Sciences, Tech & Engineering Examples for Free - Page 2

Bullying on Social Media Platforms

Problem Combination of increased use of social media platforms in modern society and prevailing negative climate of web space results in bullying on social media platforms and increased number of cases of depression. Solution Raising awareness on the problem and encouraging people to engage in creating a positive climate in...

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Cloud Computing: Business Models and Deployment

Graduates are provided with vital educational programs to help them gain knowledge, skills, and also theories. They help them become good servant leaders in their disciplines and communities. Students can make ethical decisions in every situation they find their selves. In this text, I will take an example of cloud...

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Business Data Masking vs. Data Cleansing

Introduction The volume of data processed in companies is constantly growing, and the complexity of ensuring the reliability and confidentiality of critical information is increasing. Ghasemaghaei and Calic (2019) claim that “despite the large variety of data, the huge volume of generated data, and the fast velocity of obtaining data,...

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“Fertility, Mortality, Migration…” by Vollset et al.

Key Concepts and Terms A global population forecast is a demographic research tool that estimates the future size of the population. The total fertility rate is the number of children a woman gives birth to during her life. The population scenario reflects the future projected population structure for various factors,...

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Big Data and Growth of Data Storage

Executive Summary Technological advancements have changed the mode of capturing, storing, and sharing information, especially in the digital sphere. The changes have contributed to a generation of a wealth of information, commonly referred to as big data. Initially, data storage was an enterprise wonder due to the intricacies relating to...

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A Strategic Approach to Safety on Airport Ramps

Abstract The aviation sector in the UAE has experienced massive growth over the past two decades. The increased traffic in local airports has increased activities in the airport ramp and pressure on the ground crew to ensure that activities are conducted flawlessly and in time. SMS has emerged as an...

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Where Can Business Effectively Use Statistical Tools

Many will be surprised to realize that statistics – that branch of mathematics concerned with the systematic collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of “real world” information – pervades the workings of the most modern business organization. It is not an exaggeration to say that statistics has been behind many great...

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Qualitative Versus Quantitative Data

Summary The alternative qualitative research questions for the proposed study would be: What is the nature of the relationship between HIV transmission and education levels among alcoholics in California? How does education affect the sexual behaviors of alcoholics in California? How do education better equip alcoholics in California to respond...

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Validity and Reliability of a Research

Study reliability represents test results that are repeatable and reproducible. If you conduct the same study under the same conditions but with a different group of participants, you should get the same results. This will confirm the results obtained during the study and guarantee the effectiveness of the decisions made....

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Qualitative Research Features Overview

Strategies to Organize Qualitative Data When conducting a qualitative study, research nurses usually collect a large amount of data. They receive it using methods such as interviews, observation, and collecting photos and documents (Chicca, 2020). In order to effectively analyze the data and answer research questions, scientists must manage and...

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Stem Cell Research and Associated Controversy

All living things are made up of cells; most of which have a single function in the body. Contrary to these cells, stem cells are unique and have no specified function. As a result, they have the ability to perform most of the functions performed by the various cell types...

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Evaluation Information and Integrated Theory of Influence

Introduction Evaluation is significant because it provides individuals with some data regarding a particular issue. In basic terms, the process refers to assessing an object or abstract phenomenon based on specific criteria, including quantity, quality, value, and many others. This process also produces evaluation information that is quite useful and...

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Project Management Tool Selection and Project Management Plan

Project management has always been perceived as a subject to learn by business executives or healthcare leaders; however, the current conditions enable nursing practitioners to obtain the related knowledge. Professionals today can not only notice the problems that disrupt patient outcomes and decrease the quality of services but also develop...

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Do Chimpanzees Really Have a Culture?

There lacks sufficient evidence to demonstrate that chimpanzees have a culture. According to Laland and Hoppitt (2003), culture is a system of linguistically determined phenomena learned via imitation and teaching, socially transferred among a group of people. Gruber et al. (2015) claim that only a few animals have a culture...

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How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Businesses

The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) allows businesses to use resources more efficiently and find more correct solutions in difficult situations. The application of AI can bring significant benefits to companies. The author, Adam Uzialko, discusses the applications of artificial intelligence in his article Artificial intelligence is already here. How...

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An Example of Qualitative Research

Participant Observation In Summerville, I have observed such health issues as the presence of rodents on the street. In addition, I have seen such safety issues as the lack of proper control over children as they ride bikes. Moreover, they ride too close to the traffic. In Ironridge, I have...

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Quantitative and Qualitative Research Differences

The major difference between quantitative and qualitative research is that the former is focused on the interpretation of numerical data and statistics, whereas the latter is about the analysis of verbal information. From the assigned chapter, I have learned that in quantitative studies, the reality is objective, measurable, and can...

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Demographic Imbalance in the UAE

Abstract This paper primarily delves into the potential impact of the demographic imbalance within the UAE on the local population. Since the total population of citizens within the UAE is less than 11 percent of the entire population, this creates significant concerns regarding challenges to national security, national identity and...

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X-Rays: Their Discovery and History

These days one cannot imagine medicine without radiology – the use of x-rays helps various healthcare specialists to determine their patients conditions and develop effective treatment plans. Today, we will go back to where it all started – to the laboratory of German scientist, Dr. Wilhelm Roentgen. In 1895, he...

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) and How It Changes Organizations

Artificial intelligence (AI) joins the ranks of the most discussed technology-related topics and is widely acknowledged as a window into humanity’s future. The promise of AI is enormous and involves research in large amounts of data and measures to support activities in diverse types of organizations, including for-profit businesses. This...

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Geothermal vs. Nuclear Electricity Production Methods

The global electricity demand increases by 5% annually, emphasizing clean production methods (Jacobson et al., 2018). Renewable and non-renewable methods are the two significant classifications of electricity generation. The disparity between renewable and non-renewable sources is that renewable sources are more sustainable and eco-friendly than non-renewable. Geothermal and nuclear/atomic energies...

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Teens, Technology and Social Media

Technology is currently one of the most advantageous yet detrimental tools in the society. Although its negative effects have been felt with news of people committing suicide, being kidnapped and killed, it is surprising that almost nothing has been done to seriously shield them from technology. Today, teenagers account for...

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The iPhone and Android Operating Systems Analysis

The most iconic product for which Apple is known today is the iPhone – a series of smartphone lines, first introduced in 2007. It is also well-known that a distinct feature of iPhone smartphones is iOS or iPhone Operating System. Nevertheless, before iPhone and its OS were introduced, a company...

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Reasons for Conducting Research

Research is designated as the systematic exploration or study of sources and materials to establish concepts and reach new decisions. The primary purpose of the investigation is to advance knowledge through scientific ideas and theories, thus enhancing society. Studies gather theoretical evidence, inform action, and contribute to underdeveloped information in...

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The Solar System Discoveries and Beyond

The solar system is defined as the stars, the sun and any other objects that are bound to gravity. According to Longo and Damer (2020), it includes but is not limited to planets such as Mercury, Earth, Venus, Mar, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, and dozens of moons and millions of...

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Electric vs. Gasoline-Powered Vehicles: What Is Better?

There will always be competition in this world, whether it is in the workplace, sports, or anything else. There will never be a clear top competitor in any field because everyone has their own unique set of strengths and weaknesses. The problem with gasoline-powered automobiles, and the pollutants they emit...

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Electric Vehicles vs. Internal Combustion Engines

Introduction Humanity’s actions continue to put the entire planet at risk through the reckless use of its resources. Today, the pursuit of sustainability has found its way into the agendas of most developed societies, and this matter includes a range of important issues. Among them, the continuous spread of the...

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Database Management Systems Models

A database management system (DBMS) is a complex of software and language tools that allow you to create databases and manage data. In other words, a DBMS is a set of programs that allows organizing, controlling, and administering databases (Meier & Kaufmann, 2019). Most sites cannot function without a database,...

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How Artificial Intelligence Applies to Real Life

Introduction At practically any task, a strong AI can surpass humans. Against this backdrop, humans must consider the trade-offs they need to make to build new technologies. Using sophisticated AI effectively would undoubtedly improve human capabilities and accomplishments. However, AI may be utilized for other goals, such as privacy abuses...

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The Future of Electric Vehicles

Introduction Recent developments in communication technology have made communication easier and faster. However, that is not enough since human beings are demanding a transport system that is quick and efficient. The invention of the airplane made it easier to travel long distances over a short period. The human desire is...

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Sifers-Grayson: Security Strategy

There is a test of infiltration that a cybersecurity organization had accompanied to examine its security. The assessment determined that Sifers-Grayson is required to execute better performances of security. Following a precise examination proceeding the Action Reports on behalf of Sifers-Grayson, the advisors have been given work with the expansion...

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Cohort and Case-Control Studies

Cohort Study In a cohort study, an investigator selects two or more groups (cohorts) of people. The identified groups differ by the fact that one group of people is affected by the studied risk factor (exposed group), and the other one – does not (unexposed group) (Aschengrau & Seage, 2014)....

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Comparing Qualitative, Quantitative, and Outcomes Research Methods

Research Methods Comparison Chart Characteristics Qualitative method Quantitative method Outcomes method The setting of the research Data is collected from the natural setting. Researchers collect data from people subject to the research problem (Creswell, & Creswell, 2017). Data collection takes place in a controlled research setting (Creswell, & Creswell, 2017)....

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Electrical Circuits: The Ohm’s Law Application

Introduction A thorough understanding of the laws of electrical circuits ensures the success of academic study of this section of physics and the ability to use the knowledge in practice effectively. This laboratory work evaluated the applicability of Ohm’s electrical law to the circuit being generated. In particular, it was...

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Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

Introduction Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are becoming more and more popular and, as a result, can be found more often in available in supermarkets. These are the organisms, which were deliberately altered in laboratory conditions in order to enhance the final product genetically. GMOs growing popularity led to several controversies...

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Prenatal Development and the Onset of Life

The Onset of Life and Prenatal Development Philosophers, scientists, theologists, and other practitioners have different thoughts on the beginning of human life. As a result, there are various myths and facts as to when life begins. While different people have various beliefs concerning when life starts, the issue is a...

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Quantitative Design: The Independent Variables

One of the best ways to expand people’s understanding and gain greater control over their own lives is to do the research. The independent variables in the part one of the case study are exposure versus no exposure to relaxation or biofeedback. These variables are independent because they are manipulated...

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Cyber-Attacks Are Threats to U.S. Interests

Cyberspace plays an essential role in the communication and security of the United States. Cyber-attacks have already caused significant damage to various sectors of the American economy and citizens’ safety. Furthermore, different malware simplifies adversaries’ espionage for U.S. military advancements. Although technological protection attained high levels of security, external threats...

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A Discussion on Self-Driving Cars

Many people argue that technology is a good servant but a bad master. Both ancient and modern human activities have benefited or been disadvantaged by technological innovations. Technology is the practical application of scientific knowledge and skills in the innovation of devices, chemicals, gadgets, and machines meant to improve the...

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Cyber Security: Cost of Cyber Security Measures

Cyber security, also known as IT security or computer security, safeguards computer networks and systems against software, hardware, or electronic data damage or theft. It could also be a disruption or misalignment of the service that is being provided or shared. This area is becoming increasingly important as people’s reliance...

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Social Sciences: Qualitative Research Methodology

The article by Mohajan (2018) analyzes the use of qualitative research methodology in social sciences and other related subjects. The study outlines various research methods in qualitative research and provides the advantages and disadvantages of the methodology. The review aims to help scholars to make better choices when carrying out...

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Virtual Simulation in Nursing Curriculum

Executive Summary One cannot imagine modern life without technology. Nursing programs are not an exception, and they should integrate new technologies into their curriculums to stay on trend. One such technology is simulated virtual patient (SVP), or software that allows nursing students to exercise their clinical skills in a simulated...

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Case Report: Loving Organic Foods

Introduction The present report was commissioned by the chief analyst of the Diligent Consulting Group as a fulfillment of the request of Loving Organic Foods company. The request was to explore the factors that may motivate the customers to increase their spending on organic foods. Preliminary analysis revealed that age...

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Positive Genetic Test Result

Introduction The case involves a newly admitted patient who turned out to have a positive genetic test result. After testing, the patient was found with cystic fibrosis, which is a genetically inherited condition. It is not always easy to get the results of a genetic test since the process is...

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Gene Editing Technologies Should Be Regulated, Not Abolished

Coller, B. S. (2019). Ethics of human genome editing. Annual Review of Medicine, 70(1), 289–305. This article is a full review of various gene editing applications and principles of regulating them, with multiple examples. The author covers all common issues of suspicious attitudes toward genetic engineering, starting from general ones...

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Qualitative Research Methods and Design

The main differences and similarities of qualitative and quantitative research approaches stem from their goals and the nature of the phenomenon they aim to investigate (Crosby, DiClemente, & Salazar, 2011). The differences between both research methods emerge from the basis that the qualitative research design is interpretive and humanistic, while...

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Non-Parametric Tests

Introduction While exploring quantitative data, it is of great importance to be able to choose proper statistical procedures and tests in order to attain appropriate results and draw correct conclusions (Forthofer, Lee, & Hernandez, 2007). This paper provides an analysis of the appropriateness of the use of a number of...

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Quantitative and Qualitative Research: Methods Overview

In various scientific fields, there can be different methods of research, including quantitative and qualitative studies. The quantitative design implies the use of logic and statistics for proving a hypothesis and making conclusions. In contrast, a qualitative study is an exploratory process, focusing on understanding and interpreting rather than calculating....

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Qualitative and Quantitative Social Studies’ Analysis

Types of Quantitative research Non-Experimental Research This is a type of quantitative research that seeks to explain the status of the selected variable without manipulating them in the study. The study variables are measured as they appear naturally by the researcher. Not interfering with the study items may involve prior...

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Strategies to Prevent Potential Computer Security Threats

Potential Computer Security Threats and Policies to Manage the Risk In the age of increased technological advancement and the implementation of computers in most areas of life, personal and professional, computer threats can range from meager to serious crises. Information systems are the most affected when computers are exposed to...

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Decolonizing Research Methods: Data Collection

A researcher needs to understand the various research methodologies to use during a research process to identify the most effective approach in a given situation or geographical region. In week six, we learned about the different research methodologies, including triangulation and decolonizing research methods used in researching indigenous groups. In...

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Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

For the purposes of this discussion, two functions were chosen at random. Their formulas are given below: In order to maintain logical consistency and brevity, in this post, the functions are denoted as E and H. First, it should be noted that both equations are exponential: the graphs of the...

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Study Design: Methodology, the Unit of Analysis

Unit of Analysis When developing a research project, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of a unit of analysis. A unit of analysis and a unit of observation are imperative for efficient data collection and evaluation. Essentially, a unit of analysis is the focal point of any study...

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Critical Research Appraisal: Critiques of Qualitative Research

Qualitative Research Design Qualitative research involves data collection and analysis using non-numerical data such as documented text or audio. Features that identify qualitative research methods include a natural setting, complex reasoning, and multiple approaches in research (Fetters & Molina-Azorin, 2019). The standard methodologies used in qualitative research are grounded theory,...

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The Role of the Methodology Chapter in the Study

Introduction The methodology chapter focuses on outlining how the actual research will be conducted. The term ‘research methodology’ has been defined as the theoretical and systematic analysis of the methods deployed in a study (Igwenagu, 2016). In other words, research methodology comprises a description of the set of principles and...

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Cloud Computing with Three Major Providers

Introduction In the IT industry, we are in the midst of the cloud computing era. Customers can use AWS services for free, up to the limits set for each service. The free tier includes a 12-month free tier, always free service, and a 30-day trial. The term cloud refers to...

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Cloud Computing and Security Measures in Business

Introduction Managing information technology, storage, and servers will have a direct impact on UPMC’s business. Due to a faulty server or the lack of any medical history or records, customer satisfaction and patient care will suffer. In addition, the organization will require different operating systems for servers and computers, as...

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Importance of Nursing Informatics in the Future Health Care

Introduction Nursing informatics in health care offers healthcare facilities and nurses practices and up-to-date information to improve satisfaction and patient safety. Improved satisfaction and patient safety also enhance healthcare staff’s self-esteem. Nursing informatics, patient care technology, and electronic health information are all examples of evidence-based research. This paper aims to...

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Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity

Artificial intelligence (AI) involves computers performing tasks that commonly are usually done by humans. Some of these tasks include visualizing images, decision making, and text recognition. Applications such as expert systems, natural language processing, machine vision, and speech recognition are vital applications that contribute to AI. It was founded in...

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Modern Trends in Information Technology

Information technology is a developing area of the use of modern achievements of computer science and technology to implement methods of transformation of signals and their movement using the Internet or in offline mode. IT emerged as a need to match the economic and social development of the world to...

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Preventions of IT Security Threats

Introduction Information is a key aspect of any organization. It simplifies organization survival and decision-making. To enable information security and grant organizations a competitive advantage, strategies of preventing information against loss or theft are, therefore, a mission-critical issue in current society. Organizations have to successfully use various prevention strategies to...

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Research of Airline Industry in the USA

The airline industry records annual revenues in the range of billions of dollars (GAO, 2009, p.1). In addition, airlines influence the standard of living in the communities around them and are a catalyst for economic growth (GAO, 2009, p.1). The airline industry in conjunction with other transportation modes link communities...

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Information Systems Used in Business

Information systems (IS) are a crucial part of modern business, made possible by the rapid advances of information technology, and made necessary by their near-universal adoption and the competitive advantages they bring. As the broad definition of an information system is any system whose purpose is processing information, a large...

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Cybercrime: Online Identity Theft

Introduction The expansion of the Internet had a substantial impact on criminal activity, contributing to the growth of new types of crimes taking place online. Such offenses are commonly categorized as cybercrime, a concept that encompasses all criminal activity carried out online (Kaakinen et al., 2018). Certain types of crimes...

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Effects of Cell Phone on Society

Introduction Background Information Since the introduction of the cell phone, this communication gadget has had a great impact on the society. The telecommunication industry has played a major role in enhancing communication. Different categories of individuals use cell phones for different purposes. Mobile phones vary greatly in terms of prices....

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Communication Plan and Sponsorship in Projects

The success of projects depends on how they are planned and approached. Communication and availability of resources are very crucial in the completion of the project (Wager et al., 2017). Therefore, once a project is approved, a good communication plan and sponsorship are essential to ensure it is completed within...

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Analog vs. Digital Telecommunication Networks

Telecommunication Networks The most critical distinction between analog and digital communication is that analog communication employs analog signals for transmission and reception, whereas digital communication utilizes digital signals. Analog signals are time-varying signals that are continuously changing, whereas digital signals are discrete data. Digital communication has several benefits, including immunity...

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AI in Information Technology

Introduction AI enables people to automate repeated learning and searching processes through the use of data. The introduction of artificial intelligence systems in medicine is one of the most potent modern trends in world healthcare. Artificial intelligence technologies are also fundamentally changing the global cybersecurity system. The significance of AI...

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Evolution of Big Data and Data Storage Systems

Abstract A database is simply a systematic collection of information organized and stored in computer systems, for example, Microsoft Access or Oracle database. It is controlled by a database management system (DBMS) and makes data management easy to access, modify, control and update. There are various database types, e.g., centralized...

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Impacts of Technology on Generation Z

In the modern world, technology has become an integral part of day-to-day life, especially for Generation Z. Generation Z refers to people born in the approximate period from the 1990s to the 2010s (Saran 9). Nowadays, technologies are developing more actively than before and a huge number of inventions appear....

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Impact of Technology on Social Change

Human beings are subjected to change by the occurrence of different technological changes. The repetitive nature makes human beings adapt to the changes and make it a habit of living. Embracing technology has not only brought advantages but also has its disadvantages. Karl Marx intrigues that technology has triggered mental...

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Marriott International/Starwood Cyber Insurance Case

Introduction Information technology (IT) is a crucial and ever-increasing facet of modern business. Any modern business is required to store and handle their customers’ data to provide competitive services. However, this data must be stored securely to prevent it from falling to any unauthorized third parties. The damage of such...

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The Project Integration Management

The three processes related to planning include developing the project management plan, directing and managing project work, and managing project knowledge. Additionally, the activity begins with initiation processes and at this stage, a team is formed, and the goals, tasks, results, resources, and deadlines of the project are determined. Then,...

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Access Controls for Employees Working at Home

The outbreak and prevalence of the COVID-19 globally from 2020 compels most companies to decongest their offices by encouraging some employees to work from home. As a result, companies have to allow employees working at home to access official files and company information by remotely connecting employee’s personal computers with...

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Project Life Cycle and Project Management Office

Introduction Support and guidance of various projects across different companies and business ventures is the primary function of Project Management Offices (PMOs). PMOs ensure that the work on the undertaking is executed in compliance with the stated project objectives and satisfy all customer requirements (Paton & Andrew, 2019). Thus, project...

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Program Evaluation Types and Evaluation Significance

Introduction The new program or policy includes a set of interrelated measures combined into a plan of action to achieve a goal or solve some problem. In implementing them, it is crucial to understand whether it is worth further put into practice the action plan or whether there is no...

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Speed Limit Is Necessary for Road Safety

Speeding is one of the most crucial risk factors for road traffic accidents. The negative consequences of driving arise from driver errors and, especially, speeding on highways. The speed limit was introduced to improve road safety because it helps maintain order on the roads and avoid accidents. Even the most...

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Design and Construction Project Management

General vision of the project The main philosophy of our practice includes the concepts that enable us to provide our customers with appropriate buildings, constructions, and designs in a timely manner. Besides, the cost-efficiency of our services allows our competitors to offer no similar objects because we use outsourcing as...

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Data Warehouse for Structured Data

Introduction In computing, a data warehouse is a form of data management system that is specifically made to facilitate and back business intelligence tasks, particularly analytics. Data warehouses play a vital role in helping managers to make strategic decisions for their companies since it assists in the large-scale collection of...

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Cloud Computing Security Issues

The development of cloud computing as a novel paradigm brought notable advantages to the use of information technologies in business. Organizations of different scales currently use cloud computing service for storing, managing, and retrieving large amounts of data that supports their business continuity. However, the active use of cloud computing...

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Security Culture in the Aviation Sector

Introduction For over 50 years, the aviation industry has countered and responded to multiple threats of terrorism. Aviation has always been and continues to be a highly-profiled industry when it comes to being targeted by terrorists. There were many acts of unlawful interference that mainly focused on the aircraft with...

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Ransomware Attacks and Protection

The research question How can one protect oneself from ransomware attacks? Anderson, W. H. (2016). Protecting yourself from ransomware and cyber-attacks. GPSolo, 33(5), 48–51. This article reports the consequences of ransomware attacks and proposes solutions to businesses regarding how they can protect their data from such cyberattacks. The author starts...

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Disadvantages of Cell Phones Using Among Children

At present, it is not easy to picture living without gadgets that have filled the world. Children enjoy these benefits from a young age, and they are using various gadgets. The application of telephones in schools is alarming for many teachers and experts. Children use school breaks to play devices...

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E-Learning Readiness in Intermediate Schools in Al-Madinah

Introduction From the wake of the 1990s, it has become increasingly clear that we are living in the Information Age and that our societies are becoming more knowledge-based, rather than manufacturing-based. Saudi Arabia, for instance, is not exempt from this global trend. To maintain its competitiveness has opted to transform...

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Sky Project Analysis: Project Management

Introduction Before a company invests in a certain project, there is a need to interpolate the project. This is meant to ensure that a company invests in a viable project. There are different methods to interpolate the viability of a project; they are the Average rate of return, Net present...

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Cloud Computing and Its Key Characteristics

Resource Pooling One of the most significant cloud computing characteristics is resource pooling, as it allows to manage computing resources efficiently. It is achieved by sharing resources of the cloud service provider between multiple clients. Hence, maximum efficiency is achieved, and hardware downtime is reduced as much as possible (Jones,...

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Security Analysis: Operating Systems

Introduction A detailed evaluation of operating systems fundamentals is essential as the report’s audience constitutes the Oil and Natural Gas Company’s leadership team. Operating System (OS) denotes programs that control computer hardware and offer service for application software. A computer system can be categorized into four parts: a user, the...

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Distribution Generation and the Stability of the Power System

Introduction In the recent years, some countries have been experiencing power shortages and coupled with the increasing cost of setting up and building large power plants such as hydro electric power plants, thermal and geothermal plants and nuclear plants in addition to building transmission lines has necessitated the need for...

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Linux OS Is Better Than Windows OS

Abstract A comparison of Microsoft’s Windows and Linux operating systems (OS) shows that the latter is the better. The two most common advantages attributed to Linux OS are cost and security. Whereas Windows OS is only available through purchase and is vulnerable to viruses and malware, Linux OS is free...

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Information Technology Audit Policy and Plans

Executive Summary Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important for organizations in the modern world as technology advances. It entails the protection of systems connected to the internet including data, software, and hardware from cyber threats. Every organization should strive to enhance protection against unauthorized access to computerized systems and data centers....

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Analysis of Use and Misuse of Encryption

Introduction Encryption is crucial for the information security field. An algorithm and a key are necessary elements of encryption, as without them it is impossible to know how a message is encrypted. Cryptographic algorithms have two types that are symmetric key cryptography and asymmetric key cryptography. This presentation will first...

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Enterprise Resource Planning Software Analysis

The Y2K problem threatened business organizations at the turn of the millennium in 1999. The technological disaster however never occurred and it was a relief to many organizations, some of which never took the initiative to back up their data in case of the system failure. 20 years later, it...

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Project Management Concept Overview

Scope and Scheduling in Project Management Defining the scope in project management is one of the most crucial and integral parts of management, as it allows the organization to most effectively distribute its resources and workforce. Scope, as a term, refers to the relative requirements a project will have during...

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Use of Technology in Different Policing Eras

Introduction Policing methods and activities regularly undergo considerable changes, depending on available resources and current achievements. There are three main eras in policing, namely political, professional (or reform), and community. Each period has its characteristics and contributions to the development of social and interpersonal relations, and the promotion of technology...

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Business Intelligence in Information Technology

Introduction Business intelligence has been employed by various organizations to spearhead their competitiveness. Various Schools of thought in business fields have also adopted business intelligence in their models of governance and prioritization. In fact, recent past has witnessed major transformations in major firms around the world. These have increasingly seen...

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Starwood Hotels’ Data Breach Incident and Response

In today’s highly digitalized world, almost every company is at risk of various cyber threats. The storage of customers’ and employees’ personal data, technologic reliance, and operational services can be compromised (Guide to cyber liability insurance, 2019). In response to the need to protect organizations from these risks, a cyber...

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The Role of Technology in Hospitality and Tourism

Introduction In recent decades, the scope of services, shape, and external orientation of tourism and hospitality industry have notably changed. The reasons behind are overall industry saturation that exists in a state of permanent market competition and increasing customer expectations for better personalization of services and care. Considerably, industry managers...

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Information Systems for Business and Their Types

Introduction Information systems play an important role in supporting the operations of any business organization primarily through the storage, sharing, and retrieval of information or data. In organizations, various information systems serve different functions. To maintain efficient company operations, systems that facilitate customer transactions, process organizational and personal data, aid...

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Improving Cyber-Security for the State’s Critical Infrastructures

Critical infrastructure entails vital cyber and physical assets and systems whose destructions and incapacity would result in a debilitating impact on the public health, economy, and safety. They provide essential services that strengthen the society, implying that effective measures should be established to ensure security. The 2018 Cybersecurity and Infrastructure...

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An Evaluation of Wildlife Controls in and Around Commercial Airports

Introduction Managing airport security and safety is one of the most important responsibilities of aviation authorities around the world. One of the problems that many airports face is animal and bird incursions in and around airports. According to Biondi, Belant, Martin, DeVault, and Wang (2014), the threat posed by large...

Words: 1379 Pages: 6

Impact of Technology and Innovation on Start-up Businesses and Their Performance

Introduction Innovation and Start-Ups Company Broad Concept Innovation plays a pivotal role in changing the business set-up, especially with the vast spread of internet. In the current contemporary global business landscape, defining innovation has an ambiguous framing as the world needs critically and accurately assessing them in an integral way...

Words: 9755 Pages: 38

Cryptography and Network Security Strategies

Introduction Recognizing the absolute priority of data for society, it is justified to strive for its maximum protection. The issue of finding options to protect critical data is a significant challenge, and one of the most effective working methods is encryption. This fact has become the basis for in-depth research...

Words: 3215 Pages: 13