📝 Christianity Research Papers Examples
- Evangelical Theology: Jesus Christ Jesus Christ was the true epitome of a perfectly ethical human life, he is the “firstborn” in the sense that he provided an example of how humanity should co-exist.
- The Heart of Love The doctrine as contained in Genesis 1: 26 – 27 is the heart of the Christian Faith. This intriguing verse explains that the Will of God is for us to be like Him.
- Same-Sex Marriage as a Religious Issue Same-sex marriage is viewed as one of the most controversial social issues facing the world today, probably due to the many legal and social factors involved.
- World Religions Studies and Key Concepts Religion can be defined as beliefs and practices that underscore the relationship between people and their God.
- Moses in Christianity, Judaism and Islam The paper at hand aims at investigating the portrayal of Moses in the three Abrahamic traditions as well as pointing to specificities of his life and impact on the development of religions.
- Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs Harriet Jacobs portrays that a slave black women cane be virtuous because of her inner strength and strict religious beliefs she follows all her life.
- Crusades from a Christian Viewpoint This essay looks into the purpose of the crusades from a Christian viewpoint. Additionally, the aftermath and relevance of the crusades will be highlighted.
- Women in Religion: Discussion This paper compares and contrasts the views of Christianity and Muslim of the woman. It analysis some fundamental differences and similarities in the way the woman is portrayed by the authority books.
- Conceptions of Christ The discussion of the changing conceptions of Christ throughout the centuries, starting with the period of the Middle Ages and up to these days.
- Ethical Life Issues in Works by Cicero and C.S. Lewis The issue of the establishment of ethical life in the community in accordance with the moral laws can be traced in the literary works by Cicero and C.S. Lewis.
- Afterlife in Different World Cultures Most modern religions including atheists do not believe in the existence of an afterlife. Atheists do not believe in a supernatural God.
- Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism Origins and the Eschatology Each Creates People all over the world engage in worshiping God, the world’s major religions which include Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Judaism share their origins.
- Jesus & Mohammed: Comparison and Contrast Jesus and Mohammed are the two people who promoted the widely spread religions in the world. Jesus led to the spread of Christianity, while Mohammed initiated the Islam religion.
- Relation Between God, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit The concept of the Trinity is the relationship between God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. This concept was only accepted in the third and fourth centuries.
- Cultural Intelligence: Gospel Communication Project The Gospel Communication Project allows the application of the principles of Cultural Intelligence to a specific cross-cultural evangelistic encounter.
- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam This paper examines the characteristics of these faiths and determines that despite their dissimilarities, they have resemblances that are based on their joint background.
- Abortion and Moral Status The theory of moral status postulates that a pregnant woman has an obligation to the fetus as a bearer of its moral status, which also eliminates the possibility of abortion.
- Christian Worldview in a Counselor's Profession Considering Bible teachings, a counselor can learn many teachings and lessons. The concept of measurement that Noah used can be used by advisors in planning their work.
- Death, Views of Asian and Western Culture on Death and Dying The Asians receive death with happiness, and in case a person was on medication and felt the time was ready to die, one would forfeit medication to embrace death wholeheartedly.
- Several Theological Perspectives in the Understanding of the Bible, Its Interpretation and Issues This paper is a critical reflection on several theological perspectives in the understanding of the Bible, its interpretation, and issues arising from such interpretation.
- Wesleyan Perspectives and Doctrine of Holiness According to the essential tenets of the Wesleyan Doctrine, the phenomenon of holiness is the direct product of faith.
- Christian Religious Fundamentalism and Family Role Identities Christianity has a huge influence on marriage through its strong impact on family values and gender obligations.
- Middle Eastern History and Culture: From Muhammad to 1800 This study establishes that the major crusades advanced by Westerners had a significant impact on the Middle Easterners' political, social and economic life.
- Gospel Essentials: The Christian Perspective This work focuses on the nature of God, humanity, and restoration, explaining the ideas behind the Christian worldview and evaluating it, and comparing it to the atheist perspective.
- Religion Promoting Culture and Rights of Native Americans Religion serves as a unifying force for separated societies, a medium for original culture spread and reserving, and means of enhancing the legal status of Native Americans.
- History of the Roman Empire Rome was created by a republic that used slave labor and social division. The government of Rome tried to rely not on sole power but the Senate.
- A Conversation About Religion: Islam and Christianity Islam began to take shape much later than other world religions, by that time, the tenets of Christianity, has taken shape almost wholly.
- ‘Eastern’ and ‘Western’ Religions Differences Even 'western' religions or only 'eastern' religions can be strikingly different from each other if they are not based on some unifying feature.
- Christianity, Judaism, and Islam Comparison Despite the seeming differences between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, the three religions have a range of characteristics and perspectives in common.
- Exegesis Analysis of Mark 4:26-29 This paper provides an exegesis of the parable of a growing seed as depicted in Mark:26-29 (NIV) about the kingdom of God based on contemporary aspects of life in Christianity.
- The Nature of God, Humanity, Jesus, and Salvation This paper explores the nature of God, humanity, Jesus, and Salvation to apply the acquired information to the analysis of Christian worldview implications.
- The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ The crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the cross is a topic that has sparked many controversies in the two main religions, Christianity and Islam.
🏆 Best Christianity Essay Titles
- The Universal and Inclusive Message of Christianity
- Things That Globally Changed With the Advent of Christianity
- Biblical Theological Tensions Between Islam and Christianity
- Rational Reason for Divorce in the Views of Christianity
- Christianity Versus Boethian Philosophy
- Three Faiths: Buddhism, Shintoism and Bahai Religion
This paper will investigate the religious beliefs concerning health care providers of three different religious faiths. - Doctrinal Development vs. Abiding Truth of Christianity
- The Unlikely Concord Between Paganism and Christianity
- Essential Similarities and Differences Between Judaism and Christianity
- Preparation for Early Christianity
- Martin Luther and His Concept of Christianity
- The Birth and Development of Christianity Throughout History
- Paul’s Teachings and His Impact on Christianity
- Major Problems Facing Christianity
- Case Study: Healing and Autonomy
The patient’s autonomy is the primary argument in the treatment process, which should then be complied with the basics of beneficence and nonmaleficence. - Finding Common Ground for Christianity and Science
- Finding the Genuine Happiness in the Religion of Christianity
- The Life and Impact of John Calvin on Christianity
- Middle Age Religion Beliefs and the Existence of Christianity
- Defining Faith and Its Importance in Christianity
- Principal Teachings About Peace in Christianity
💡 Essay Ideas on Christianity
- The Admirable Sides and Flaws of Christianity
- Medieval Christianity and Its Influence on Society
- “A Fresh Look at Christianity…” by Neff & McMinn
The book “A Fresh Look at Christianity in the Therapy Room” by Neff and McMinn explores the idea of integrating Christianity and psychology together to enhance therapy experiences. - Concept of Suffering in Christian Philosophy
- Christianity Versus Evolution Theory of Earth
- The Most Common Christianity Dominations Around the World
- Imperial Attitude Towards Early Christianity
- Case Conceptualization Using Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Rational emotive behavior therapy can be used for treating different patients with various psychological ailments. It includes three therapeutic techniques. - Parallelism Between the Matrix and Christianity
- Interactions Between Christianity and Islam
- American Christianity and the Drive of Conviction
- The Three Main Divisions of Christianity
- Biblical Foundations of Christianity
- Constantine the Great and His Influence on the Spread of Christianity
- Tracing Christianity Throughout Western Europe
- The Relationships Between Christianity and Charity
- Studying and Examining Reformation and Christianity
- The Unity of American Christianity
- Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Protestantism as the Main Branches of Christianity
- Ancient Christianity in Academic Writings
- The Relationship Between Theology and Psychology
The paper discusses six models that show the relationship between theology and psychology and explains that the six models have varied designs. - Communicating Christianity From the Beginning of Time
- Understanding the Modern State of Christianity
- The Truth About Orthodox Christianity
❓ Christianity Research Questions
- Was Christianity the Key to the Downfall of the Vikings?
- How Has Christianity Influenced Society Throughout History?
- How Did Scholars and Theologians Motivate the Creation of Modern-Day Christian Doctrines and Church Programs?
- How Christianity and Hinduism Contribute to World Peace?
- What Does Christianity Teach About Human Life?
- How Christianity Influenced Art in the Middle Ages?
- How Christianity and Science Can Go Together?
- How Does Christianity Interacts With Other Religions?
- Does Being a Christian Make You Answerable to the Teachings of the Bible?
- Are Americans Over-Influenced by Christianity in Society?
- How Did Christianity Become a Major World Religion?
- What Does Christianity Effect on Western Culture?
- How Christianity Influenced the Roman Empire History?
- The Most Common Christianity Dominations Around the World are All Christians Working Towards the Same Goal: Living a Happy Life After Death?
- Can Christianity and Business Coexist?
- How Has Advanced Technology Positively Impacted Christianity at Different Levels?
- How Has Christianity Helped Control the Potential Effects of Advanced Technology?
- How British Literature Affected Western Christianity?
- What Does the Christianity Say About Capital Punishment?
- What Are the Primary Goals and Purposes Played by Christianity Dominations?
- What Is the Role of Christianity in Shaping Modern Society?