Issues in the US

Immigration issues have become the center of attention in recent times in the US. With 12.6 % of the US population being immigrants, both legal and illegal, and undocumented workers going beyond the traditional states which usually receive them, the issue has generated a lot of heat in public arenas...

Words: 1240 Pages: 5

The Great Marijuana Debate

Introduction Marijuana is a brown, green or gray blend of dried out seeds, stems, flowers together with the leaves of the hemp plant. It has been given different names by various groups of people by which it is referred. Such names include the herb, the weed, boom, bhang, gangster among...

Words: 1421 Pages: 6

Drugs or Alcohol Addiction Problems

Introduction A lot of public awareness programs and campaigns are conducted to prevent addiction to drugs and alcohol. However, the number of drug and alcohol addicts increases year by year. Addiction to drugs or alcohol is the effect of compulsive and continuous use of drugs or alcohol despite its adverse...

Words: 661 Pages: 3

Conflict Management in Eastern and Western Culture

Introduction The conflict between individuals or parties is inevitable. Moreover, conflict is a personal issue that expresses personal beliefs and interests and it becomes a delicate issue after it affects other parties. This owes its roots to the fact that people are different and no one is a replica of...

Words: 3365 Pages: 13

Social Justice, Feminism and Well-Being

Article 1 – the author is Caitlin Cahill, it is titled “The Personal is Political: Developing New Subjectivities through Participatory Action Research. Gender, Place & Culture”. The article is mainly concerned with the participatory action research (PAR) in the sphere of social justice and its post-structuralism consideration in the feminism...

Words: 627 Pages: 3

Effects of Substance Abuse Amongst the Military

Abstract Substance abuse is an existing problem within today’s society and the military has not been an exception. Soldiers have over the years continued to test positive for drugs during the normal urine tests that are done in the military despite the measures that are put into place. In the...

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Hispanic American Diversity

Introduction Hispanic is the most diverse ethnic group in America, with their differences being indicated by race, regional separations, national origins, economics, and migration history. The Mexican Americans and the Puerto Ricans are of American origin by birth but Cubans entered the United States as political refugees (Kanellos, 1994). The...

Words: 871 Pages: 4

Women and Economics: Historical and or Cultural Change

For a long time, there has been increased debate over the role of women in the economy. Culture has been one of the factors that have limited their role. Most people argued that women were restricted by their gender to the home and in the raising of children. The role...

Words: 819 Pages: 3

Human Sexuality: Practical Issues

Modern world is different from that which was 10 – 20 years ago. People look on various things differently, such as what was forbidden and shameful yesterday is allowed today. People’s opinion about such things as marriage, personal relations, love, sex and other notions has changed greatly. People now are...

Words: 1389 Pages: 6

Moral Issues and Rights of Women

When one talks of women’s rights, what is meant is Feminism that is an ideology focusing on equality among different sexes. Rights refer to entitled freedom to individuals; such rights can either be institutionalized by the government or not. Even though rights are grouped, they are in turn differentiated from...

Words: 3124 Pages: 12

Legalization of Abortion: Discussion

Abortion is one of the main social issues that is facing America today. It is a very sensitive issue that has brought much debate in many quarters in American society. It is a violation of human rights and one wonders what all the debates on human rights are for when...

Words: 1444 Pages: 6

History of Slavery in the United States of America 1619

Introduction The Independence War was the most important event in the United States during the 19th century. Many social, cultural, economic and politic phenomena appeared in that era. Slavery is the most important fact about the early history of America. It is “the state of one bound in servitude as...

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Revolutionary Change and Its Impact on Women

“It was during the French revolution that for the first time European women were promised equal rights with regard to political participation, employment, marriage, divorce, and even the burden of waging war.” (Letzter 1998, p.58). Revolution has always been identified as the root cause for different changes in almost all...

Words: 2596 Pages: 11

Employment Discrimination

Abstract This research paper will try to deal with the issue of discrimination in the work place. In spite of the lawful scaffold set as the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 barring any form prejudice based race, color of the skin, religious convictions, nationality, where you...

Words: 2343 Pages: 9

Enclosure the Rights of Peasants and Citizens of Different Statuses

Enclosure – enclosure was a form of depriving peasants of the right of owning or using a land in Great Britain. The process implied fencing open fields in a given village and the division of the common land in accordance to one’s property in the open fields. This process ended...

Words: 902 Pages: 4

Illegal Immigration and It’s Impact on the USA

“Ten million illegal immigrants live in the US, according to estimates by academic and government agencies, although Bear-Stearns investment firm analysts claim that the US illegal immigrant population “may be as high as 20 million people.” (Illegal Immigration, 19 April 2009). “Every year millions of people sneak illegally into another...

Words: 1508 Pages: 6

Slavery in the United States

African Americans have been tolerating slavery and oppression for several centuries. They were deprived even of the most elementary rights and their lives were completely at their masters’ disposal. Closer to the middle of the nineteenth century, certain disturbances started to be observed among the enslaved African Americans. A number...

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The Problem of Alcohol Abuse of Adolescents

Teen drinking is a problem that undermines the society from its roots. Looking at the statistics, it is getting worse, where despite some decline in the number of teen drinkers from 2001, according to an annual poll, alcohol consumption increased. (“Teen Drinking ‘Remains a Worry'”) Teen drinking is also dangerous...

Words: 655 Pages: 3

Crash Movie: Racism as a Theme

Introduction “Crash” is a 2004 American drama directed by Paul Haggis. It is starring  Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Esposito, Don Cheadle, Matt Dillon, William Fichtner, and others. The movie follows the lives of the characters in Los Angeles as they are struggling with the issues of race and class inequality.   Is...

Words: 610 Pages: 4

The Factors Involved in Child Abuse

The problems of social background are those things that need to be resolved immediately. Society never takes for granted the essence and, what is more, the progression of negative impacts and causes of violence and disorder in the communities. The present time reality actively relies on the help of governmental...

Words: 1425 Pages: 6

Domestic Violence as a Social Issue

Abstract Every passing day, reports about escalating domestic violence are heard in the United States. This is so despite the efforts by relevant agencies to intervene. Several reasons have been identified as impediments to the effort. Among them is culture. Imbalance in the power relations between the two genders and...

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Reasons for Race and Gender Changes

Race and gender hierarchy changes in American history are the results of various social, economic, and political issues. While the poor economic conditions of African Americans are one reason for it, there are other social and political factors too. The racial discrimination and prejudice against African Americans by white people...

Words: 1328 Pages: 5

Diversity & Discrimination of Women in the Workplace

Introduction In this age of globalization, there is much controversy on the coming together of all kinds of people for a common purpose. Diversity is slowly becoming a common feature in schools, workplaces and communities. Due to this development, a lot of issues crop up such as acceptance of different...

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Women’s Role in Society

America is one of the most developed countries of the world now a day, where women citizens are contributing to society as same as men. Not only this they are self-dependent and can earn as much as a man can. But the women’s present situation was not like this about...

Words: 1931 Pages: 7

Position of Free Blacks and Slaves Compared

Racial prejudices constituted the basis for the emergence of the institution of slavery from which people with black skin suffered a lot. Still, the history of American slavery has shown that skin color did not always mean the same: though all the blacks were subjected to the same perception in...

Words: 2138 Pages: 8

Poverty Cycle and Children in the United States

Introduction Discussing the issue of the present day chronic cycle of poverty, it would be relevant to mention that children might be regarded as the most unprotected social group that suffers form the above mentioned problem. There are certain events that lead to this cycle; namely: multidisciplinary, ranging from declining...

Words: 2184 Pages: 9

Family Violence and Its Effects

Family violence is believed to be one of the most commonly practiced crimes in the United States. Violence within the family is a horrific form of violence and has many negative effects. Family violence could involve any member of the family including spouses, generally women or wives, children, or even...

Words: 631 Pages: 3

Human Rights and Global Human Security

Introduction Each state should consider the desirability of coming up with a plan for themselves, which promotes human rights or at least conserves the prevailing human rights in the masses. Human security is one of the greatest challenges of today’s societies, and the threats that are posed to human security...

Words: 506 Pages: 2

Drug Abuse as Voluntary Suicide

Abstract Drug and alcohol abuse is like voluntary suicide. The effects of substance abuse are vast and problematic in every society. Substance abuse aids the spread of AIDS, pun intended. Substance abuse leads to the death of millions: people who are abusers and people who become the victims of the...

Words: 2804 Pages: 11

Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized?

Introduction The debate concerning the use and abuse of marijuana is an ongoing and complicated one. Marijuana is a drug, the use of which has been declared illegal according to the U.S, constitution. Proponents of the ban on Marijuana argue that the use or rather abuse of the drug has...

Words: 1985 Pages: 8

Human Rights and Social Protest

Introduction Conflicts remain a peculiar feature of the current world development. The number of existing oppositions questions the adequacy of the mechanisms that the global community has elaborated. Conflicts throughout the world result in constant human rights abuse that threatens the overall democratic development. The current paper focuses on exploration...

Words: 2869 Pages: 11

Homosexual Marriage Legality: Discussion

In the United States, married couples receive many legal benefits that couples who live together but are unmarried do not. More and more, gay couples are insisting that they receive the same legal rights that traditional, heterosexual married couples receive. Gay rights advocates believe that it is inequitable and biased...

Words: 1264 Pages: 5

Gender and Racial Disparity Analysis

Racial Disparity can be seen as a practice whereby some people assert that they deserve more social power than another group based on their race or others asserting that they do not deserve the social power since it is unjust. Environmental and biological factors are what determines who we are...

Words: 1562 Pages: 6

Persons with Disabilities in Cyprus and Their Issues

Literature review Disability has been defined as the absence of ability in relation to either personal or a group norm or standard (Bowe 1978). In light of this, disability could involve sensory impairment, mental disorder, physical impairment, intellectual or cognitive impairment, as well as a variety of other kinds of...

Words: 3339 Pages: 14

Teens Abuse of Prescription Drugs

Introduction Use of easily available drugs which are common in home medicine cabinets, or asked from friends may pose equal danger to illicit drugs. Its sourcing doubles the risk as these may be perceived as legal and positive ways to cope with medical problems. There are many ways of which...

Words: 1745 Pages: 7

Sexual Harassment at Workplace

The article “Organizational Sexual Harassment Investigations: Observers’ Perceptions of Fairness” by Elkin et al (2008) describes the case of sexual harassment on the workplace and its impact on human relations. The authors underline that despite of great improvements in social relation legislation, sexual harassment is still a main problem took...

Words: 569 Pages: 3

The Social Order: Rule of Law and Social Contracts

The Rule of Law The rule of law can be traced back to the ancient England in the seventeenth century. It appeared first as a result of a development of a great effort for supremacy rather than as the result of premeditated endeavors. However it remained long enough for it...

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Illegal Immigration in the US and Its Causes

Introduction There is a widely held opinion among many American politicians and sociologists that illegal immigration is the underlying cause of many problems that the United States experiences now. Certainly, it is quite a disputable issue, and very often, illegal immigrants are viewed as scapegoats, a certain group of people...

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Children’s Development and Domestic Violence

Introduction Domestic violence is usually considered an adult issue, typically happening when the man of the house causes physical pain to the adult female. However, properly speaking, domestic violence is not always physical and is usually not limited just to the household or just to the adults. Regardless of the...

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Smoking in Public Places: Arguments for Ban

Smoking has existed for a very long period of time. Tobacco can be traced back to 6000BC when it started growing in the Americas. Smoking of Tobacco then started in about 1000BC. Even during those early times smoking in public places was considered outrageous. Rodrigo de Jerez fell victim to...

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Population Growth and Related Problems

Population growth is the increase in the number of people in a specific region overtime period. Growth in population is measured using population growth rate which is defined as the percentage rate by which the number of persons in a population rises. “Population growth rate is used normally to refer...

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Standing on Feminist Side in Same-Sex Marriage

In the modern world marriages of the same sex are common in a few countries such as the US, Holland, Spain, and South Africa. Traditionally, marriage has been legally or socially recognized between people of the opposite sex. This kind of marriage has resulted in a heated debate between those...

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Abortion Should Not Be Legal

Introduction The right to choose is the foundation upon which this country was built. Those who are pro-abortion trumpet this slogan while proclaiming a woman’s ‘God given right’ to make her own choices without government interference. This simple ideology is embraced by some but the arguments are flawed when the...

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Lowering the Legal Drinking Age

Introduction For the past years, there has been a quiet movement that is being done in order to lower the legal drinking age to 18. This is happening as advocates claim that teens who are permitted to vote and fight during war should also be allowed to drink a beer...

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Problem of the Domestic Violence Relations

Domestic violence relations can be traced back to early European instances based on patriarchal social associations. The issue has gained global acclamation, and it has stopped being a concern for the family but for authorities within and beyond the nations in question. Domestic violence in modern society has had numerous...

Words: 980 Pages: 4

The Effect of Video Games on Children

Violence plays a major role in popular video games and movies. It encourages adolescents to mimic the violence displayed and portrayed on the screen, and it may have plays a major part in influencing violence and aggression on teenagers. Research has shown that playing violent video games such as Mortal...

Words: 861 Pages: 4

Gender Inequality in Workplace

Introduction Gender basically refers to the social construction of biological differences between men and women. These differences bring about sex division of labor which makes gender scholars claim that division of labor on a sex basis brings about inequality between men and women. Since we are living in patriarchal society...

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Causes of Alcoholism and Effects in a Family

In fact, nothing can be more dangerous than being controlled by something that threatens your life. Addiction is of great danger to human life. Alcohol addiction is a harmful kind of addiction that can be characterized by a strong desire to drink and loss of control. Alcoholism is a type...

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Social Classes and Experience of the First World War

Introduction History of civilisation demonstrates that any natural calamity war affects the people in a different way depending on their class character. Social Classes are determined by the level of socioeconomic status. The First World War was a catastrophic holocaust in human history and it was an instance of mass...

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Animals in Research, Education, and Teaching

There are religious beliefs that consider animals to be the embodiment of Gods or the chosen creatures of God. It is a well-known fact that Indian and Arabic religions give religious importance to their lives and as such, are accorded respect and treatment oftentimes even better than those accorded to...

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Homosexuality as a Part of Human Culture

Introduction Homosexuality and gay customs have been part of human culture since time immemorial. In Ancient Greece, erotic love and sexual pleasure between males, especially young men and adolescent boys, was generally acceptable as it was widely believed to make men excel in all their endeavors especially in battle. Penetrative...

Words: 2114 Pages: 8

Social Inequality and Minorities in the United States

Abstract The nation that is today referred to as the United States of America has a varied population made up of different groups and individuals. These groups are characterized by very prominent differences in their sizes, culture, language, wealth, religion, education and race. While some of the groups have made...

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Animal Experiments: Benefits, Ethics, and Defenders

Introduction The use of animals for biological and medical research has advanced knowledge in related subjects, saved human lives, and alleviated suffering. In similar fashion, the use of animals for testing cosmetics and other consumer items has prevented the distribution and use of harmful products. But these benefits have been...

Words: 2702 Pages: 11

Human Rights. International Court of Justice

Introduction The United Nations (UN) is an organization that promotes world peace. It works to resolve tribulations before it reaches a state of conflict. The UNO has several organizations that are responsible to meet monetary, societal, intellectual, or gentle issues and are established to provide the required mutual aid in...

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