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Critical Threats to the Global Environment

Introduction Today, the world is acknowledging the rising environmental threats and the adverse impacts on the global population. The UN has been at the forefront of outlining crucial global environmental threats that the world should prioritize. One of the threats to the global environment is using fossil fuels as an...

Words: 1649 Pages: 7

1783 Peace Treaty and the American Revolution

British and US delegates ratified the Paris Treaty on September 3, 1783. As a result, this effectively ended the eight-year-long American Revolutionary War (1775–1793) and paved the way for the United States of America’s independence from Great Britain (“Treaty of Paris,” 2020). The newly established US and France formed an...

Words: 633 Pages: 3

Impacts of the Vietnam War on the US Foreign and Military Policy

Introduction The Vietnam War has become a significant stage in the formation of modern American foreign policy. The military strategies and methods used by the United States during this protracted standoff changed some of the traditional approaches to warfare, for instance, the use of chemical weapons as one of the...

Words: 1127 Pages: 5

Violence Against Women and Related Theories

Introduction Violence against women encompasses a wide range of abuse, including physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. It can take many forms, from domestic violence and sexual assault to workplace harassment and stalking (Krook, 2017). Many factors contribute to violence against women, including gender inequality, poverty, and a culture that tolerates...

Words: 1489 Pages: 6
Sciences, Tech & Engineering

Prioritizing among Cyber Security Threats

Introduction In the UAE, states are spending more and more on information and communication technology (ICTs). The Internet is now irreversibly active in social development, finance, government institutions, universities and clinics throughout the region. Simultaneously, the position of ICTs has become an important part of the future of the UAE’s...

Words: 1148 Pages: 6

Single Mothers’ Experiences of Relationships with Their Adolescent Sons

A generic qualitative design was applied in the study to investigate the experiences of single African American mothers and their relationships with their adolescent sons, to address a gap in the literature by providing a deeper understanding of single African American women’s experiences as mothers of adolescent sons, including their...

Words: 7062 Pages: 29
Entertainment & Media

Social Media Effects on How Society Communicates

Introduction Social media have changed people’s perception of reality and behavior around the globe. It affected their attitudes and the way they think and interact with others. The article chosen to explore social media effects on interpersonal communication is Exploring the effects of social media on interpersonal communication among family...

Words: 636 Pages: 3

How Feminist Scholars Question Mainstream International Relations Theories

Introduction Today, the need for a feminist philosopher’s voice is justified by their position in society. This essay explores the realism theory of international relations recognising the positive impact of the scholars studying feminism both as an intellectual commitment and a political force dedicated to achieving gender equality and the...

Words: 3932 Pages: 17

The Conquest Texts and Film Adaptations

Introduction The conquest texts from Spanish and Portuguese colonizers utilize the rhetoric of division of peoples by color, geography, and Christian status. The thesis’s first part discusses how these approaches are manipulated in the subsequent film adaptations. The second part discusses how the adaptations introduce new narratives such as a...

Words: 962 Pages: 5

Ethical Issues in Social Research

Introduction Social research refers to the methodology used by scientists to study people and societies in that they develop products or services that cater for distinct demands of people. There must be the use of a systematic plan that comprises quality and quantity observational metrics. When it comes to ethical...

Words: 1900 Pages: 6

The Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines

Introduction The Belmont Report focuses on ethical guidelines and principles concerning protecting human research subjects. According to the report, primary ethical principles underlie the conduct of behavioral and biomedical research studies, which entail human subjects. In addition, the report acts as a guideline through which such kind of research should...

Words: 767 Pages: 4

How Early Laws in America Contributed to the Legitimacy of Intimate Partner Violence

Introduction The legitimacy of intimate partner violence was impacted by the introduction of early laws in America. Before introducing the laws on intimate partner violence, women were allowed to be beaten for corrective purposes. Some courts in America, for instance, in North Carolina, failed to acknowledge violence caused to women...

Words: 557 Pages: 3

The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

Introduction The crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the cross is a topic that has sparked many controversies in the two main religions, Christianity and Islam. From a human and historical perspective, the answer is straightforward. That is, Jewish leaders, plotted against Jesus. He was betrayed by Judas, tried by Herod...

Words: 1384 Pages: 6

Solar Energy: Environmental Disadvantages

Solar energy is a major player in clean energy practices worldwide. It is an essential component of a growing change in global energy sources to reduce individuals’ carbon footprint. However, despite its noble cause, solar energy has various disadvantages that should be addressed to discern if it is a sustainable...

Words: 883 Pages: 4

Women’s Rights Movement’s Historical Background

Introduction For a long time, women have carried the brunt of gender discrimination and other forms of marginalization that have continued to date though there have been efforts to curb the situation through advocacy for gender equality. Women have been targeted systematically in various parts of the society, especially at...

Words: 1328 Pages: 5

The Impact of Climate Change on Food Security

Global Warming and Climate Change The term global warming is used by scientists to refer to a long-term increase in the average air temperature on Earth. Most often, this phrase means warming, which occurs due to increased atmospheric carbon dioxide – or other factors linked with human activity. These changes...

Words: 1096 Pages: 5
Sciences, Tech & Engineering

Experimental, Quasi-Experimental and Non-Experimental Research

Experimental research is a scientific method involving the use and control of two variables to test a hypothesis. The study can be used to determine disease treatment procedures. An example would be when new drugs are developed for weight gain. There will be two groups where one will receive the...

Words: 568 Pages: 3

Should World War II Ultimately Be Remembered as a “Good War”?

Many Americans view World War II as a “Good War”. Unlike the countries of Europe and Asia, the United States did not suffer from invasions of its homeland, the mass killing of civilians, or the bombing of its cities. However, for Americans, World War II is remembered as a war...

Words: 1080 Pages: 5

Drought and Climate Change Solution

“Causes, Effects and Solutions to Drought.” Conserve Energy Future, 2022.  The website explores all the aspects of drought and shows its consequences to people. It offers to plant more trees, harvest rainwater, and become environmentally conscious. The various approaches to solving the issue is a rational idea. The last one...

Words: 982 Pages: 4
Sciences, Tech & Engineering

Artificial Intelligence in Self-Driving Cars

Introduction A powerful AI can easily outperform humans at almost any task. People must weigh the trade-offs necessary to develop new technology in this context. Effectively using powerful AI will surely enhance human skills and achievements. Nonetheless, AI may be used for other purposes, such as privacy violations or data...

Words: 2291 Pages: 9

World War II, the Cold War, and American Society

The standard of living in the U.S. was quite good in the 1950s as incomes rose, and the poverty level fell to its lowest point. The average person got a higher education level than the previous generation (Hitchcock, 2018). The year 1950 was a turning point in the U.S. economy...

Words: 669 Pages: 3

Climate Change, Global Warming, and Food Insecurity

Introduction The natural world has numerous resources and biological processes that are capable of supporting life. The integrity and sustainability of these systems will depend on human activities and their willingness to conserve the natural environment. Within the past century, people in different parts of the world have experienced unique...

Words: 2037 Pages: 8
Sciences, Tech & Engineering

Cloud Computing in Organizations

Introduction The cloud-based services are easy to use, cost-effective, and enhance innovation in an organization. However, there are a few considerations that a firm has to consider as they opt to use either service of cloud computing. Security is a major aspect to consider when implementing cloud computing strategies in...

Words: 887 Pages: 4

Abortion From Cultural and Ethical Perspectives

Introduction Abortion is the act of terminating a pregnancy by removing the fetus or a developing embryo before it is due to be born. The community views this act as morally wrong and inhuman while, in some cases, it is seen as biologically fit. However, some philosophical and cultural approaches...

Words: 1420 Pages: 6
Linguistics & Literature

Young Learners vs. Adult Learners in Learning a Second Language

In the context of the enhancement of international cooperation, economic integration, and the labor market transformation, the importance of mastering a new language is significantly increasing. This is because it is a method of interaction between representatives of different nations and cultures. One of the requirements imposed by employers at...

Words: 2576 Pages: 10

Disaster Photography: Susan Sontag’s Perspective

Introduction Emotions in photography come from within a person and represent their state of mind or attitude. The power of photography lies in how people can put themselves into the perspectives of those captured in the image (Orvell 2021, 16). Whether it is photojournalism, street photography, or portraiture, individuals use...

Words: 2029 Pages: 8

The Principles of Mission Command in Operation Anaconda

Introduction War is a violent contest between contending groups motivated by the disparity in ideological reasoning. Operation Anaconda was an organized invasion of U.S troops in Afghanistan to dismantle the label Al-Qaeda and Taliban forces. Unpredictable challenges are common during wars forcing military leaders to make rational decisions for the...

Words: 1441 Pages: 6

Domestic Terrorism in the United States

Introduction Domestic terrorism involves acts that threaten human life and violate a country’s criminal laws to intimidate civilian populations or influence government policies or conduct. Recently incidences of domestic terrorism have greatly escalated in the United States. The increasing extremism cases have been associated with the growing political and social...

Words: 1984 Pages: 8

Environmental Pollution: Cause, Types, and Effects

Introduction Currently, the quality of air, water, and fertility of land has deteriorated massively following the overwhelming pollutants deposited continuously on them. The world is expressing various challenges ranging from health-related problems to the death of marine life due to the increasing rate of pollution. There are several elements that...

Words: 1194 Pages: 5

Women’s Voting Rights From Economic Perspective

Introduction Whereas it may appear as something normal for one to be allowed to vote, women were denied the right to do that, in addition to other forms of discrimination such as owning land or traveling. The Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, passed on the 4th of June,...

Words: 1980 Pages: 8

Police Use of Force and Violence

Due to the nature of the work, police officers are afforded a considerable measure of discretion. Officers are confronted with a variety of dangerous scenarios that need them to react fast yet responsibly. They have the capacity to infringe on any citizen’s right to freedom, and they must make effective...

Words: 1009 Pages: 4

Why Euthanasia Should Be Legal

Introduction The issue of euthanasia has gained popularity across the globe due to various social development and legal. It influences human interests such as spirituality and mortality and thus provokes emotions. Euthanasia, also known as physician-assisted suicide, is a debatable concept that has attracted much attention. It is an alternative...

Words: 4109 Pages: 16

Intimate Partner Violence on Men

Introduction Intimate partner violence is a form of domestic abuse that can include physical, emotional, sexual, or financial abuse. It can happen to anyone regardless of gender, race, class, or sexual orientation and is a complex issue with many factors at play. One of the contributing factors is the socialization...

Words: 574 Pages: 3

The Nature of God, Humanity, Jesus, and Salvation

Introduction Understanding the primary concepts of gospel essentials provides a better understanding of the Christian worldview and a foundation for the analysis of the implications of the Christian worldview. This paper will explore the nature of God, humanity, Jesus, and Salvation to identify their connection and apply the acquired information...

Words: 683 Pages: 3
Sciences, Tech & Engineering

Scrum and Extreme Programming Agile Methodologies

Introduction Generally, the success of an organization is influenced by the nature of the project undertaken by the company management. To have an effective and proper outcome, the leadership approach and understanding amongst the stakeholders concerning the endeavor are critical and necessary. Different agile methodologies can impact the progress of...

Words: 1405 Pages: 6
Sciences, Tech & Engineering

Waterfall and Agile Methodologies

Introduction While there are many ways of developing projects, the commonly used methodologies are waterfall and agile. According to the literature, the methods have their weaknesses and strengths, and the choice depends on the type of project being developed. However, many scholars agree that waterfall is more traditional while agile...

Words: 2964 Pages: 12
Sciences, Tech & Engineering

The Internet Damages Human Brain

Background The debates surrounding the pros and cons of the internet and digital technologies seem to be never-ending as experts and other individuals keep offering their opinions on the subject. The topic has been so divisive that some people have stuck to the idea that the internet has been inherently...

Words: 2216 Pages: 9

The Effects of Global Warming on Society

The Earth’s surface continues to heat steadily year to year. The upsurge in carbon dioxide gas emissions from living things is to blame for these problems, which have resulted in health, environmental, and humanist implications. The struggle against climatic change alterations is a real chance to generate employment, innovative thinking,...

Words: 806 Pages: 4
Sciences, Tech & Engineering

Computer Memory Management and Algorithms

Introduction It is paramount to guarantee a high quality of memory management or operating systems (OS) to be competitive in the modern market. Understanding resource management and how processes and OS govern it is vital to creating a stable, safe, and usable environment. This essay will discuss memory management, its...

Words: 665 Pages: 3
Sciences, Tech & Engineering

The Use of Blockchain Technology in the Healthcare Industry

Background Information Despite blockchain technology being initially launched as an asset for the financial industry, it is safe to say that blockchain could be applied to any other professional field. The ultimate nature of blockchain technology makes it possible for healthcare providers to benefit from the implementation of new digital...

Words: 2471 Pages: 9

History of Terrorist Groups in the USA

Terrorism is explained as the active or threatened use of violence to cause fear to a particular population leading to political, social, and ideological disruptions. Terrorism groups are rare unlawfully formed gangs that indulge in violence and intimidation against governments by harming civilians. Globally many terrorist groups plan and execute...

Words: 834 Pages: 4

Combating Terror and Terrorist Acts

Introduction The 9/11 attack led to the death of approximately 3000 innocent people and has resulted in unmeasurable social, political, and emotional harm for US citizens. This day marked the new beginnings in the roles of local, federal, and state law enforcement agencies. The roles had changed drastically when AG...

Words: 1479 Pages: 6

Use of Carbon Offsets to Reduce Greenhouse Effects

Climate change is an existential threat to life and economic development; if left unchecked could pose dangerous weather events and alleviate the level of poverty. Climate-friendly energy resources and practices are adopted to reduce the greenhouse effect. Carbon offsets seem to be the hammer of choice for organizations, cities, and...

Words: 291 Pages: 2

The Treaty of Versailles as a Cause of World War II

In November 1918, Germany and its allies were exhausted and surrendered, marking the end of the First World War (WWI). Among the many treaties made immediately after to govern world peace, was the treaty of Versailles signed in June 1919. The treaty of Versailles was significant in realizing the end...

Words: 1176 Pages: 5

The German and European Jews Massacre

According to social psychology, the behavior of Germans and the Jews during the holocaust was more influenced by their own individual or group characteristics and their social environment. Prior to the holocaust, the Jews had divided themselves into ingroups and regarded the Jews as the outgroup in Germany based on...

Words: 1332 Pages: 5

The Role of the United States in World War II

Introduction Any war is a tragedy generated either by insoluble ideological differences, by an irremediable conflict of interests, or by the inability to prevent the villains before they have time to impose their will on others. The First World War is one of the most tragic wars. None of its...

Words: 618 Pages: 3

Terrorism in the United States’ History

Introduction History has become one of the best ways to learn, understand, and apply cultural aspects in daily life. A people’s heritage is tied to their leaders’ principles, ideals, and values and taught to the people. America is a nation with a rich heritage following its historical dealings, leadership, challenges,...

Words: 1208 Pages: 5
Diet & Nutrition

Dash Diet and Hypertension Management

Alexander, S., Ostfeld, R. J., Allen, K., & Williams, K. A. (2017). A plant-based diet and hypertension. Journal of Geriatric Cardiology: JGC, 14(5), 327–330. Web. This article focuses on the role of a plant-based diet in the process of lowering blood pressure. It looks at the nutrition of habitual vegans,...

Words: 7120 Pages: 26
Diet & Nutrition

Healthy Eating Habits Among College Students

The food environment is one of the major factors that students consider while choosing what to eat. It includes elements such as food access, the price of food in the outlets, transportation, and food availability. College students like buying certain foods if they are readily available to them (Alakaam et...

Words: 299 Pages: 2
Sciences, Tech & Engineering

Impact of Technology on the Society

Introduction Technology is a body of knowledge that leads to the invention and innovation of new tools and techniques applicable to society. Over the past few decades, technology has grown and is still growing. Its use within society is increasing, affecting people who now utilize and rely on it to...

Words: 2323 Pages: 10

The Social Network Film Analysis

Introduction Social media undoubtedly are one of the most significant milestones of the Internet era. Notably, the development of Facebook by Mark Zuckerberg is worth mentioning among the inventions that transformed the world. Facebook enabled people to connect through the internet without geographical restrictions; its success set the foundation for...

Words: 1366 Pages: 6

Martin Luther King, Jr. as Civil Rights Movement Activist

The civil rights movement that developed in the United States in the 1950s has had many followers and leaders, but not many of them are as well-recognized as Martin Luther King, Jr. Being a Baptist minister, King used religious sermons and speeches as a part of his social activism. His...

Words: 320 Pages: 2

The Mysteries of the 9-11 Attacks

Introduction to the Event and its Impacts Terrorist attacks seriously threaten a nation’s security, leading to long-lasting impacts on citizens and government authorities. The September 11 attacks, often known as 9/11, were a series of aircraft kidnappings and suicide bombings carried out in 2001 by 19 militants affiliated with the...

Words: 1666 Pages: 7
Family, Life & Experiences

Relationship Between Emotion and Motivation

The first takeaway from this week’s reading is that there are two types of motivation – extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation refers to the needs that arise from the outside, as when a student goes to college to satisfy his or her parents’ demands (Spielman et al., 2020). In contrast,...

Words: 326 Pages: 2

The Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was supposed to ensure equal rights between men and women though it has not been added to the Constitution. The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees equal protection of the laws for all citizens regardless of gender. The initial indent of the Fourteenth Amendment was to provide formerly...

Words: 402 Pages: 2

Recycled Plastic and Pollution Solutions

Introduction The problem of plastic pollution has a great impact on the environment, but government agencies in many countries have become seriously interested in the problem relatively recently. Eliminating the negative impact of plastic requires many resources and restrictions that some countries are not yet ready to accept. However, various...

Words: 1051 Pages: 5

Global Climate Change and Warming

For many years, there have been constant statistical observations of the weather, based on which an idea of ​​the climate and its changes is formed. Even though there has not been and still is no generally accepted opinion regarding the causes of climate change, scientists recognize the existence of global...

Words: 380 Pages: 2

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the United States

Racial and ethnic minorities constitute a substantial part of the population of the United States, and the government should adopt policies that reflect their needs. Specifically, the U.S. government should promote the advancements for minorities in spheres such as education, economics, and health and offer timely solutions which address disparities....

Words: 615 Pages: 3
Sciences, Tech & Engineering

The Nuclear Energy Future for Global Civilization

Summary Issues of climate change and sustainability are of great concern today. The world’s future will be determined by steps taken to mitigate the impacts of climate change. The energy sector must undergo a complete redirection through decarbonization. The challenge, however, lies in ensuring the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions...

Words: 2472 Pages: 10

Staging of “A Doll’s House” Play by Ibsen

My Vision of the Play A Doll’s House is best understood as an argument for the importance of self-knowledge. The main example of this is Nora’s character, who becomes aware of herself at the end of the play, breaking the vicious cycle of lies and accepting her own individuality. At...

Words: 1035 Pages: 5

Why Animal Rights Should or Should Not Be Upheld

Meat consumption and other forms of animal exploitation have led to many ethical concerns in the US and other parts of the world. As human beings have human rights, animals deserve to be respected and protected in society. Actions such as exploiting animals for meat, fur, foie gras, and veal...

Words: 860 Pages: 4

Religions of Shintoism, Daoism, and Confucianism

Exploring religions is a very exciting process that may provide people with various insights. Daoism, spelled Taoism, is a philosophy and religion that originates from ancient China and has a number of interesting concepts. Like in any main religion, Taoism has a central principle that states that animals and humans...

Words: 606 Pages: 3
Entertainment & Media

Social Media Effect on Communication Development

One of the distinctive features of modern society is the global digitalization of all living environments. The emergence of social media in this context has a significant role in transforming the communication agenda, as it transforms the very essence of everyday interactions between individuals and between individuals and the environment....

Words: 931 Pages: 4

Evolution of Women’s Rights in 1910-1950

Introduction In the United States before 1910, the attitude toward women demonstrated negative and discriminative nature. Women were essentially bound to household activities and suffered from stereotypes describing their laziness, incapability, and low intelligence. At the same time, the expectations from society demanded unfaltering politeness, gratuitous complaisance, and focus on...

Words: 1419 Pages: 6
Sciences, Tech & Engineering

Integrated Access Control Systems and Data Privacy

Description of the Threat Privacy concerns are among the most significant threats that the use of technologies has brought. Even though each individual has the right for their electronic information to be protected, digital privacy remains a challenge. Data-driven products and services are often used because they are supposed to...

Words: 832 Pages: 4

The Importance of the Civil Rights Movement

The Civil Rights Movement was a massive social movement for the rights of black people, and it also fought racial discrimination in the 1960s. People stood for equal rights of citizens in front of each other, and the result of the struggle was the independence of the black population of...

Words: 550 Pages: 3
Linguistics & Literature

Comparison and Analysis of Poe’s Short Stories

Introduction The story of The Cask of Amontillado starts when Montresor declares that Fortunato insulted him, and he intends to retaliate. The main character is taking his revenge one step at a time so as not to endanger himself. He decides to use Fortunato’s penchant for booze to get an...

Words: 1216 Pages: 5

Effects of Playing Fighting Video Games on Children

Introduction It is hard to disagree that video games have moved to another, more advanced level with the development of sophisticated interactive narrativity, modern technologies, high-definition graphics, and increased real-life simulation possibilities. By exquisitely engaging players of all ages, computer games are now played worldwide. As noticed by Goodson and...

Words: 1390 Pages: 6

Coffee Retailers and Social Issues

Coffee Coffee is a product consumed by millions of customers globally. Today, it is a part of mass culture, meaning that people have numerous rituals associated with its use (Cailleba & Casteran, 2011). For this reason, the retail business is on the rise nowadays. Thus, statistics show that the retail...

Words: 706 Pages: 3

Human Trafficking: Sexual Exploitation

Human trafficking is characterized as the illegal act of transferring or coercing someone for the purpose of profiting from their labor or service, usually through forced labor or sexual exploitation. Sexual exploitation, forced labor or involuntary servitude, and economic slavery or debt bondage are the three most frequent categories of...

Words: 546 Pages: 2

The Three Categories of Orchestral Instruments

Introduction Orchestral performances have always been judged based on the harmony and melody of the instruments used. Orchestra is a group of organized musicians who majorly perform instrumental music based on stringed instruments. Orchestral instruments are classified into three major divisions: strings, brass and woodwinds, and percussion (Jaatinen et al.)....

Words: 657 Pages: 3

South Africa and the Apartheid System

Introduction The main aim of the paper is to analyze how South Africa overpowered the apartheid system, the economic changes, the political changes, and how the countries react. The apartheid is a system in South Africa that upheld segregationist policies against all non-citizens of the country. Therefore, the non-white citizens...

Words: 2857 Pages: 12

Music in the Service of Social Movements

Music has been used as a means of representing social movement and political messages for centuries. Its cultural integration serving as a natural method of bringing people together cannot be underestimated in the function of musicking as a driver of social movement. Music is one of those mediums that is...

Words: 575 Pages: 3

Jim Crow and Civil Rights Movement in America

Introduction Jim Crow was the term known as the racial caste system that mainly occurred between 1877 and the mid-1960s in the southern and border states. In addition to strict anti-black legislation, Jim Crow was a system of oppression as slavery was imposed on African-Americans during Jim Crow, making them...

Words: 838 Pages: 4

The Role of Gender in Interaction via Social Media

Both men and women are now actively using social media for interaction. However, there are gender differences that play a role in the formation of the subject of interaction, information search and sharing, decision-making, and well-being. First of all, gender influences the subject of social interaction in social media. Rollero...

Words: 288 Pages: 2
Linguistics & Literature

The Conflict of Generations in “Two Kinds” by Amy Tan

The conflict of generations is an eternal problem of humankind; when parents reproach children for disobedience, and in response, they hear only reproaches about a misunderstanding. The main problem is people’s worldviews, different upbringing, and other times. Cultural values and traditions, family customs and rituals, and the inevitable conflict of...

Words: 556 Pages: 3
Linguistics & Literature

Symbolism of Shirley Jackson’s Lottery

Introduction Modern literature is characterized by a culture of brief yet necessary and inventive stories. Shirley Jackson’s short tale The Lottery, released in the New York Yorker magazine in 1948, was her first to garner ample notice from readers (Encyclopedia Britannica, par. 1). The Lottery is a bizarre tale in...

Words: 909 Pages: 4

Effects of Social Welfare Policies on the US

Introduction Social welfare policy may be described as a government’s response to basic needs such as food, housing, healthcare, and other necessities. Historically, the U.S social welfare policies can be traced back to the New Deal programs of the 1930s which were meant to counter the effects of the Great...

Words: 831 Pages: 4

Aquinas, Hobbes, and Locke’s Perspectives on Natural and Human Law

Introduction St. Thomas Aquinas described the law as an ordinance of reason promulgated by a community leader for the common good. Law is a rational plan of action. It encompasses rules and measures of activities that guide a person to act or restrain from acting. There are various categories of...

Words: 2275 Pages: 10
Linguistics & Literature

“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Oates

Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been is a short story written by Joyce Carol Oates and first published in 1966. It tells about Connie, a fifteen-year-old girl who feels different from her family and seeks acceptance and confirmation of her beauty and uniqueness in other people. She begins...

Words: 624 Pages: 3

Contemporary Quebec Cinema Social Problem of Child Abuse

Child abuse and neglect have been an issue that has occasionally gained attention and measures to address them. It involves not only physical harm but also psychological and sexual abuse. In general, it consists of failing to do something or do something that harms or puts a child at risk....

Words: 2529 Pages: 10
Family, Life & Experiences

The Institutions of Family and Marriage

In most communities, the main institutions are family and marriage. Marriage is understood as a legal agreement between two people, which is based on union and sexual relations. The family is defined differently, but it is based on the understanding that it is a socially recognized group that has an...

Words: 399 Pages: 2
Sciences, Tech & Engineering

Yosemite National Park’s Geologic Setting

Introduction Yosemite National Park is located on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in Northern California’s Mariposa, Madera, and Tuolumne counties. It is one of the most recognized national parks in the United States, home to various natural features, including cliffs, rocky outcroppings, waterfalls, and valley bottoms. This...

Words: 503 Pages: 3

Ku Klux Klan: History of Terrorist Organization

The White Hoods terrorized the whole of America some 50 years ago until the U.S. authorities managed to turn the tide in their favor. The clandestine association, which had common traits with the Masons, was founded by immigrants from the Southern United States after the Civil War of 1861-1865. In...

Words: 1348 Pages: 6

Rock Music: Background, History and Culture

Rock music has been widely recognized among the world community for a long time. Interestingly, this genre is popular and known everywhere. This is due to a number of factors, but the roots of rock go back to the past, to the ancient world. At the same time, the genre...

Words: 1486 Pages: 6
Entertainment & Media

Nintendo Entering China: Japanese Market Entry Strategy

Nintendo is a multinational video game company headquartered in Japan. It is involved in the business of developing video games as well as consoles. It immediately gained global recognition with the Donkey Kong release in 1981 and the Super Mario Bros (Dong and Mangiron, 2018, p. 150). Four years later....

Words: 3743 Pages: 16
Sciences, Tech & Engineering

Resources Managed by Operating Systems

An operating system (OS) plays a critical role in running a computer. The technology is software that manages the machine’s resources, particularly their allocation (Unwana, Udoh & Umoh, 2022). An example of the management task done by an OS is scheduling resources to prevent interferences and conflicts. A computer’s programs...

Words: 618 Pages: 3

Prejudice, Racism, and Unjustified Internment of Japanese Americans

Introduction Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, American skepticism and disdain for the Japanese swiftly turned to outright hostility. It was widely considered that all people of Japanese ancestry might be spies. In reality, many Americans believed that Japanese-Americans living on the West Coast and...

Words: 846 Pages: 4
Sciences, Tech & Engineering

Project Management Research Agenda and Schools of Thought

Introduction It is evident that the field of project management (PM) has developed tremendously over the decades. Throughout the past 6 decades or so, organizations have expressed an increased interest in mobilizing projects to achieve pre-determined strategic objectives. The following paper aims to articulate and examine the research agenda in...

Words: 2457 Pages: 11
Sciences, Tech & Engineering

Enterprise Digital Transformation and Innovation

Introduction Digital transformation means the moves by companies to enhance their operations by applying various tech-centric elements that are meant to shift to more innovation through the application of cloud software powered by microservices architecture. The use of modern technologies to create a modified corporate system helps in competitive advantage...

Words: 1755 Pages: 8
Linguistics & Literature

Female Challenges and Solutions in “The Story of an Hour”

Introduction “The Story of an Hour” is a short story written by Kate Chopin in 1894. The story focuses on the one-hour experience of the protagonist, Louise Mallard. After learning about her husband’s death, Louise takes sinks deep in thought as she feels sadness for losing her husband and joy...

Words: 922 Pages: 4
Entertainment & Media

The COVID-19 Influence on Media

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant changes around the world and in all areas of human activity. The need for quarantine in most states has led to a decline in demand for entertainment and tourism, which has brought significant damage to businesses and job losses for millions of people....

Words: 2104 Pages: 9
Sciences, Tech & Engineering

Operations and Supply Chain Management Software Packages

Introduction Business rivalry mired with unstageering competition has made it necessary for organizations to take advantage of every ounce of the technological edge at their disposal. As a result, numerous businesses have realized the technical importance of operations and supply chain management, which explains the development of OSCM software packages....

Words: 1177 Pages: 5

Former President Ronald Wilson Reagan Biography

Abstract The United States has been privileged to have brilliant leaders that played critical roles in shaping world history. Among these great leaders is Ronald Wilson Reagan. Reagan was the 40th president of the United States. Reagan grew in Illinois since birth before moving to other states. Reagan studied economics...

Words: 4141 Pages: 16

The Issue of Poverty and Income Inequality

Introduction Rising income disparity has ignited a burst of investigation and replication on the roots and consequences of these tendencies. Several critics have stated that inequality does not merit all of its attention, saying that concentrating on inequality can shift the focus away from the primary problem of poverty. On...

Words: 2084 Pages: 9

Reducing Tobacco Usage Among the Single or Never Married Males

Tobacco use entails the habitual application of the tobacco plant leaf or its products. The use of tobacco and its products can be broadly classified into two categories: inhaled tobacco and smokeless tobacco. Inhaled tobacco encompasses the tobacco taken via pipes such as hookah or through cigars and cigarettes such...

Words: 1102 Pages: 5
Sciences, Tech & Engineering

Educational Technology in K-12 Public Schools

Introduction The Coronavirus pandemic has significantly interfered with people’s daily activities and livelihoods. However, it has reinforced the need to integrate technological solutions into the classroom to aid learning instructions and help students achieve better grades. Over the past two years, educational technology has been used as a tool to...

Words: 839 Pages: 4

Ethical Relativism and the Case of Edward Downes

The suicide case of Edward Downes — a renowned British composer and conductor — and his wife Joan was covered in the media due to the conflicting opinions about their decision. In their later years, Downes and his wife had a difficult life. At the age of eighty-five, Downes lost...

Words: 390 Pages: 2
Sciences, Tech & Engineering

Literature on Research Agenda in Project Management

Abstract The term project management evolved in the mid-20th century, and it has become distinctive in the coordination of business activities in the modern world. Innovation has also emerged as virtually universal in promoting corporate change, profitability, and growth. It is usually run by project management teams in any essential...

Words: 2913 Pages: 11

Disaster Planning, Preparedness, and Response in Miami, Florida

Disaster preparedness and response are the measures undertaken by various state institutions. The fire stations, emergency rooms, police stations and first responders are the institutions that have built the capacity to respond to immediate risks and catastrophes. Blizzards, fire, earthquakes, chemical spillage, draught and earthquakes are emergencies that need planning,...

Words: 508 Pages: 3
Entertainment & Media

The Impact of Social Media on the Mental Health of Adolescents

Past research into social media and mental health connections focused primarily on screen-time as being the measure of exposure to such platforms. However, self-reports that were fundamental to research prior have been noted to be less reliable and accurate in presenting true social media exposure among adolescents. As such, the...

Words: 890 Pages: 4

Resource Availability for Low to Moderate-Income Families in New York City

Executive Summary Low-income families living in urban regions have always struggled to maintain their quality of life on a decent level. Often escalated poverty levels have led to higher costs of living and increased competition for resource availability. Strains on available resources are attributed to overpopulation due to suburban-to-urban migration...

Words: 7354 Pages: 30