📝 Teaching Research Papers Examples
- Difficulties Learning the English Language English has long become the primary language for most countries. As English grows in importance as a global language, so does the dependence of people on it from across the world.
- Language Learning Through Pushed Output Learning a language is an interactive process, which can be accomplished through various strategies. The pushed output is one of the approaches that can be applied to teaching a foreign language.
- Social Gender Equality Between Men and Women Social equality especially on gender is one of the areas that have been studied and presented in various views and theories ranging from the feminist to religious.
- Al-Ghazali Philosophy Al-Ghazali philosophy was focused on the concept of God and his relationship with the world and his creation.
- Teaching English Language in Saudi Arabia Kindergarten This research will primarily explore the significance of integrating English in Kindergarten, which have started emerging in Saudi Arabia, in both private and public schools.
- Second Language Learning: Motivation and Attitude' Role This paper focuses on the role of motivation in learning English as a second language among Arabic native speaking learners.
- ESL Learners' Spoken and Written Language There are many challenges in teaching and learning a second language. Mastering English as a foreign language presents a number of difficulties, especially for adult learners.
- English Teaching: Chinese Students Cultural Differences The focus was on determining how teachers can overcome cultural issues especially the influence of the first language which limits the ability of foreign students to learn English.
- Teacher Cognition in English Language Teaching This paper examines the role of teacher cognition in English teaching and learning and discusses the current situation concerning Arab language teacher cognition.
- English Language Learning in Early School Learning English has become the United Arab Emirates (UAE) educational priority in the latest period due to political, economic, and social reasons.
- Language Learning: Critiquing Teaching Observations In teaching and learning of language, learning strategies enable the language teachers identify areas of weakness of their students.
- English Linguistics, Grammar and Other Concepts The concept of linguistic determinism implies that people are capable of exploring the world around them depending on the language that they use.
- Technology Teaching Design for Advanced Math Learning The study indicated that the positive effects of the technologies in learning mathematics increase with time as the proficiency of the teachers’ use of technology improves.
- M-learning Technologies in Education Mobile or m-learning refers to any type of learning that takes place when a learner utilises learning opportunities that are provided through mobile technologies.
- Media Technology to Support Classroom Instruction The study looks at factors playing a central role in influencing the adoption of new media technologies in high school teaching. The research is based on the case study of a California school.
- Education Policy: Information and Communication Technologies This paper discusses the concepts of policy, education policy, and reviews major issues concerning ICT in education policy in Australia and Pakistan.
- Online Training Courses for Saudi College Teachers One of the challenges that come with the new trends towards online learning is the new opportunities it presents to change traditional learning mechanisms to suit the environment.
- Technology-Based Learning in School Settings Technology-based learning objectives are important for a school and there are several ways in which it can be encouraged in school.
- Online Learning and Teaching with Technology Online learning occurs when the student and instructor are separated. Due to a variety courses in the online learning, students are able to study in their preferred courses online.
- Technology-Based Education and Learning Outcomes This study evaluates online and computer-based education and its impacts on the education system with respect to student satisfaction and learning outcomes.
- Mobile Learning Technology in the UAE This paper discusses trends in using mobile learning technology in the UAE with the focus on its advantages and disadvantages for the teaching-learning process.
- Interactive Whiteboards in Teachers’ Perceptions Some of the concepts introduced under IWBs are new to most of the teachers, and they find it challenging to adapt.
- Educational Technology Issues This paper aims to determine literature and determine the influence of emerging technology usage policy on teachers.
- Smartboards in Saudi Arabian Primary Schools Smartboards and IWBs are already widely used in Saudi Arabian schools. They have made it possible for schools to transition from the traditional way of delivering course material.
- Information Technology in Saudi Arabia' Education This essay analyses the application of ICT in the education system of Saudi Arabia by examining policy in terms of origin and issues that arise from the adoption and implementation of ICT.
- Learning, Practice and Technology in Education Teaching is all about human interaction, although it, sometimes, occurs in large classrooms and might not entail individual communication with the faculty members.
- Educational Technology: Modern and Future Trends In this paper, the concept of educational technology is explored with specific reference to its social, historical and philosophical foundations.
- Learning by Incorporating Handheld Devices This research studied the incorporation of handheld devices from teachers and experts’ prospect, exploring the same concept from students point of view.
- Qualitative and Quantitative Research in Education Qualitative research explores underlying ideas, opinions, and motivations. Quantitative research is used to generate numerical data for different statistical functions.
- E-Learning Programs in Saudi Arabian Universities This paper attempts to explore the delivery of e-learning programs in Saudi Arabian universities. In addition, it aligns past research materials with the aim of the study.
👍 Good Teaching Essay Topics to Write about
- Mobile Devices and Applications in Learning Mobile devices have positive and negative impacts on learners while used as learning tools. Mobile applications determine the usability of devices to the student.
- Educational Technologies in Teaching and Learning Educational and instructional technologies may look like interchangeable because both of them imply the necessity to combine an educating process and technologies.
- E-Learning and Teaching Online In the context of modern education, E-learning has become one of the important concepts drawing the attention of theorists and academics.
- Innovative Technology in a Teacher’s Practice This paper discusses the context of the requirement by examining the empirical data and identifying whether the absence of training affects the implementation of emergent technologies.
- Use of Multimedia, Electronic & Computer Technology for Education Process and Instruction: The Role of Teachers The use of audio/video equipped devices based electronic equipments will keep the development of the learning tools in accordance with the requirement of digital world in which the students are residing.
- The Role of Computer in Education Essay This essay focuses on the role of computer in education. It explores the benefits of computer and explains the importance of its proper use by students.
- History of English Language in American Education English started being taught in American institutions as a second language because of wide usage and although it was initially viewed as the American native language.
- Teaching Mathematics. Computer-Based Technologies. In using computers to teach mathematics, a strong link between computers and teachers has emerged. Mathematics teachers were the first teaching computer work in schools
- Information and Communication Technology in Schools Information and Communication Technology has a high impact on education system. The use of ICT in schools has increased dramatically and this trend will continue to accelerate.
- Animals in Research, Education, and Teaching Kind words from the scientific community that is sadly lost upon the cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies that continue to experiment on and test their products on animals.
- Teaching Methods: Rounding Decimals Fractions can be written in the form of decimals and need to be expressed well to the nearest required decimal, such as the tenth, hundredth among others.
- Buddhism: Teachings of Buddha The teachings of Buddha are found in the Dhammapada and clearly states that if these laws are followed people will have peace and happiness.
- Islam in Today’s World This paper describes the true teachings of Islam and doctrines that are followed as well as explaining the pillars of Islamic faith.
- The Impact of Technologies on Higher Education This article plays a prominent role, as it demonstrates factors affecting the successful implementation of technological advancements in higher education.
- Technology Integration Ideas in Education Integration of word processing programs in class ensures that lower-grade students have basic information on how to operate a computer, making work easier for them.
- E-Learning in the Academic Industry This research proposal presents a literature review that focuses on the factors responsible for the growth of e-learning in the education industry.
- Genetic Disease Diagnosis, Screening and Treatment The emergence of genetic-based diseases has prompted medical practitioners all over the world to put more focus on the diagnosis, screening, and treatment of these conditions.
- Sociolinguistic Competence of EFL Students English plays a very crucial role in the international scene as far as communication, education, trade, and world peace is concerned.
- Communicative Language Teaching The use of the English language as a universal mode of communication has continued to increase at a rapid rate across the globe, specifically in developing countries
- Teaching Languages Other Than English With extensive use as the formal language in many countries all over the world, the English language remains one of the most influential languages in the world.
- The English Language in Saudi Arabia The place of the English language in the world has changed among other languages which are considered national and international.
- Major Ethical Issues on the Code of Ethics This paper discusses major ethical issues on the code of ethics: ACA, AMHCA, and ethical concerns highlighted in ASGW Best Practices Guidelines 2007 Revisions.
- E-Learning Readiness in Intermediate Schools in Al-Madinah The paper aims to find out how ready English language teachers and students of Intermediate Private and Public Schools in Al-Madinah are to use the new technologies.
- Sex Education: Developing Healthy Attitudes Toward Sex This essay states that sex education will change attitudes toward sexuality, reduce problems, and have a more significant impact on adolescents' awareness.
- Methods of Teaching Articles in the English Language Previous research on English grammar articles has identified various effective teaching approaches and methodologies for the articles.
- Theory and Practice in Language Studies The target form is compounds that focus on the different words that can be difficult for many people. Compounds can cause comprehension challenges even to native speakers.
- The Five Pillars of Islam and Its Major Teachings The Islamic traditions are founded on the pillars of declaration of faith, prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and pilgrimage. They teach the obligations of Muslims to their faith.
- The Impact of Social Media as a Part of Teaching Techniques The paper analyzes the impact that social media can have when used as a part of teaching techniques for kindergarten teachers in Saudi Arabia.
💡 Essay Ideas on Teaching
- Ten Faulty Notions About Teaching and Learning
- New Technology and Its Effect on Classroom Teaching
- Blind Special Education Students, Teaching Methods and Concepts
- Elementary School Science Teaching
- Motivation, Attitude, and Belief Competency Toward Teaching Programming
- Advice for Teaching High Functioning People With Autism
- Diabetes Prevention Lesson and Teaching Plan
In this paper, the teaching plan will be elaborated to help the community people affected by the diabetes problem improve their health status. - Professional Organizations and Impact of Teaching
- Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attitudes About Inclusion Teaching
- Promote Communication for Teaching Assistants College
- Learning Philosophy and Teaching Philosophy
- Advance Organizer Teaching Procedure
- Balanced Approach and the Impacts on Teaching Literacy
- Managerial and Teaching Competencies
- Community College Learning and Teaching
- Distributed Leadership for Learning and Teaching
- Deductive and Inductive Teaching
- Multicultural Education and Culturally Responsive Teaching
- Strategies for Teaching a Criminal Justice Course
- Adventure-Based Learning for Teaching
- Availing Rural Schools Facilities and Teaching
🎓 Simple Research Topics about Teaching
- Professional Standards for Teaching
- Collaborative Teaching and Inclusive Education
- Cross-Cultural Pragmatic Perspective for Classroom Teaching
- COPD Teaching Plan and Its Impact on Healthcare
- Crisis Counselling: Teaching Counseling Microskills
- Classroom Teaching Versus Online Teaching
- Non-Teaching Credit Courses: Analyzing the Marketing
- Metaphor-Based English Reading Teaching
- General Objective Teaching English
- Elementary School Students and the Teaching of Math
- Learning and Teaching Resource Evaluation Function and Significance
- Communication and Teaching Components of Communication
- Planning, Delivering, and Evaluating Teaching Session
- Elementary School Teaching and the Effects of Government Regulations
- Professional Development Plan for Student Teaching
- Assessment and Teaching Strategies That Can Help Support Students
- Team Teaching: Teaming Teachers Offer Tips
- Primary School Art Teaching: Job Description, Duties and Requirements
- Children With Dyslexia and Strategies for Teaching Them
- Best Teaching Practices for Diverse Learners
- Learning Styles and Their Influence on Teaching and Learning
❓Teaching Research Questions
- How Do ESL Teaching Benefits Students?
- Does Prepping for High-Stakes Testing Interfere With Teaching?
- How Does Student and School Background Impact Teaching?
- How Has Technology Changed Teaching and Learning?
- How Has Technology Affected Teaching?
- Does Teaching Load Affect Faculty Size?
- How the Digital World May Influence Teaching?
- How Can Technology Improve Teaching and Learning?
- What Does Teaching for Social Justice Mean for Teachers?
- How Can the Cell Phone Improve the Process of Teaching?
- How Technology Enhances Teaching and Learning?
- Does Intensive Mentoring Improve Teaching?
- How High Stakes Testing Interferes With Teaching?
- What Are the Strength and Weaknesses of Mini Teaching?
- What Did You Learn About Teaching From the School?
- How Can Teaching Assistants Implement a Unit?
- Does Performance-Based Pay Improve Teaching?
- What Does Quality Teaching Look Like?
- What Constitutes Good Teaching?
- How Does Culture Affect Teaching and Learning?
- Are Schools Promoting Sex by Teaching It in Schools?
- How Have Computers Influenced Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century?
- How Does Diversity Influence Teaching Styles and Classroom?
- What Should Every Economist Know About the Evaluation of Teaching?
- How Can Reflection Develop Teaching Practice?
- How Might Teaching About Discipleship Affect the Life of a Christian Today?
- What Cell Phones Are Really Teaching Your Child?
- Are Ipads Appropriate for Teaching?
- What Is a Teaching at the Right Level?
- What Factors Influenced Your Decision to Pursue a Teaching?
- How Can Visual Aids Help When Teaching a Foreign Language?