📝 Terrorism Research Papers Examples
- The US National and International Counterterrorism Strategy In the international and national counterterrorism strategies, the defenses against terrorists’ attacks incorporate the physical defenses, anti-terrorist resistance, and security measures.
- Terrorism: Al-Qaeda Terrorism is the use of violent means or threats in order to persuade people to accept certain terms or conditions.Al-Qaeda is and has been a terrorist group or network.
- September 11 Terrorist Attack This essay discusses how the September 11 attack occurred, the government’s response to it and how to avoid a similar occurrence in future.
- The 9/11 Effects on Counter-Terrorism Counter-terrorism refers to the military or political practices, strategies, procedures, and means adopted in response to the escalating terrorist acts.
- Natural Resources Role in the Wars Historic documents record that the main reason for war between kingdoms or territorial regions in the past was natural resources.
- September 11 Terrorist Attacks This essay discusses how the event occurred, the response by the government and specific actions that need to be taken to prevent a similar event occurring in future.
- The 9/11 Incident: the West Views on Islam and Muslims The negative image the west has towards Islam and Muslims is justifiable. This paper set out to evaluate the image western countries had before and after the 9/11 incident.
- Afghan Taliban: Ideological Roots Factors that explain the ideological roots of Taliban are cultural (Pashtun Nationalism), religious (Deoband version of Islam) and reactionary (Post Cold-War imbalance).
- The Invasion of Iraq by the US This paper will set out to discuss the US led invasion of Iraq with focus on the reasons for the invasion, the situation during the war, and the conditions after this war.
- The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks: Boston Bombing The paper will analyze the intelligence information exchanged between Russia and the US before the Boston bombing and demonstrate that the Boston attacks were not preventable.
- The Habeas Corpus Rights in the Context of the War on Terror This paper discusses the observance of the writ of habeas corpus amidst the changing political landscape. It concerns the changes enforced by the state in dealing with terrorism.
- The 9/11 Attack and the Arab World The 9/11 attack led to the creation of the department of homeland security, which has become a big threat to the survival of Muslims and Arabs in the United States.
- The Impact of 9/11 on the Ethics The 9/11 attack had far-reaching effects on American people and the world. Many civilians died and America’s relationship with some Muslim countries became strained.
- The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Terrorism The paper analyzes the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which is a terrorist group that operates in Iraq and Syria, to illustrate the extremes of terrorism in the contemporary times.
- East African Community's Change Initiative This research uses Kotter's 8-step process in discussing the change initiative that leaders of the East African Community can embrace to effectively deal with the terrorist groups.
- Radical Islamic Terrorism Threats in East Africa The presence of Al-Qaida in the East African region is a threat to governments and the interests of the United States in the region owing to their ability and methods of operation.
- States Cannot Be Considered as Terrorists This paper argues that a state cannot be a terrorist even if it perpetrates violence against non-combatants because the definition of terrorism excludes actions by state entities.
- America’s War on Terror and Countercriticism The American war on terror is real and justified. Prior to the September 11 attack on U.S. soil, one could have approached the issue with some doubts.
- Foreign Terrorism: Al-Qaeda Al-Qaeda is a terrorist group that was founded by the late Osama bin Laden as an extremist group of the Sunni Islamists.
- The Impacts of ISIS on Iraq and Syria Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is a group that has attracted global attention due to its brutality and weaponry disposition that has made it triumph over armed forces.
- Cyber Terrorism and Other Cyber Attacks This paper will analyze the nature of cyber terrorism in the modern world and explore the relationship between politics and this form of terrorism.
- Western World's View on Muslim Women Middle East countries view Muslim women in accordance with the Quran. The paper explores stereotype on Muslim women by the western world and compares with that of the Middle East.
- Illegal Immigration Through Mexico and Canada Illegal immigration represents a potential threat to national security because of the possibility that terrorists or agents of hostile governments can enter the United States.
- Iraq 2003: War Terrorism, Foreign Invasion, and Jihad There is a controversy on the war of the US with Iraq. More than national security, a strong desire for oil is the motivation for America’s interest in a war with Iraq.
- Terrorism Using Chemical and Biological Agents Terrorism by the use of chemical and biological agents is unacceptable in the society and should be denounced with all the efforts available.
- Analyzing Terrorism and Political Violence Terrorism and acts of political violence are daily occurrences in the day today lives of many people around the globe.
- Vietnam and the Power Limits The hard lesson learned from America's involvement in Vietnam was that superior military power does not guarantee victory.
- Islam and Its Influence on the World Society Those who on the lee of Islamic religion work out the system of paralleled beliefs intended to destruction are the real trouble for humanity.
- “War on Terror” Term and Its History The terrorist attacks date back to the 19th century. Interestingly most of these extremist groups seem to target America and its sympathizers
- Hostility and Discrimination Between Arabs and American The immigrants are discriminated depending on their race, religion, sex, and country of origin with Arab immigrants experiencing it most.
👍 Good Terrorism Essay Topics to Write about
- U.S. Foreign Policies in the Middle East The end of the Cold War impacted the U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East in some ways. This paper explores how the Post-Cold War period influenced the US program in the Mid-east.
- The History of the Us That Led to the 9/11 It is pertinent to mention that the 9/11 terror attack in the United States must have been caused by a long period of poor relations between the US and the Middle East.
- Civil Liberties and the Need to Secure the Aviation Industry The terrorists who hijacked the airplanes – that were later used like missiles against the World Trade Center – were trained in the United States.
- Immigration and Global Terrorism Immigration and terrorism are sovereign social events curtailing from desperate causes and with fundamentally various goals.
- War, Terrorism, and Torture in US History During the Geneva Convention, a panel of investigators discovered that the United States had been violating laws that protect human beings during interrogations.
- The USA Patriot Act Overview and Analysis This paper discusses the USA Patriot Act. The act entails the coming together of Americans in the fight against terrorism.
- American Foreign Policy on the War Against Terrorism This paper is relevant for lawmakers as it provides recommendations for initiatives for national and international security.
- Counter-Terrorism in International Law The paper defines the terrorism concept and reviews the implications on human rights considering the universality and the need for non-discrimination in counter-terrorism.
- The Traumatic Impact of Terrorist Attacks This paper discusses the traumatic impact of New York, Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
- Historical Causes of the September 11 Terrorist Attacks The September 11 attacks were a significant traumatic event that affected the social, physical, spiritual, psychological, and economic well-being of individuals, groups and communities.
- War Against Terrorism: The US Military Strategy The US military strategy is aimed at free access to cyberspace and global resources because it will allow the prevention of terrorist ideology dissemination.
- Terrorism: Al-Qaeda Terrorist Organization Al-Qaeda is a Salafist Mujahideen Terrorist Organization. It is one of the few Salafist Jihad Organizations which operate globally.
- The 9-11 Attack in Americans' Life The 9/11 attack was a terrorist strike against Americans that led to the death of many civilians. The attack was executed by 19 hijackers who belonged to al-Qaeda.
- America in Vietnam: Terrorism and Vietnam This paper discusses a comparison of the military, political, economic, social, and media coverage of terrorism and Vietnam.
- Al-Qaeda: Organization, People and Activities Throughout the history of Al Qaeda, it is thought that its 2001 attack on the United States, dabbed 911 was the most crushing success of the group under the command of Osama Bin Laden.
- Support for U.S. Counterterrorism Efforts Counterterrorism Bureau works with well-known regional and worldwide organizations and other collaborating countries to attack terrorist enemies.
- War on Terrorism: Security vs. Civil Liberties The work serves to present how civil liberty has been traded at the expense of security through the various laws passed by Congress.
- The Threat of Terrorism in US The paper discusses that the United States should have in place mitigation efforts that are equivalent to the extent of the terrorism threat.
- The Role of Islam in Saudi Arabia This essay is concerned with the role of Islam in the foreign policy of Saudi Arabia, it also examines some aspects concerning the Islamic beliefs that exist in Saudi Arabia.
- The War in Afghanistan and International Terrorism During the 20th century, several terrorist attacks were directed against the US both inside and outside its borders.
- Comparison of Jewish and Muslim Experiences The paper aims to establish the existence of similarities and differences between Jewish and Muslim experiences in Europe.
- Islam, Terrorism, and the Spiral of Violence This paper seeks to critically examine the uncertainty of religious dogmas and their role in violent misconceptions.
- Has Al-Qaeda and Its Jihad Against the United States Been Defeated? Al-Qaeda has carried out attacks against foreign US installations in East Africa, the Middle East, and Europe.
- Is Terrorism a Serious Threat to International and National Security? Terrorism is defined as the “threat of violence and use of fear to coerce, persuade, and gain public attention”.
- Terrorist Attacks: The Role of Military and Public Sector Entities This paper elucidates the actions taken by the military and public sector entities to respond to terrorist attacks.
- Dangers of Social Media in the Context of Media Ethics This paper argues that social media became a dangerous and unethical place because of being used for hazardous purposes by society members in uncontrolled ways.
- Should Free Speech Be Regulated on Social Media? Freedom of speech in a democratic world is a crucial feature of society. This paper will discuss why free speech on social media should be regulated.
- Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Weapons The desire to create widespread panic and cause mass fatalities motivates terrorists to use chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons.
- The 9-11 Terrorist Attack's Impact on American Life The terrorists' attacks of September 11, 2001, had a regressing effect on various areas of American life, which means that the attackers were able to achieve their goal.
- Muslim Culture and American Negativity Americans have failed to differentiate between the Muslim religion and Muslim people. It also brings the analogy of Islam's perspective because the terms seem equal to them.
- Terrorism in the United States' History History has become one of the best ways to learn, understand, and apply cultural aspects in daily life. A people's heritage is tied to their leaders' principles.
- Combating Terror and Terrorist Acts The US Patriot Act improved the tracking of sophisticated terrorists and national security investigations and facilitated more penalties for particular terrorism crimes.
- History of Terrorist Groups in the USA The United States of America has faced both international and local terrorism for the most prolonged period. This paper discusses terrorism in the USA.
- Domestic Terrorism in the United States Domestic terrorism involves acts that threaten human life and violate a country's criminal laws to intimidate civilian populations or influence government policies or conduct.
- Impact of War, Terrorism, and Crime on National Security The tragic events of September 11 served as a shocking demonstration of the toll that acts of violence such as war and terrorism can exact on the security of a nation.
💡 Essay Ideas on Terrorism
- Muslims’ Treatment After Terrorism Attacks
- Climate Change and Cross-State Islamist Terrorism in Nigeria
- Effective Strategies Against Terrorism in Modern Political Science
- Problems and Solutions Regarding Third World Terrorism
- Federal Terrorism Risk Insurance Analysis
- Canada’s Dual Citizenship and Dangers of Terrorism
- Nexus Between Organized Crime and Terrorism Groups
- International Political System, Supreme Values and Terrorism.
- Bomb Vacations: The Impact of International Terrorism in the Travel Industry
- Globalization and Immigration in France the Fight against Terrorism
- Terrorism and the Law: Past and Present International Approaches
- Five Biological Killers That May Be Used for Terrorism
- American Policies That Provoke Terrorism
- French Counter-Terrorism Policy Criminology
- Forensic Science, Crime, and Terrorism
- The Connection Between Terrorism and the Media
- The Relationship Between the Growth of Globalization and Radical Islamist Terrorism
- Islamic Fundamentalism and Islamic Terrorism
- Protecting America From Terrorism
🎓 Simple Research Topics about Terrorism
- New York Health Care Needs for the Current Terrorism
- Justifying the War Against Terrorism
- Options for Biological Terrorism Attacks
- Fighting Terrorism Without Invading Privacy
- Countering Terrorism With the Help of Information Technology
- Middle Eastern Conflict and Terrorism
- Democracy, Foreign Policy, and Terrorism
- Terrorism and Its Relationship With Natural Disasters
- Combatting Terrorism and Extremism in Bangladesh
- Proportionality Principle and Counter-Terrorism
- International Organised Crime and Terrorism
- Battling Terrorism and the Importance of Government Surveillance
- Ethnic Inclusion, Democracy, and Terrorism
- Preventing Terrorism Through Providing Nuclear Security
- Biological Terrorism National Response Planning
- Female Motivations for Terrorism and Gendered Counter-Terrorism
- Egoist and Utilitarian Responses to Terrorism
- New Technology and Its Effects on Terrorism
- Muslim Attitude Towards Terrorism Against the US
- Terrorism and Its Effect on Female Labor Force Participation
- Living With the Impact of Global Terrorism
❓Terrorism Research Questions
- Does Terrorism Threaten Human Rights?
- Can Illegal Immigration Lead to Terrorism?
- How Terrorism Affects the World?
- Does Income Inequality Lead to Terrorism?
- Does Immigration Increase the Risk of Terrorism?
- Can the US Prevent Future Acts of Domestic Terrorism?
- Can State Commit Acts of Terrorism?
- Does Islam Promote Terrorism?
- Does American Foreign Policy Cause Terrorism?
- Does the Media Promote Terrorism?
- How Are Counter-Terrorism Plans Developed?
- Can Foreign Aid Dampen the Threat of Terrorism to International Trade?
- Does Terrorism Reduce Life Satisfaction?
- Does Economic Growth Cause Terrorism in Pakistan?
- How Do Government Agencies Combat Terrorism?
- Does Terrorism Still Need Mass Media?
- How Did the Terrorism of the Middle East Develop?
- Does the Media Encourage Terrorism?
- Can Democracy Stop Terrorism?
- Does Income Inequality Derive the Separatist Terrorism in Turkey?
- How Does Terrorism Affect the International Tourism Industry?
- Does Higher Education Decrease Support for Terrorism?
- What Is the Best Way to Combat Terrorism?
- What Is the Real Reason Behind Terrorism?